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Realistic or Modern Prison for Women

I,Naomi have been stuck in this cell for over 2 years. I don't know when I'll get out,but I seem to be stuck in here with another girl. Her name is Lucy. The moment I saw her,I hated her. We haven't spoke. Actually,I haven't spoke since I got in this hell hole. I just want to get out.
(Please submit a character before posting.)

Ella struggled against the guards as they took her to her cell. She was fighting them so much, her hands had to be cuffed behind her back and her legs had to be restrained.

"Please!" Ella screamed. "This is a mistake!"
(Sorry,I'm new,don't know much about this site)

Naomi watches as they take Lucy out her cell and throw Ella in. Surprised,Naomi gets closer to Ella. Speaking for the first time in 2 years,Naomi whispers "Hey,you alright?" Helping Ella off the floor.
Naomi kneels down and whispers "I won't hurt you. I promise. I'm harmless." Naomi gently helps up Ella,knowing she must be fragile.
"It's ok. You don't have to speak till you want to. I won't force you to speak." Said Naomi,rolling up her shirt sleeves. As she rolls up her sleeves you see many scars going up her arms.
"Just a battle with myself." Naomi says as she looks down at her scars. "Been battling myself for years. Almost died from it."
"Nice to meet you,Ella. I'm Naomi. Naomi Walker." Naomi says in a 'James Bond' kind of way.
"I assume you're in here for murder? Or...assumption of murder?" Naomi says,staring at the ceiling.
"I'm so sorry to hear that." Naomi says,putting her hand on Ella's. "I'm here to protect you now...most likely what your boyfriend would have done if he was here. I'm now your servant." A collar appears around Naomi's neck. It's black lace with a black bell attached to it.
"It appears when I've chosen a master. I'm a cat." Naomi said as Ella looks into her cat-like eyes.
"Yes. I was one of the five experiments. We were all normal humans. Then someone kidnapped us and experimented on us. There's a rabbit,dog,cat,deer,and mouse." Naomi said,staring into Ella's eyes.

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