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Fantasy Primum Movens: Open!

Rapror Augustine] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22499-pretzel-heart/ said:
@Pretzel Heart[/URL]
Speaking of things like that. Did we ever work out all of the problems with my character or are we still figuring that out? Just curious considering you put my name down in that last detailed post you made yet I don't have a like on my CS.
You are entirely correct in pointing out my inconsistencies lol. But yes, you have been accepted and are free to post, but there's still work to be done on the katana idea. Which can be gotten to presently.

I'll be giving you the official low down alongside our other newcomer once my computer stops being a flaming popsicle stick and I inevitably give up trying to sleep.
[QUOTE="Pretzel Heart]You are entirely correct in pointing out my inconsistencies lol. But yes, you have been accepted and are free to post, but there's still work to be done on the katana idea. Which can be gotten to presently.
I'll be giving you the official low down alongside our other newcomer once my computer stops being a flaming popsicle stick and I inevitably give up trying to sleep.

Sleep is for sheep. That's how communists gain power. Do you want the communists to gain power?!
@The Succubi Queen Hey thanks, that sounds great and I really like that idea and from what I read about from the posts and Hayato's history, it feels like he would be doing some official business and then from there meeting up with the group. I can still run into Naomie as a beautiful anchor but Hayato's first priority with be finding Aiko ASAP.

As a side: If I do that, I think I'll go read Naomie's posts more throughly until Pretzel is finished getting beauty sleep and has his info up.

So...heheh...heheheheh...my timing must be terrible for as soon as my Internet was fixed the site went down for the rest of the evening. So I just kind of flipped one to technology and curled up with a nice book and hot cocoa. But now we're live again, so, without further ado....

-Best Professor Farnsworth voice- Good news everybody!

We have a very special announcement in store for you today, so buckle up and get ready for lots of information delivered through obscure musical and television references. Cause we've got magic to do, just for you. And a heck of a lot of reading as well.

Due to various people (GMs included) being on break and whatnot, we've taken it rather slow for the past few days. But that is all about to change. As of this moment everyone is once more getting a clean slate on the posting chart, meaning that as of today, April 2nd, the post warning system will go back into effect for all.

@MLAQTS is the sole exception since he's asked to use his Get Outta Jail Free Card for the month.

This also means @Yandere Aqua has one last chance to save their character from being Archived. And we do hope all is well with you and you are able to find a way to return. :)

More exciting news, we have finally located ourselves a Prince of Greedo, played by wonderful newcomer @Namie ! Which means that, yes, after all these months of waiting and clawing and bumping threads.......we finally have each and every Representative! Whoot! Go us!

Unfortunately...now is the part of our story that gets a little bit sad.

On the way to the Promised Land...

We lost our very lovely Replacement Princess. Who is.......kind of entirely crucial to the plot.

Originally we thought we had someone who agreed to step up and take the role, but now she is unable to do so. Which leaves us with a whopping huge vacancy that kind of needs filling. While Wiznibs and I are on the case, we would be very grateful to any of you who could see it in your hearts to try and reach out to someone you think might be interested in the part. Or suggest someone for us to reach out to. It's kind of tricky, because as much as we want need a Princess, we also want to make sure it will be someone who can post frequently and participate in OOC world building and plotting talks. It would honestly be fantastic to have someone who can stick the landing on this one. And, I mean, who doesn't want to be a princess? With all these delightful princes and princesses?

In the meantime, the GMs will be taking control of the role, but that also means she won't exactly be very active (because it's not so exciting, the prospect of just RPing with ourselves, plus leaving flexibility open to whoever takes her over). Since the RP is still (relatively?) young, perhaps this isn't a huge issue, but it's one that will become increasingly apparent and deleterious to the plot as time rolls on.

So Mission: Find A Replacement Replacement Princess is now top priority! -Cool superhero posing-

With that out of the way, back to the exciting stuff. -Especially exciting if you read the word 'updated' in your best John Cena announcement voice-

* The calendar in the 'Overview' section has finally been updated!

* The summary for Day 1 on the 'Updates' tab has been updated! (If there is anything I missed or got incorrectly, please notify me and I will fix it. No request is too trivial!)

* Three brand spanking new characters (Hayato, August, Buras), have been updated!

* Falkor and Holwood's sections in the 'Neutral Characters' tab have been updated!

*A typo incorrectly listing the winners in the sample competition on the 'Mechanics' tab has been updated!

*Explanation of 'starting ranks' in the 'Mechanics' tab has been updated!

*'Last Practice Day' has been added for every eligible character in the 'Mechanics tab!

*Though it will not affect any of you (already being in the RP), rules about character applications have been updated! (Basically making it clear that we are not accepting any more Witch-related or "other worlder" characters unless you have damn good plot ideas for them, and stressing reading everything before applying. Reading is very important.)

*Characters who are 'Archived' now have a marker in their Character Sheets and have been placed inside a 'Spoiler' for easier scrolling! (Amazingly we've had an excellent retention rate for this RP so far, so thank you once again for all your hard work and dedication)

* And for those of you who haven't read it yet, or who already have, my last NPC post has been re-worked a bit, so if you could kindly take a look at that, it has also beeeeeen updated!

And that's not all, folks!

In the coming days we will be pushing for some major world building. The pressure will fall largely on the "royals" for each country, but everyone is invited to join in. What's this? You hate world building and want nothing to do with it? That's okay, too! The GMs will be more than happy to step in and help out wherever's needed. Though we thought it's much more fun if you have a chance to think about it for yourselves rather than just having us feed you giant globs of text like paper into a shredder, right?

Special thanks to @The Succubi Queen for already getting a huge head start with an awesome detailed writeup on the Marine Kingdom.

As we work through this exciting process, the countries section on the 'Lore' tab will be completely revamped to include all the amazing stuff you guys come up with. So please look forward to it!

More news about that will be coming shortly, but if you want to get started thinking about it, please do so. Cause it's a`comin.

Slight preview of things we will be thinking about for hype(!?):

-Various "tribes" of Witches with different practices and beliefs and their relationships with each other, the kingdoms, and other species

-Religion (what they practice, how it has developed over history, and how it varies between individuals, sects, and country lines)

-More detailed history of the development of each of the countries

-More information on the age of the Empire and why Roserasia has been relatively peaceful for so long (or ... has it?)

-Cross-species pollution and social implications

-Customs and practices tailored to each country

-Economic information (who is trading what with whom)

-Relationships between the countries (and, of course, their respective heirs)

-Technological developments alongside magical developments

-Education and literacy

-Names of locations for each country (their "ruling Castle/Palace/Fortress/whatever" as well as capital and any other significant landmarks or areas)

-Names of important people (the current rulers, politicians, artists, anyone we can / wanna come up with!)

-Implication of portals and cross-world contamination (why is portal magic so understudied and forbidden?) (Is there a reason why all the months have the same name? Or was Pretzel just being lazy? Or maybe he just wanted to like not confuse people with terms or something....)

-The magical 'dark arts;' What are they? Who practices them? And what is the deterrence from studying them?

So yup...there's going to be a lot. But hopefully it will be more on the side of 'fun' rather than 'stressful,' right? Right.

On that note @FinalStraw , if you could please design a Crest for the Sea Republic, that would be a great start. All of the crests people have come up with so far are listed in the 'Countries of Roserasia' section on the 'Lore' tab so you can kind of get a feel for what we're going for here.

Alright, so if you made it this far and read through all the Updates, I'd like you to go ahead and give a 'rating' (like a Hype Cookie or whatever) to the very first IC post. The one that says "Preparations are Underway." Not cause I'm farming for ratings, you can delete it later or whatever I don't care. We're just thinking to give a small test to see who reads these very important Announcements and stuff. But since you're all good, GM-fearing children, you're reading them anyway, and this will be a piece of cake, won't it?

Just a few last things here.

If anyone noticed, I added songs to both my character's profiles. Why? Because it was required for another RP I'm in so I spent a day going through a million and one old soundtracks and stumbled upon these numbers that I thought fit my characters here pretty well. A few other people incorporated "Theme Songs" into their CS's, so I thought "Why not?" Does anyone else have a song they feel strongly associated with their character? I think it would be kind of fun to see what you all come up with. Sure it's dorky, it's just the right amount of dorky. BB)

I'm actually something of a music buff / nerd myself, so adding a "musical" aspect to this RP has long been a goal of mine. Though I'm also crippled by OCD, so spending hours picking out songs for every post would probably not work out very well, lol. Still...don't be surprised if you see a "Press Play" incorporated into an NPC post at some point..........

And finally, for anyone who has read Klaus's profile, you'll note that he's a super friendly guy who loves pen-pals. If there's anyone who has an interest in writing that sort of friendship / relationship between our characters, please hit me up!

Actually I've been meaning to push relationships between the Representatives. It makes sense to me that they would at least kind of know each other, being heirs to all their respective kingdoms and whatnot. So I think that would be fun to think about as well.

Thanks for reading all that, I know it was a lot! I mean, I was the one who had to type it! Haha...hahaha.....

But we really appreciate everyone's dedication to the RP (I know I know, we always say that. But it's never any less true. The fact we've gotten this far is honestly...surprising. Especially when we put up this RP during a time where everything we joined died or was just dead on arrival. It's been a long journey and far from perfect, and you guys deserve so much credit for pushing us through. We hope for only good things to come! Oh, and also, this RP can't die. Literally. Like...you may not know this, but by submitting your CS you actually agreed to an ancient ritual that put us in direct control of your souls.

Just saying.

Stay classy,

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@Namie and @Rapror Augustine

If you can check your characters' information in the 'Character Information' table in the 'Character Sign Up' tab as well as on the 'Mechanics' tab, let me know if there's anything to be changed. As noted in the previous announcement, the is now a summary in the 'Updates' tab as well for you to read. Since Hayato is staying in Waltz Castle, he can show up at breakfast and introduce himself normally. In your opening post, however, please be sure to include a small explanation of what he has been doing up to this point (to explain his absence).

For August, I imagine he'll have to run into one of the parties once everyone has split up. We have some people going to Samba Square, otherwise it is still unclear. You can write a post "planting" your character once we figure out where he can go to interact with the others, and then find some way for him to get involved with the main party and their event.


Sorry for the long wait. >0> ;

For your character, he can either be trying to speak with the King and therefore heading to the castle where he will join up with the "main party," (he will be unable to see the King at this point, since the King is currently planning to speak to Princess Camilla), or like August, he can plant himself somewhere where he can stumble into them.


So...quickly here (not tonight because I've done enough flipping work on this RP for one day and there are things I do need to attend to once in a while, like my sanity), we will write an interrogation scene with your character. While Holwood and Falkor were not there to see Felix during the original scuffle, they will both be able to recognize his disguise from this point out, since he's already transformed. After the investigation I imagine Felix will be released, and depending on how long that takes you can either join one of the other parties or can wait till Day 3 to get yourself involved.

Lemme know if you have plans / ideas.

And....I think that's about all for that.
@Pretzel Heart @wizard nibblers You guys are fabulous, thank you so much for keeping this role play alive and doing so much for us. Without it I wouldn't have anything to look forward to every day *cries* Eeee, I cannot wait to search for a theme song for Nelly. Time to scroll through my spotify playlist >.> it'll be so fun.. Here's to many more wonderful days of role playing snobby royals and talking animals!~

Thank you, thank you, thank you. <3
^^ I second that! @wizard nibblers @Pretzel Heart Both of you are truly the best GMs anyone could ask for, and I'm really grateful for all the hard work and dedication you put in for this role play. This has definitely been one of the most exciting and enjoyable role play I have participated in, and I owe it all to you guys. Thank you so much!

On another note, I'm really sorry that I haven't been posting, as I too have been on holiday. Frankly I should have notified you all beforehand, but it slipped out of my mind in the midst of last minute arrangements. On the plus side, I won't be missing out on the second day! I'll probably have a post up by the next day or so. Thank you again, and @wizard nibblers happy belated birthday!
Pretzel Heart] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/28286-mlaqts/ said:
@MLAQTS[/URL] is the sole exception since he's asked to use his Get Outta Jail Free Card for the month.
I wish I had a Get Outta Jail Free Card, too .^.
Oh gosh, My written lore is super off from a lot of things that are on the lore page, my bad, I will have to rework a lot of it, whooopppps

Also, if Naomi had any interact with Royals before, it was probably either with Luciano or Keifer- Galleria and Nezzie would have been their trade partners- so those are the only sensible royal friends she might have.

I'm also scouting around a bit for a possible Replacement Princess amongst my circles- so maybe we'll have some luck on that end.
@wizard nibblers[/URL] and I were coming up with Galleria and Rameria's histories we originally thought that Marine and Galleria might be close buddies. Thinking that perhaps Galleria helped them off the Continent when they were fleeing from the Empire, and that Marine's backing was what helped Galleria mantain its autononomy against Ramera.

Stuff like that. IDK I'm very tired, but food for thought.
[QUOTE="The Succubi Queen]Oh gosh, My written lore is super off from a lot of things that are on the lore page, my bad, I will have to rework a lot of it, whooopppps
Also, if Naomi had any interact with Royals before, it was probably either with Luciano or Keifer- Galleria and Nezzie would have been their trade partners- so those are the only sensible royal friends she might have.

I'm also scouting around a bit for a possible Replacement Princess amongst my circles- so maybe we'll have some luck on that end.

I read it and liked it :P

I guess some of the stuff was a little inconsistent with what we have (even I don't have it all straight lol) but the only stuff that really jumped out was how involved they were with Roserasia. If there was anything that didn't run parallel with "canon" that you really wanted to keep, we can change the lore a bit as long as it's not stuff that's important or tied into a bunch of other stuff (and this goes for everyone reading- you're allowed to challenge us on stuff as long as it's not deeply involved or important and you know what you're talking about, and we do have final say just so we can keep everything consistent and tidy)

Also I should write up a history for Galleria before I jump into plotting >>
[QUOTE="wizard nibblers]I read it and liked it :P
I guess some of the stuff was a little inconsistent with what we have (even I don't have it all straight lol) but the only stuff that really jumped out was how involved they were with Roserasia. If there was anything that didn't run parallel with "canon" that you really wanted to keep, we can change the lore a bit as long as it's not stuff that's important or tied into a bunch of other stuff (and this goes for everyone reading- you're allowed to challenge us on stuff as long as it's not deeply involved or important and you know what you're talking about, and we do have final say just so we can keep everything consistent and tidy)

Also I should write up a history for Galleria before I jump into plotting >>

I'm perfectly cool with talking a bit and adjusting lore on either side- I just kind of had this fun idea in my head and ran with it, and then I realized it was a bit far from the lore. Any adjustments either way would be really great- and I'm glad you guys liked my ideas.
Sorry I'm late to the huzzah. I'm on now, was taking a break since last time I tried to obsessively be on rpnation for the day it ended up being down.

I've already read the main part and I'll get to checking the other stuff then begin writing my post.

@Pretzel Heart

On a second note I'm going to add this in here: POSTED~~~ I tried my best to a least decently explain why Hayato was out and his attitude towards formal events and political things at the same time. (Which was a hoot. Did lots of retyping) BUT let me know if there's something inconsistent or if I missed a tidbit or a bigbit.
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Writing now should be done tonight(it's going to be nothing major, just August entering Saint Lyon for the second time in his life)

Edit:I knew it was going to take me a while but I didn't think it would take me this long, also @wizard nibblers @Pretzel Heart feel free to criticize it however you see fit it might help me to make improvements to my writing style latter down the road.
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I will post again either today or tomorrow. I was waiting until everybody had a decently fair chance to post.

Prepare yourselves ;) lol
Love is such a cruel thing. The beloved just takes so long to appreciate all the care and hardship put into murdering everyone around them for their own protection!
[QUOTE="Unwavering Knight]Love is such a cruel thing. The beloved just takes so long to appreciate all the care and hardship put into murdering everyone around them for their own protection!

Are you playing Yandere Simulator?

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