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Fantasy King and prisoner of war (me/PumpkinKat)

She giggled nodded, snuggling into him more, if that was even possible. “Thank you.” She said simply, looking up at him and placing a kiss on his cheek.
He blushed brightly but returned the kiss on her cheek pressing his lips deeply against her cheek. Thank me for what for offering breakfast he laughed and petted her in his arms
She blushed and giggled at his kiss, feeling her whole body warm up. “Yes, for even deciding to feed me.” She confirmed, thankful that he was even doing any of this for her
He smiled rubbing her back gently. You looked like you hadn't had a decent meal in a good long while plus you were already near death from the cold and i didn't have the heart to decapitate you. Kisses her forehead
She smiled softly. “You still could have.” She leaned into him and yawned. “I know you won’t hurt me but I still appreciate that you have been so kind to me.” She said, drawing circles on his arm.
Oh really wow well it's nice to be appreciated around here because I have a thankless job. Having you around will be very much a welcome change. Giggles at her drawing circles on him. Hey I get it sometimes it's hard to show your true feelings or appreciation it's okay kisses her nose. Someone is still sleepy I see
She shook her head. “Not sleepy.” This was of course supported by another yawn. She giggled and looked up at him. “What do you have to do today?” She asked, hoping it wouldn’t be a lot so that he could spend more time with her.
I think it's past your bedtime and you need more sleep sleepyhead kissed her forehead tucking her back underneath the covers. I don't have to do too much just relocate some funds to a village on the outskirts to make sure they have food and other necessities and that's about it really. In the meantime you need sleep
“Nooooo” she whined, “not sleepy!” She insisted. She was tired but she wasn’t going to admit that. Siris pouted and shook her head. “No sleep. I’m not tired!”
Your body and body language say different. Puts finger on your mouth. No whining be a good girl and get some sleep. The sooner you sleep the sooner you can see me again. Caresses her face gently squeezes her cheek tenderly. I know a certain sleepyhead who woke up too early
“Hmph” she huffs but gets comfortable and gets on her side, still facing him. “I didn’t wake up too early.. you just sleep in late.” She sassed, sticking her tongue out at him.
He chuckled grabbing her tongue tugging on it playfully petting her head. No sass he said looking sternly before starting to hum to her sitting next to her on the bed
She blushed and pushed his hand away. “Meanie..” she mumbled, listening to his humming and slowly falling asleep. She soon was softly snoring, her mouth slightly open and her hand holding onto his pants.
He giggled at how fast she fell asleep and smiles delightful at how adorable her snoring was. He kissed her hand and softly removed it making sure she was snug before quietly departing to do his duties for today
Siris continued to sleep, snuggling into the blankets and moving sometimes. She rolled over and clung to a pillow like it was a person or a teddy bear. She mumbled in her sleep, having a conversation with herself.
He made sure that the villages had food and other necessities granted that meant he had to cut food and water to other places in half but there was a severe rain storm on the horizon and he felt like he needed to distribute the to the most needy places. After 4hours he was done
Siris slept in that time, staying asleep and squirming. She was having a bad dream, a nightmare almost. She clutched the pillow, a few tears slipping down her cheeks as she whispered a quiet “no” over and over.
Leo gingerly shook her awake after wiping tears from her eyes. Hey Siris you was having a bad dream do you want to talk about it he asked stroking her hair tenderly
She woke with a start and flinched at his touch but once she realized it was him, she hugged him tightly. “Bad men..” was all she said, hiding in his chest as she had been doing recently.
Hey there there it was just a bad dream wrapping arms around her tightly against his chest. You have a cute snore by the way
She nodded and relaxed in his arms, letting him engulf her. She giggled and blushed a little bit. “Thanks” she replied and rubbed her eyes.
He rubbed under her chin cradling her in his arms. How did you sleep aside from that nightmare I mean. Are you well rested or do you need to sleep more he giggled
Good because I'm free he whispered in her ear kissing her cheek tenderly while squeezing her against me massaging her back
“What should we do then?” She asked, a soft smile on her face, blushing as red as a tomato. She was completely relaxed against him, sighing in content.

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