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Fantasy Primum Movens: Open!

Alas! I have finally returned from my vacation travels, and am currently in the process of catching up on everything that's been occurring in my absence. I'll try to post again as soon as possible, but of when that may be I cannot be sure.
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@MLAQTS Huzzah, welcome back!

For the OOC the most important thing are the (two, I think?) announcements which you...might have already read.

And the IC, of course, though there's still time for you to slip into Day 2's morning session. Or whatever. So far it appears we have a "beach" group and a "square" group but there's also going to be the princess (and by the way, two new characters join, @Namie with Hayato, Prince of Greedo, and @Olissa with the princess) who will be around and we don't know where Buras and Kiefer will end up yet.
@DemonKitten It's understandable, everyone has their own lives, too. So far your level of commitment has been fine, I think. After all you were our first player, haha. So just do your once a week post, try and read announcements, I think you got it.

Also since Greedo will be a joint effort between you and @Namie (and anyone else who wants to step in) maybe it won't be as much pressure. You lucky ducks.
@The Succubi Queen Yeah we were actually planning to write a post for each group for scene setting / give you guys more specifics on what you have to work with but life keeps trying to break my knees so all my effort has been in escaping it.

But anyways, I'll try and get to that tonight I'm just so-- I just wanna post in my RPs. Without a trillion disasters happening at once.
Pretzel Heart] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22831-the-succubi-queen/ said:
@The Succubi Queen[/URL] Yeah we were actually planning to write a post for each group for scene setting / give you guys more specifics on what you have to work with but life keeps trying to break my knees so all my effort has been in escaping it.
But anyways, I'll try and get to that tonight I'm just so-- I just wanna post in my RPs. Without a trillion disasters happening at once.
I believe in you- I'm throwing all my good vibes your way rn
Rapror Augustine] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22499-pretzel-heart/ said:
@Pretzel Heart[/URL]
By the way you missed changing Camilla to Evalyn in the day one summary just thought I might point that out.
Thank you, I will get to that now.

Edit: Or not, because my schools shitty shitty wifi system that I hate has somehow invaded my phone like a damn virus and keeps putting random blocks on my ability to click things on this site.
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My mother in law used to have this 'checker' on her internet. It went kinda far in blocking stuff at times. Just one word that, if you removed the excess letters, it could mean something provocative in our language but with the other letters combined it was a perfectly normal word in English (and a non existing one in the other language) meaning whenever I was at her place I couldn't check half the stuff I wanted/needed to as a staff member back in the day. Very frustrating (thank goodness she doesn't have that anymore)

I wouldn't be surprised if a school would have some form of a checker on their internet to prevent certain words from being accessed?
I apologize deeply to @The Succubi Queen for holding you up; it was a hectic week for me filled with lots of stuff, and although I meant to post I didn't end up managing my time correctly to be able to do so. However, now that I have some time off there will be a post within 24 hours, sorry again to keep you waiting!
ParadoxalPaladin said:
I apologize deeply to @The Succubi Queen for holding you up; it was a hectic week for me filled with lots of stuff, and although I meant to post I didn't end up managing my time correctly to be able to do so. However, now that I have some time off there will be a post within 24 hours, sorry again to keep you waiting!
It is not a problem! My motto when it comes to this stuff is "Real life comes first" Don't stress too much about getting back to me- you should be afraid of the GM's than me. :P
@The Succubi Queen Come now, the GMs aren't that terrible. The worst we can do is bring you to our dark altar to sacrifice you to our mysterious Gods. They help us replace RPers if we bring them enough souls.

@ParadoxalPaladin But it's okay, this has been a terrible week for the GMs as well and since @wizard nibblers has been ignoring me (I'm calling you out, can you see this? This is a call out :P ) and she's the one in charge of sending the warning messages...well I guess that means there are a few people who got off easy. Though I think I will be archiving some characters today.

This is my one free day this week so I need to make it count. :'D

Back again already!

So, today's big news is about the brand new 'Notes' tab. For those good children who responded to the last announcement, there was a mini poll asking for input on the best way to share ideas for world building and discussing those between all RPers. And the results seemed to be overwhelmingly leaning towards a 'Notes' tab. I wrote up pretty much anything important on there, so go ahead and feel free to type out or even just copy over anything you think might apply. For those who haven't started thinking about their countries, you can see what other people have done to get the gist of what we're sort of going for. And yes, you can literally copy-paste things from PMs. I know I will.

Ideally we will have a much greater understanding of things by the time we head into Day 3.

Also, important, if you know for a fact that you just flipping hate world building and want nothing to do with it or whatever, please tell the GMs. That way we can work on creating your country for you. Otherwise it will just never get done, and that's kind of problematic. :0

Speaking of GMs and problems, sorry for being slow in getting back to people on their areas (because this past week sucked). However, know that originally the plan was to write a GM post explaining in more detail (than the little blurbs on the 'Lore' tab) about where you are and what's going on around you. Totally not because I'm used to GMing tabletops. Anyways, those will be coming shortly so you can get an idea of what you have to work with because, as a reminder, you are not allowed to leave your area unless given express permission by a GM. This is to make sure the story flows smoothly and we can press on to Day 3. If it makes sense for you guys to move somewhere, then we'll allow it. We don't want like one group drinking tea while the other goes on a ten day quest though, you know? That sort of thing.

So far the groups seem to be:

-Samba Square: Naomi, Asuran

-Rumba Beach: Helbrecht, Nelly, August, Yuki, Hayato

-Waltz Lake: Olympia, Avery

-Castle: Evalyn, Kiefer, Buras, Felix

-Unknown: Rien, Klaus, Luciano

@Spiritdancer , @The Succubi Queen , @ParadoxalPaladin , @wizard nibblers :

So, this is what I'm thinking for Klaus and Luciano. They basically spent the night being lost in the forest, so they're gonna wake up and potentially we can have them show up at Waltz Lake, if that jives with your plans, Spirit. Then the four of yea can head over to Samba Square to join Naomi and Asuran for the second half of their date. Sound good?

@Beowulf :

I'll respond to you with Kiefer, but other than bumming around the castle did you have an idea of where you wanted to go? Since Kiefer will be there until the Princess shows up, your character is more than welcome to join him.


Welcome back from your vacation, but now we gotta know what your plans are for Day 2.

@DemonKitten , @Namie :

If you all are going to the beach, better get yourselves over there.

@FelixWrightwind , @Olissa :

I know yah'll are waiting for the GMs to continue. This is entirely our fault for holding you up (well, okay, technically it's Felix's own fault he got thrown in prison, but yea) so give yourselves a cookie or something for waiting haha. But hang tight and know that help is on the way. By Day 3 hopefully everyone will be able to join up again for adventures together. As far as the Princess goes, at least, there will probably be a short Day 2.5 scene where peeps will regroup in the evening so that Replacement!Evalyn can get introduced to the bachelors. We'll work on that as it comes up.

On a sadder note, unfortunately we had to archive two characters today, Alexander and Adalbhert. Both can be revived if their respective players ever return, I suppose. But in the meantime this means that we are once again short one Representative, and will be searching for one pronto. If you know anyone who might be interested in the Sea Republic, bring `em on over. I mean, Sea Republic is pretty cool, right? Bloody history and all.

To continue a discussion brought up in the last announcement, perhaps I need to be a little more clear. It's great, awesome if you all have plans for your characters. However, if you do not notify the GMs what you are thinking, we can't help you or build future plot arcs in accordance with those plans. That's kind of what I was getting at.

And yes, I would like to once again underline the importance of plotting with your fellow RPers. We've got 30 IC days to work with here, it's a long time. Lots of potential. Lots of fun.

Although it hasn't been implemented yet, I'm also hoping that once RPN updates we can use the "important post" feature to keep these announcements accessible and organized instead of getting buried in the OOC.

So that's about it. Head on over to the 'Notes' tab to post ideas, and stay swaggy. B)

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I wouldn't mind going to Samba Square, roleplaying with myself was definitely not what I had in mind. I was wondering if I could help in some way with the world building of Saint Lyon? There is already a decent amount of information but do you want me to develop it further or work on something else? Anyhow, it'll be exciting to think up character arc for Olympia, will notify you guys once I'm done.
@Spiritdancer Yeah no one likes to RP alone in the corner haha. Euthalia and Lepumir are going to be more GM-controlled than some of the other places, but if you and @Olissa wanna go at it you are more than welcome to try and talk about Euthalia and whatnot. We are always open to new ideas, after all.

And looking forward to what you come up with!
Instead of taking a cookie while I wait, I'll give you one instead ;) energy from cookies does always help to brighten it all up
Now that I don't have to reply while in a hurry before having to get out of the train (and losing free wifi) I can say I'm here to plan and plot and whatnot. Still confined to a tablet, so I won't be writing whole lengthy works of art, but I'll do what I can.
Just to be sure- I can essentially just copy/paste the history I sent you, making edits based on changes we decided on in our PM? Also, I have a few plot things I want to implement, but I'm kind of trying to dance around them, because they're kind of a secret that Naomi wants to keep from essentially everyone.
[QUOTE="The Succubi Queen]Just to be sure- I can essentially just copy/paste the history I sent you, making edits based on changes we decided on in our PM? Also, I have a few plot things I want to implement, but I'm kind of trying to dance around them, because they're kind of a secret that Naomi wants to keep from essentially everyone.

Yup, copy paste is fine.

I was thinking more of an idea dump to start, then we can get more into discussion and whatnot.

Hmm sounds interesting. But yeah, whatever you don't tell the GMs we can't work with you on, you know? Though we are constantly plotting for things as they come up as well. So it's like, we don't want to seem like we're only plotting for our characters, but they're the only ones we know.
[QUOTE="Pretzel Heart]Yup, copy paste is fine.
I was thinking more of an idea dump to start, then we can get more into discussion and whatnot.

Hmm sounds interesting. But yeah, whatever you don't tell the GMs we can't work with you on, you know? Though we are constantly plotting for things as they come up as well. So it's like, we don't want to seem like we're only plotting for our characters, but they're the only ones we know.

I was planning on telling you two once I had a more clear idea of what I wanted- but it will likely involve some other characters, so I want to make sure I have more of a clear idea- I might just idea dump for now, rather than rewrite my history to include a bunch of details

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