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Fantasy Primum Movens: Open!

@Unwavering Knight I think technically he could join at any time since he's not from the main party....actually might be better for him to wait for the opportune moment to strike. We want to see where people are going so we can try and make sure we are getting some sort of plot development / interaction going, too.
Pretzel Heart]We will be doing some organizational stuff tonight (or tomorrow if I'm as wiped as I was getting back last night) and hopefully will be able to get [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/28991-felixwrightwind/ said:
@FelixWrightwind[/URL] his NPC post.
Lip smack

[QUOTE="Unwavering Knight]While sometimes it can be a bit long-winded, far more often you manage to build up a great atmosphere with your style and makes for a comfortable read.

I agree, it tends to happen when I write and then realize when I read it through :P Thank you for that!
@Unwavering Knight

Writing at this moment

Edit:and posted sorry if it's not that good I had to finish it on my phone so let me know if there are a few things that need to be improved

@Pretzel Heart

Welp so much for that idea. though I think the idea of August heading out there a little before Helbrecht and Lin leaves me with a little more room to work with. Also I have a bit more of an excuse to incorporate his horrible luck like this(I think).
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@FelixWrightwind , @DemonKitten , @Beowulf , @Unwavering Knight ,

I'm not saying you guys didn't read the last announcement, I'm just saying we have no proof that you did.

And listen, this is for everyone. These 'announcement' things are always here to provide you with important information. I don't type them up because I like to. It's because in here is what is most needed to pay attention to in order to help Primum Movens continue to great. We don't want to be those GMs and have to start policing everyone, but there is a lot of reading involved in this RP, that's why it's 'Detailed,' you know? So please try and keep on top of that. Especially with World Building becoming increasingly important, there's going to (hopefully) be a lot more interaction and reading going on than just IC RPing. That's also why Day 2 is going to be a little less plot-packed than some other days, because we want to focus on tying together as many loose ends as we can before we press forward. Think of it as the calm before the storm, haha.

As far as 'Updates' go...

*I have replaced every instance of 'Camilla' in this RP that I could find with 'Evalyn' because it helps me sleep at night (save for in the posts of the person who originally played her). If you see a 'mod' has edited something of yours, that's the reason why.

*The 'Lore' tab has been slightly adjusted, but as we get deeper into World Building I'll continue to search for a layout that I think suits our needs best.

On the topic of 'World Building'

Several of you have sent us PMs with budding ideas and questions, which is really great. This sort of format works well for certain kingdoms, since they are in isolation or there's only one person sort of responsible for them.

However, as many of you will have noticed, there's a lot of areas that seem to call for a more inclusive, interactive format. Such as discussing countries' historical relationships, or things that cross national lines such as religion and beliefs.

Our question for you, then, is what do you think would be the best way to discuss these ideas? We have the 'Dischord' chat, my personal favorite, though rather un-lively as of late. I can also request a separate 'Tab' such as 'Notes' or some such where people can go post questions and ideas (outside of OOC chat) and build off of one another that way. Then once things are settle we can organize them and move them to 'Lore' in an easy to navigate format, ect.

If you have read this announcement, please comment on the OOC with your preference for World Building talks, whether it be one of those or a new idea entirely.

Finally, I'd like to discuss a bit about the plot.

As many of you know, @wizard nibblers and I started this RP with a general sense of story in mind. Ideas, things we want to see happen, secrets to uncover, mysteries to unfold, that sort of thing. Of course, as this is an RP, things have continued to change and mold over time, and various players have contributed most excellently to our story.

As it is now, as GMs, we can obviously predict and control our own characters and have some leeway when writing posts to that effect. Because of that, it is fairly simple for us to consider their relationships with each other and how they will impact the plot we have planned and continue to write.

But I have a feeling that this might also come off as unfair. We don't want too much focus on any one character or player, after all.

That being said, I guess what I would like to propose to you to try and think about what kind of plot arcs you'd like to see your character develop. We want to challenge you to push them, to perhaps build histories and conflicts between them and other characters. From the beginning we sort of imagined this RP as one of political intrigue, so competition and goals, betrayals and alliances, those are all things that can come into play to "raise the stakes." I mean, just look at the tools we have at our disposal: Warring nobles all with conflicting political and personal aims, an information broker, a mercenary, a thief, a desperate knight, a potentially all-powerful magical being...there's a lot of clay to work with here; the conflict can practically write itself. But we don't want to abuse our power as GMs and force people into anything, but then again we don't want to deny people of potential excitement, either, by always using our own characters for plot development instead of someone else's. And just think, the more pressure we create between the Roserasian characters, the more interesting interactions we can (hopefully) coax from the 'Replacement Princess,' who has just been blindly thrust into the center of it all.

So come to the GMs if you feel like you want your character to be more deeply involved in some way. And don't be afraid to try and build things with your fellow RPers. Communication is swaggity, yo. It's right there in da Rururules.

Primum Movens is both plot and character driven, so it's up to you whether you want your participation to be more reactionary (as in replying to whatever the GMs and others give you), or proactive, as in actively contributing to the plot. But I think it will be more fun the more proactive characters we have.

Of course, as in any RP, some of this may come about organically. But as the responsibility to provide said plot is largely in GM hands, we don't want anyone to feel left out. And I, at least, am always excited to see what you come up with.

On a more personal note, now that classes have begun for me I have a bit of a stricter schedule I need to adhere to. It's only been a few days so I'm still trying to see how things will play out and where my free time will be, but at the moment it seems I can only guarantee time for this RP on Wednesdays and weekends (which, you know, is also when people IRL want to plan stuff with me). But that's why we have two GMs, so hopefully everything will continue to run more or less smoothly.

Also, everyone's 'theme songs' so far have been great, and thank you for posting them. :D

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@The Succubi Queen , @ParadoxalPaladin

If it's only the two of you who end up at Samba Square, perhaps we can have the two newbies (Klaus and Lucci) run into you there? It would be a bit later on, but it's a possibility.

@Rapror Augustine

Whatever is fine, yo. But do you have an idea about how you want to interact with them?

@Lady Ravenshade

I love your posts (then again I love everyone's posts). But don't feel like you have to hold back, you know? After all, I will remain the most selfish RPer here, so you don't have to feel bad about getting carried away.
naw, you're a legend of a gm, you are. Maybe selfish but also a great RPer~ ^-^

I've a feeling it'll all those creative juices'll be leaking out of me by the end of this RP hehe, I think my writing will improve lots more too, thanks to all you guys.
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To reply to the announcement: At the moment Evalyn's main growth arc is to become more sure of herself in social circles, and not just because it's 'only a fairytale'. There are plenty of other plots I could think up but I'll figure those out as things go along. At the moment I know she will be very much reactionary as opposed to taking charge of her own situation. (Which I do hope to change as well as time goes by.)

As for where to discuss stuff like world building, I am willing to partake in either option, a notes tab or chat. I know, that doesn't help much in making a choice, but I haven't been very active yet so I'll mostly just sway towards the direction of the majority till I have more of a personal foothold in this all.

In the meantime I'm going to reread some stuff in the IC. There was something Kiefer said somewhere page 4 or 5 that I need to verify.
[QUOTE="Pretzel Heart]I'm not saying you guys didn't read the last announcement, I'm just saying we have no proof that you did.

But I both mentioned it in a comment and gave it a hype cookie. Is that not proof?
@Lady Ravenshade

I know, right? I mean, I love to see my progress and try and push myself to improve...

So let's work hard together. ;)


Sounds good. If anything yours has the biggest excuse to be a 'reactionary' type character, but looking forward to how she develops as things move along.

@Rapror Augustine

Hmm okay. Well some sort of conflict will be good for your group, so we'll see what happens.

And please PM us your ideas.


Well, there was a small test in the last announcement to check and see if people were reading everything. I just noted those who have shown activity without passing that test.

But don't worry, you're not on any sort of naughty list. Just a small, 'please be sure to read everything carefully' list.
Ai, A notes tab would be brilliant- I'm not the biggest fan of how discord is run, and isn't RPN abandoning it? On another note, if any of you want to add my on skype, feel free to; I'm pretty decent about replying on there if you ever want to IM in some form.

I've kind of been hinting at some major plot stuff with Naomi- but I'd love to see and plot stuff with people on a more long term scale.
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Notes tab, I personally like the idea. Or we can all be in a pm and throw ideas around in there. I think the first one I said would work better though.
@Pretzel Heart Oh, just something about him being afraid he got caught, a brief, easy to miss notion about this world not being aware of doppelgängers. Stuff like that.

Just as Succubi Queen, should anyone be interested in talking more via Skype.

GAH I keep getting 'unexpected error' messages making it near impossible to write anything in reply.
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I thought the Discord chat was quite convenient, it's a shame the chat died down a bit ): I'm willing to give the Notes tab a try. If everyone wants, a Skype group could work for a plotting and planning as well.
Alright, so I requested a 'Notes' tab because I think that's just an easy way to keep track of things while including everyone. We'll still use the PM for questions, concerns, and "secret" information (obviously no one should post anything like that into the 'Notes'). It will be like a second OOC, except only for world building.

I will make an announcement more about that when it arrives.

Unfortunately I do not like Skype very much so I won't be using it, but of course anyone who wants to to discuss ideas with each other it would be welcome and encouraged. B)

@The Succubi Queen Yes it appears that RPN has shut down their Dischord forum but @Lady Ravenshade we will still have our own personal forum that we'll check from time to time and maybe discuss things in. Let's see how the 'Notes' tab turns out.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

And I keep getting the errors as well...weird.
Eh, maybe the site is just having a little bit of difficulty. Or had, as I haven't seen any error messages since I last posted.
I do not chat as much since I am also a moderator and controller of my own roleplays so I apologize. I'm also back in school as well and I end up with usually over 10 notifications a day. Saying that, I try to get them all but sometimes I miss them and renotifiying me in a few days would be helpful to. I'm sorry I'm not as chatty as everyone else. I try to stay involved in this roleplay as much as possible.
@Pretzel Heart I'd be interested in some sort of notes tab for doing some world building, just because Discord seems to be more oriented around lots of short posts which I'm personally not a huge fan of.

For character arcs I've got a couple of ideas that I'm going to have to choose one of. Whatever way it goes, it'll be fun!

(Also, I'd be happy with the newcomers tagging along, the more the merrier!)
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