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Fantasy Primum Movens: Open! (Looking for Rebels!)

Alexander Keyston: In Conversation

As Alexander was waiting for his newly acuainted friends to reply he heard a female voice pop up and looked to where it is.....now he wouldn't lie if he said he wasn't looking at a water goddess at all, because that's what she looked like aquatic blue eyes, beautiful black hair, and skin that was flawless his eyes would have melted if she was even more beautiful. "Thank you whatever powerful being is up there, for putting me with all these beautiful ladies" he thought as he looked around the room real quick to see all the women and shivered a little.

When he was pulled back to reality by her question he blinked a little out of all the people in this world she was the first one to ask that, not even the oba-chan that was at the first village he stayed at for a while didn't ask that and she was a dotting grandma. Well he couldn't make up a lie for this and say it was a necklace since it now where resembles it so he might as well tell the truth and blow their minds a little at headphones and loud ones by the way so Alex took off his headphones and his IPhone that he just charged a little bit ago with his Omni-Tool. He turned on the IPhone showing a picture of an Armored core from Armored core Raven series and went to his music saying
"Well these things that were around my neck were something called Skull Candys...they're and old brand but they are still pretty loud. And the rectangular device in my other hand is called an IPhone and connects to the Skull Candys and play music from them" he said as he played "Don't you dare forget the sun" by Get Scared through his headphones on half volume and the people around him could hear the music clearly.



Answered: @The Succubi Queen

Mentioned: @ParadoxalPaladin @Unwavering Knight @Lady Ravenshade
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Helbrecht's gaze remained frozen, no movement in the entire armored form as his hidden view methodically analysed Alexander's exposed flesh. The man's sinews were wiry and undulating, the microfibers of the cloth wavering with the leisurely movements of the bone and cartilage. By all accounts a human within standardized perimeters, yet outfitted with items and materials the knight had never seen before.

Then the contraption that exuded a peculiar arrangement of tunes and notes. Fascinating, even more as there was nothing magical about it.

"I do not presume to speak for the others, but I will gladly answer any of your questions, so long as it is within my power. I must admit to having many curiosities about all of your homelands as well."
A confidence-driven voice came from the Marine Princess, momentarily causing the knight's focus to switch from Alexander to her. Lavish and upright, she was a bombastic sight even among the gathered nobles.

"Home... land..." His voice rumbled with pronounced slowness "... the Quest began in Lepumir. It was cold and the path was obstructed. I dug upwards until I was free and began the Journey." He looked back at Alexander "State your questions."

Addressed: @Yandere Aqua @The Succubi Queen

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Nelly Lin

The blue-eyed woman spoke then with poise and grace, she even blushed gracefully! now, that spurred something inside of her. Something that might be labelled as jealousy except the wolf-girl wouldn't know it because she rarely felt. She is, she does, she was, she dons a mask which hides a hollow surface, scratch it and what do you find? more surface. The mask stays where it ought, Nelly's had lots of practice, it is fashioned from the most impeccable marble, it is built from her stone heart.

One thing she did know was that when Witches become envious things won't turn out all peaches and cream.

You must never underestimate the power of words, it is a weapon which twists in to your side and takes time to heal, it may also backfire. One must practice words with great dedication. One must use it carefully and that is what the girl of sea foam and pearls did. Guilt crept with deliberate steps and oozes off her like swamp muck, Nelly hated how the scent lingered.

"You've no need for an apology! I ought to have chosen my words more carefully and I wouldn't have objected if I had known more about the history of your Kingdom, I'm afraid I lack the knowledge to speak as eloquently as you do about your hometown," her hands fly with calculation, she hopes she sounds reassuring as guilty as she is.

Friends!? Obviously, this woman was ready with buckets as the guilt started to pour, she was practically drawing it from the wolf girl's very being.

"I imagine we might get along wonderfully," Nelly manages to speak without a stutter and what was even more startling was that she followed up with a beam, the girl may have been glowing as she flushed a brilliant color. It was good she could point a finger at the liquor she had consumed only moments before.

The Princess before her now devotes her attention to the new arrival and voices Lin's exact thoughts.

Alexander explains how the invention works using vocabulary she hadn't ever heard uttered before, but the Witch could more or less grasp the concept.

This tune was something fresh to her ears, strangely enough she could not pick out any sort of instrument in it's melody, the girl frowned. There was a voice that his machine produced and it intrigued the youth. An image of a minuscule person trapped inside that box emerged in Nelly's head. What a poor thing she thought.

[Addressed: @The Succubi Queen

@Yandere Aqua]
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Alexander Keyston: In Conversation

Alexander couldn't help but chuckle at how they responded to the headphones and phones he couldn't wait for reactions on how he explained nuclear fusion and warp space drive.....wait that would be bad he dosent want to freak them out and think he is insulting them or doing something against their religion so he will take it slowly unless someone latter on will ask questions or work with him which he will gladly agree to, especially the the plumbing in this world. As he got out of thinking a minute he started to speak "Well that's not all the songs, I have around over 3,000 songs on my phones memories ranging from classical to heavy metal....you guys wouldn't like the heavy metal at all. And good sir I'll take you up on that offer, and later on I will answer any question as long as personal details stay a secret alright" he said the last part with a deep seriousness putting more emphasis on that last sentence. But right after he started to grin like a mad man and acted like he never said something serious in the first place.

After he got permission on asking Helbretch questions he started thinking on what to ask him,
about his personal past? Naw sounds like he didn't want to talk about it or does not remeber. About what his lady looks like? Maybe he will ask that as a secondary question. Oh! What about his armor and what's under it? He almost forgot about that one in total. So he opened up with his question "Alright Mr. Helbretch I have two questions. First off how does your armor not crush you under its sheer weight? It has to weight at least 350 Pounds based on the height and how bulky it looks plus all the weapons you can't a normal human would die from the sheer weight!!" He said in a ecstatic voice as he was getting hyped up. "Do you have some type of weight distribution mechanics in it? Oh! Or are you like Alphone from full metal alchemist where you are just a spirit put inside a armor to make a walking armor!?! Or are you a human hybrid with another species with superior strength and height" he said more ecstatic and got closer to the tower of metal that was a night before he coughed and calmed himself down.

"'Cough' Sorry, Sorry I got a little to excited they're and I have one more question. What does the appearance of you Lady look like because I'll try to remeber every detail and keep an eye out if I'm ever traveling." He said in a way calmer voice like he knew what it was like to lose close ones which in his case is kind of similar.

Answered: @The Succubi Queen @Unwavering Knight

Mentioned: @ParadoxalPaladin @Lady Ravenshade @wizard nibblers

"The armor reaches a combined weight of seventy-three pounds." came the knight's gravelly voice before his torso abruptly straightened, pushing the chair back as he stood up to turn his entire form towards Alexander, showcasing his entire towering, steel-encased form. With a motion akin to a twitch, the knight's right arm shot towards the side, claw-like fingers rigidly stretching out in presentation "A conventional suit usually weighs fifty to sixty. Adjusted to the wearer, the plates are fastened across the body with simple belts, distributing the weight evenly to allow full range of movement, from simple running to advanced maneuvers such as dancing. With proper preparation and maintenance, silent movement and ambushes are also possible."

Not a single flash of clothing let alone flesh other than metal was visible even from up close, the material simple steel. No ornament, no decoration, no marks of any known smiths. A careful eye might have noticed a number of spots betraying the wear and tear of the elements, as well as traces where weapons had clearly penetrated, all covered up with careful maintenance and repair. Though conventional and featureless, the way the individual plates were each adjusted perfectly to the knight's form like a second skin did not allow for a derogatory term like 'simple' to fit, but rather matched the definition of efficient.

The outstretched claw suddenly clasped shut with an unnerving screech of metal, hand balling into a fist "As to what I am..." His voice trailed off for a moment, outstretched arm slowly sinking back to his side "Why, I am of course a knight." He answered with certainty "A knight am I, thus I am no spirit. A knight am I, thus I am no hybrid. A knight am I, thus I am strong and tall. Self-surgery concluded that skin, flesh, muscle, organ and bone rest beneath the plates."

Safe in his logic, Helbrecht seated himself again, the wood of his chair giving a threatening creak beneath his armored weight, helmeted gaze starry "The Lady is light. The Lady is warmth. With the Lady, a knight can find his haunting face, to light his precious flame." The knight turned his gaze away, seemingly looking at nothing. Silence reigned for growing moments, before he added with a remarkable edge to his ugly voice "... it has been long since I last beheld my Lady."

@Yandere Aqua
Asuran Dorix

After Alexander's question, Asuran fell silent for a moment, hearing the "music" that was played. At the sound of it his face fell into a grimace, its grinding tones horrifyingly loud to his ears. Hearing Alexander describe all the other songs his magical... device, whatever it was, held, he immediately lost all interest in hearing anything else the boy had with him;
death metal sounded more like a type of witch's curse than any sort of music he knew, and Asuran was absolutely happy with staying completely ignorant to it.

Being told the music wasn't magical was obviously a ploy. It was unsurprising an enchantment as powerful as that would be one that would be likely to be kept secret, although he would've thought that Alexander was smart enough to be less obvious with it. However, the fact he'd never heard of such a spell was odd, especially considering Wright Academy's placement within his very own lands. But then... could the spell be one that was self-created? Such a spell could never come from a human, though, so...
that it was it. Alexander must be in alliance with some witch or arie -perhaps a member of the rebellion? Maybe a singular being looking to obtain power from what it learned of the ball? This is something I must prepare for... Asuran though to himself as a closing idea before pulling himself back to the present.

Returning to Alexander's calling him Asura... it bothered him, more than he'd like to admit. It reminded him far too much of the changes made to the names of children, to make them "cuter" or some nonsense like that. However, as much as he disliked it, Asuran knew that any outright hostile response would be the wrong one in this situation, especially if his suspicions were correct, so he needed to stay at least mostly neutral.
"Apologies, but it is my personal preference to go by Asuran, although I have no doubt your friend was one of high moral character."

Wherever Alexander came from would be an important source of information, so as Asuran heard him agree to answering the Knight's questions, he filed it away in his head to be around for when that happened. "As for questions, I take no issue with them, although I, like the Knight, am interested in the land from which you came."

As the Knight explained his armor, Asuran turned to give him his full attention. Actually inspecting the armor from up close for the first time, he was surprised to see that its plating was seamless, and covered even those parts of the body that smiths had as of yet had great trouble incorporating into armor without reducing its maneuverability greatly. Helbrecht's response concerning his "Lady" was a cryptic one indeed, as it seemed he was referring more to some sort of worshiped figure instead of a human. Seeing that he seemed reluctant to give a straight answer about the Lady, Asuran decided to ask further into his armor. "What master smith forged your armor, Sir Helbrecht? It's joints and coverage of areas such as the back of the thighs surpasses any workmanship that I know of. It also has no visible branding from steel workers I have contact with."

@Unwavering Knight [spoken to]

@Yandere Aqua [spoken to]
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Alexander Keyston: In Conversation

Alexander looked at Asura as he replied gently saying he would rather be called Asuran, well couldn't blame him he was a noble and he looked like a stuck up one like his friend was about his particular anime saying Dokuro-Chan was the best anime magical girl pfft we all know Aikawa Ayumu even though though he is a guy that got magical girl powers on accident it was still funny as hell watching it. As he was thinking a light chuckle could be heard from him as he thought of that male zombie teenager dressed up as a magical girl fighting monsters with a pink chainsaw, in fact it looked like he was about to blow from laughter until he reclaimed his calmness. Than thought of the question Asura just asked him and yes he is stiking with Asura while he thought.

"Asuran I don't mine telling but I'm not going into full detail of where I come from...it's not a thing against you but I don't trust nobles yet because of all the knowledge I have plus all of the knowledge I don't know is in my homew..I mean Homeland" he said catching himself before he let a bombshell loose in the room that would not be pleasant at all in the least. He tried to change the subject by trying to tell the metal fortress of a knight "Ha I don't think I could be a knight since I have no aptitude for fighting my enemy's head on. But I can hit them from far range" he said in a proud way like nothing could get him down, then he just heard his own speech saying he was less physically adept and that put a hole in his ego.

"No worry Helbretch-San I'm sure you'll find her someday just keep motivated, that's what always keeps me going. And if you ever need help just call me up" he said in a happy voice trying to help in anyway possible trying to find a loved one of a friend he just made since he wants to be a good friend. "And Asuran where do you come from and do you have any reason why you guys use the Caste system instead of the Democratic system here" He asked Asura prodding for information. Before he glanced at the female noble that has Saphire eyes for a second or two.

Answered: @ParadoxalPaladin @Unwavering Knight

Mentioned: @The Succubi Queen
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Naomi Marie ThalassaPrincess of the Marine Kingdom
"Eye...fone..." She mouthed the words to herself as the conversation went on, Alexander cheerfully chatting with possibly the two most intimidating men in the room. She vaguely recalled a saying about similar people being drawn to one another, and Asuran, Helbrecht, and Alexander were similar in that they each stood out. All this strangeness was beyond her, and while her curiosity was running rampant, she didn't feel now was the time to satisfy it.

Instead, she turned her attention to Nelly. When the wolf eared girl agreed that they might be friends, Naomi smiled widely, and hoped her agreement was not just a drunken lie. The girl did seem rather tipsy already. "Please, dear. Pretty words are the weapons of those who don't have emerging to say. I'd much prefer you spoke your mind plainly. There is little point to conversation if your meaning is lost in your eloquence. Now, I hope this question is not presumptuous of me, but do you, as a witch, know of whatever this 'eyefone' is? And how can such a small glass hold even a as single piece of heavy metal? Let alone thousands of them?"

She turned towards Alexander, to gesture at his Skull Candy' s (which sounded like sound version of becoming from Faery Stories)- and noticed that he seemed to be looking her way as well. Was he stating at her?

A lovely witch like Nelly and an oddity like Alexander- seemed even the courting aspect of this month was going to be interesting.

"What about you, Lord Asuran? Is necromancy still studied at the Academy in your home? Have you ever heard of a contraption liked a Skull Candy?" The boys seemed more occupied with the daunting knight and his armor, but she wondered about these clearly magical items.

Addressed: @Lady Ravenshade @ParadoxalPaladin

Mentioned: @Yandere Aqua @Unwavering Knight
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Rien Lapine

Evening | At the Banquet

Hearing Nelly's response to his suggestion on the nature of war, it was clear that she had been personally affected, or at least held the issue close to her heart.
Denial of its practicality, thought Rien, the words of one who has seen harm, no doubt. Indeed, I at first also denied any notion that war could be beneficial... but after all this time - there seems to be no alternative. How peculiar, how cruel the world is, we grieve and it continues regardless.

He elected not to oppose her, desiring that no more pain than necessary be brought from discussion on such an inherently painful topic. The words of Asuran soothed him, and he hoped that they would be able to establish tranquility anew. Nelly and Naomi's ensuing discussion furthered his calm.
Tragedies are ever manifest in the world, but they needn't affect us here, Rien reasoned.

A new arrival to the banquet disturbed Rien from his private ruminations. He introduced himself as Alexander Keyston, a name much more ordinary than his appearance would suggest. The fibre of his clothes was extraordinarily fine, and a bizarre contraption hang from his neck, connected to another device in his pocket.

Alexander explained the devices as being "Skull Candies" and an "iPhone" respectively, and said that they were each magical devices from his homeland.
Most peculiar, thought Rien, he says they are of magic, but clearly it is of no magic which I know. Then he realized. They must be otherworldy, he reckoned, no magic of this land could produce such a device.

However, it was clear from Alexander's words that he for some reason did not wish for others to know about the nature of the devices, so Rien decided to speak subtly.
"Apologies for interrupting, our dear Princess Naomi, but I don't believe that these devices are the product of any magic, either witch or arien. Alas, I cannot speak on their exact nature, nor do I think anyone in this room can besides Mr. Keyston himself." He threw a subtle wink at Alexander. "But at least from my studies on the magical arts, no magic is able to produce such devices. Certainly, the aim of magic is not to accomplish the impossible; such things of which he speak: such a small device containing some three thousand objects, a perfect connection between objects able to transfer information. No, for their utter inconceivability they mustn't be the product of anything magical, for magic can only accomplish what is already at least within the mind of the caster; but is not what is deemed possible only so relative to the realm of that perceiving? Thus I can say nothing of these devices, but that surely they are not of magic, unless the caster is of some realm far beyond, a powerful caster who imagines and creates things beyond even our conceptions."

Then, turning to the owner of the devices, he said,
"So, Mr. Keyston. It seems that we yet know naught of the realm from which you hail, far off it must be indeed. Similarly with you it must be, knowing nothing of ours. I know not why you have come here, and nor shall I implore if you prefer not to divulge of such things. Surely though we may become great friends; I've always been quite a scholar, and it seems that in one like yourself lies a vast reservoir of knowledge. Those here too can surely satisfy your own curiosity of the land; you seem also to possess quite a probing mind. Agony and allure are ever manifest, especially now in a time of much turmoil; and with them shall come much angst and despair, but also satisfaction from the appreciation of being. I grant my welcome therefore, where ever you hail from. Certainly your stay here will be enjoyable, as you explore whatever gains your interest, and perhaps more, by the fluctuations of situation."

Rien smiled slightly at Alexander, hoping his welcome would be well received, but knowing all the while that there may be many difficulties to come due to their differences; it was clear that Alexander's experiences far surpassed his own.
He's at least visited other worlds... Rien recognized, who knows what a great magician this boy may be. Or perhaps he's even from one such world. His smile wavered slightly as he apprehended the true intricacy of his own situation.

Addressed: @\[size\=4\]The Succubi\[/size\] Queen | @Yandere Aqua

Also in Conversation: @Lady Ravenshade | @ParadoxalPaladin | @Unwavering Knight

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Asuran Dorix

As Asuran listened to the conversation, he heard a tiny detail Alexander had let slip while he was talking, almost as an afterthought: he was a ranged fighter. However, looking at him Asuran couldn't understand how that could be true. He carried no bow -although that was to be expected at such an event as this- but he also did not seem to have the upper body muscles required of a man if he were to draw a bow of any reasonable draw weight, although Asuran did have to acknowledge that his long sleeves made it harder to tell. The only weapon that could've fit Alexander's profile would be a sling of some variety, and even then it was a questionable match.

However, before he could ponder that any further the Princess of the Marine Kingdom began speaking to him, asking about his knowledge of necromancy within his kingdom and this... skull candy that Alexander wore around his neck. As he opened his mouth to speak, though, Rien answered the question for him mostly, and put forward some highly interesting insights into the nature of Alexander's peculiar items.

For one, it seemed Asuran's original insight as to their nature was highly incorrect, and although he didn't like admitting when he was wrong, in a situation such as this he would defer to Rien, who, as an Arie, was obviously likely to have far more knowledge of it than he would. And if that was true, than Alexander's reluctance to speak of wherever he came from must go far past idle distrust: there must be something more to this that he had yet to realize.

Before pursuing that path, however, he decided it best to deal with a question he had a concrete answer for, and turned to face the Marine Princess. "Although, Princess Naomi, Rien has likely answered the main piece of your question, the answer for the usage of necromancy within my realm is a complicated one. Although some who practice it exist, it has become mainly a taboo study, and there are no remaining teachers of it within Wright Academy, and it has mainly died off."


Nelly Lin

As the Knight spoke of his Lady once more he provided Nelly with the image of a man lost, lost in his own loneliness. But after all everyone was lost in some way, so was she. In the madness that was the world. It was almost as if Helbrecht held an obsession for this Lady and the hesitation in his explanation as to what exactly he was, it disturbed her.

When was the last he had abandoned the enclosure that was his helmet.

Whilst the conversation between the three men ensued, The Marine Princess had captured her in an exchange.
"You present a practical point, I do find it is a pain to decipher the tangle of words in which some communicate," there is an amused drawl to her tone as she glances sidelong at the bluest of blood who's name she had managed to catch as 'Lord Higgenbotham' the girl couldn't help her lips as they quirked ever so slightly upwards in response to the ornate language the lord used. How flamboyant. And then the wolf-girl had a curious thought. Princess Thalassa seemed a sensible woman, what was she lost in?.

Ah, her studies most likely.

The sip of wine she takes does little to mask the strained effort to keep her smile from taking on a cheeky edge as the earthy sweetness of the decent vintage sweeps cool across her tongue.

She listened as Naomi delivered her question
"-I should like to say that I have heard of such a thing..the Eyefone," she admits slowly and rolls the word on her tongue in an attempt to become accustomed to it. The instrument was unlike any sort of magic invention she'd heard of before.

"..Yet it is unfamiliar to me, I question it's viability, I also question it's legality. If not a soul has heard of such a thing as an Eyefone who knows what sort of harm it is capable of inflicting?" the wolfgirl clucks her tongue against her teeth as Mister Keyston mentions the three thousand ballads stored in that machine, she pondered on whether the little men had shifts, it'd be rather wearing on the hands and the voice to be playing song after song. Especially the ones this strange man listened to.

[Addressed: @The Succubi Queen

@Yandere Aqua @Unwavering Knight]
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Alexander Keyston: In Conversation

Alexander was listening to the coversation between the people until someone named Rein joined in, Alexander had to admit that Rein was flipping wise as hell like dang it's like he has a major idea where Alexander came from like damn how much experience did this guy have. And the way Rein kept doing those gestures to him it made him feel like he was being violated across from the, but it's not like he hasn't had problems with sexual predators but they weren't male!!! And he could have always called the cops in his own world but that didn't really apply here since there is no police station even remotely in existence which made him whimper a bit slightly, at least the thought of Rein not thinking of him in that way made him a little calmer he just really hoped He wasn't like that because he wasn't ready for a male confession....hey it wouldn't be the first and it's probably not going to be the last one two.

"Heh so it's nice to meet you to sir Rein, well my origin in these country's are indeed questionable and my headphones and the rest of the things I have is the most questionable but as a fellow scholar I will be gladly to help with anything from making simple things to making cures for diseases I will help, besides I have to have some connections here or I won't get that far in life" he said with a gleam in his eyes thirsting for more knowledge as he leaned back in the chair thinking of something for a minute before he pulled out his phone saying, "And I know you guys are not that interested in I am glad I have Motzart and Beethoven, they are not my favorite but they are relaxing" man when Alex admitted that he felt like he died a little on the inside a bit.

"And Mr. Rein you were correct about the non magical aspect, but the things my 'Magic' can resemble the aspects of yours or go way over it depending on what your doing but they are evenly footed if you use them with enough grace and elagance like a dance or painting." Alexander said trying to look wise stroking an imaginary beard. Besides what he said was true magic and technology could be equal but technology was so expansive that it would overthrow magic and destroy balance among this world again based on the stories he heard. And the war reminded him of when he was brought here by Tin Man which pissed him a little as he balled up his fist a little in a non-conspicuous way. "And about the suffering and anguish for knowledge. KnowLedge is everything except when it gets in the way of love friendship and when it comes to harming people for knowledge that is another subject" he said in a calm voice before turning to Naomi was her name saying "Hello there Princess Naomi my name is Alexander Keyston it's a pleasure to finally introduce myself properly" as he stretched out his hand for a handshake.

Answered: @ParadoxalPaladin @MLAQTS @The Succubi Queen

Mentioned: @Unwavering Knight
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"Aptitude is secondary. Training and practice remedy many weaknesses." Helbrecht replied in answer to Alexander's self-deprecation "To be a knight of Her, one's wish must first and foremost be to serve the weak. It is to realise that with kindness comes naivete, courage becomes foolhardiness and dedication has no reward. Only if one can not accept any of that is one unfit for service." Despite the bleakness of the voice, a peculiar note of stubbornness snaked into the last few words. After a few moments, the knight's starry gaze turned to face Alexander directly "You offer your aid..." he mused, head tilting slightly "Acknowledged. You will be notified."

As Asuran made his inquiry, Helbrecht's hidden gaze slowly wandered across the room with downright mechanical steadiness, even while his voice emanated from beneath the steel as he slowly turned to face the prince "The armor was made for a knight, a knight was made for the armor. I have always had it, for always I have been a knight." With precise suddenness, the steel glance halted directly on Asuran "Is it not like you? From the first moment you remember, have you not always been a prince, made for the throne, the throne made for you?"

It was an honest question. The knight's gaze remained affixed on Asuran as he waited for an answer.

Addressed: @ParadoxalPaladin @Yandere Aqua
Naomi Marie ThalassaPrincess of the Marine Kingdom

Naomi nodded as Rien answered her question- not magic? A realm beyond? She hadn't seen or her of such things in the Marine Kingdom, and she had always thought it to be a rather forward nation, compared to Mainland Roserasia- yet it seemed this rabbit new more of this exotic means than she did. Strange music like that surely could not be of this world, that much was for certain. She felt a little embarrassed to have not thought of it on her own- still, the whole concept did feel like something out a Fairy story, unbelievable even to those one like Naomi, who had spent her youth playing in the streets with witches and arie.

She smiled lightly as Asuran, more an acknowledgment of his answer than a smile of genuine emotion. "I see- I used to hear horror stories of people on the mainland who tried to reverse death- they always ended rather tragically, of course, but it is a bit of a shame to see the death of any science, however morbid- are you a student at the Academy, Lord Asuran, or do you practice other arts?."

One of her eyebrows raised in reaction to Nelly Lin's statement- Naomi was more interested in how the contraption was possible more than it's morality- but it was a good point. What if the functions of the device where based in some system even more morally dark than necromancy? She was about to voice her thoughts when Alexander began to speak, explaining that his told were not actually Magic, but something akin to it. The whole thing seemed to fly over her head, but she understood most of it. This boy was more than a Magician- he was something completely different than them.

When Alexander her out his hand and greeted her formally, she paused for a moment, a quizzical look on her features. Why was he singling her out like that? There were four other people in this conversation, why would he greet her? It could be because of her rank, but Asuran was also a prince (in everything but name), shouldn't he be greeted just as formally. Then it hit her: this was his way of courting her- drawing the attention to her, asking to touch her. It was a little crude, and not very efficient, but still- she could mess with his a little bit like this.

"Oh, please, there's no need for formality, Lord Keystone." She said with the slightest grin. "After all, I would like to think we're all friends here. Just Naomi is fine." She waved his hand away, a mischievous glint in her eyes- maybe this youth would prove to be a great source of fun over the next few weeks- after all, a harmless prank or two on him would not ruin any possible political dealings- right? For now, she would keep this tall, strange man on his toes, see where it led.

Addressed: @ParadoxalPaladin @Yandere Aqua

Mentioned: @MLAQTS @Lady Ravenshade

Camilla Faith Redford


From the black of night, a girl stepped forward, having a smile plastered on her face, but Camilla could tell part of it was faked. But the other part beamed, and radiated hope as well as happiness. Moments later, it struck her. This woman looked identical to herself, having crimson, warming licking flames of hair, and green eyes that resembled grass that was kissed by dew and gifted by the glimmering light of the sun.

Except this Camilla was different.

She was adorned in clothes that (the real, like this century) Camilla thought belonged in a ball of sorts, or maybe a dress-up party, after all, people these days didn't often wear... ball gowns, around at night, to say the least. Despite, Camilla offered a strange, forced and contorted grin in the other girl's direction, hoping to pull up the best social skills she could muster - after all, it felt as if those... 'skills' would be needed with this situation. Camilla already felt uncomfortable, and combined with her horrible socialization skills, she already knew things were heading downhill.

"O-oh, yes. Right. Yep. Okay. U-um, what does me-I mean, what do you need?"

Silently, Camilla cursed and gave herself a mental slap. She hadn't been that bad at talking since like... maybe three years ago? That was an achievement. And now she wrecked it like a truck. A light giggle burst from her mouth at the thought, but snapping back into whatever focus she could, Camilla looked at the other girl's hands, and after a couple moments of starring, managed to lift her gaze up to be affixed on that seemingly perfect smile. Definitely better than any this Camilla could muster.

Attempting to distract herself, Camilla tuned in onto the surroundings. Every couple minutes, you'd hear a roaring engine zoom past, or even a barking one that seemed to pop and burst, sounding like it was ready to break down. The breeze was gentle, yet piercingly cold, and no matter the layers seemed to chill Camilla down to the bone. That same breeze ruffled the lime green leaves that littered the floor, as well as rustled in the trees, some leaves being pulled and slowly weighed to the ground to join their comrades. Otherwise it was mainly darkness, a couple street lights illuminating some paths, but not enough to fully examine her surroundings. Camilla drifted into a state of starring into nothingness, which she often did when nervous... but she totally wasn't nervous!

I haven't been for ages, so I'm definitely not now! No, no, no. No nerves here.

@wizard nibblers

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The princess was rather relieved that her double took the situation so well. She thought maybe she’d be shocked to find her lookalike, running away in horror or outright refusing to help a stranger altogether. Maybe she felt an odd camraderie in their resemblance. Maybe she already knew about the portals? The girl dressed rather plainly, so the princess assumed she was not one of nobility here, although she was rather clean, and seemed to be not starving, so she couldn’t be outright poor (what a nightmare that would be, living in poverty, even if it did get her out of dancing for a month) She also guessed that she worked at the store she'd come out of, considering she was locking up, and the store looked cute, filled with flowers, she could already picture herself spending all day handing out cute little bouquets and corsages just like when she was a child playing shopkeeper. That sounded like a nice time. Gee, this was going to be easier than she thought; she’d be out of trouble in no time! Kip, on the other hand, was no more reassured. To him, the girl looked rather flustered. She certainly didn’t dress like one of nobility, would she know how to act like one? Did she even know how to dance? Oh no, the dance tonight…

“Well, you see, um…” The princess continued, “I came here because we look so much alike, so I’m afraid you’re kind of my only hope here, and, um, well, would... you like to trade places with me for a bit? You see, there’s this month-long ball where I come from, and I’ve been dreading it for years- dancing isn’t really my thing, and neither are many of the people there that I could dance with, well, except maybe one, but he already has a partner and- well... Anyways, this year I simply have to go since I’ve come of age and all, and I’m afraid whoever I end up with will end up trying to talk me into some sort of odd politics, and I’ve never really had a knack for that either- But don’t worry! I’m sure Kip can brief you on that, he’ll help you through everything, everyone knows I’m rather bad at these sorts of things, so it’s not too much of a bother if you’re a bit foreign- This is Kip, by the way.” She gestured to her tutor, floating behind her. Oh yes. I’ll brief her on everything. He thought, bitterly. Leave it all to me. Just run away from your problems and have me clean it up. Now Kip, don’t think so poorly, maybe she will do better, maybe this will be good for the princess, maybe if someone else gives her a head start she can get back on track-

“So, uh, anyways, do you think you can help me? Don’t worry, I’ll take your place too so you won’t have to worry about your responsibilities here, and you’ll have access to all my clothes and facilities at home too, so, um, please?” She finished, a bit out of breath and flashing the most convincing grin she could muster.

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Alexander Keyston: In Conversation

Alexander listened to Helbretches inspirational speech and thought of a old video in his world called Shila LeBauf it was a funny video and he couldn't help but snicker from hearing the lines "JUST DO IT!!!!" over and over again. But like any other quite he took it to heart like any other quote that gave him any meaning and as he waited for the princesses reply he shook his head in gratitude to the Knight. "And no worries about the thanks for the help I'm always willing to help" he said with a smirk.

After the talk with Helbretch for a second and that's when princess spoke up saying he didn't have to go with formalities with her since she thinks that everyone is friend here,
"Heh your right, and I would like you to call me by Alexander or any nickname you would like since I'm a great friend" after saying that he noticed the glint in her eyes and gulped a little he felt like he was looking at a predator right now and he couldn't escape literally because he didn't want to be rude and leave the month long ball and mentally because he felt intimidated by the glint to for some reason. He gulped for a second.

"And miss Naomi I will be glad to having a fun time later on" he wasn't going to go down without a fight on what she was planning so he was mentally preparing himself for what she was going to do and was going through countermeasures to. If he knew one thing he definitely was not going to go down without a fight.(X3)

(Wow this is one of my shorter ones. xD )

Answered: @Unwavering Knight @The Succubi Queen
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Asuran Dorix

"Is it not like you? From the first moment you remember, have you not always been a prince, made for the throne, the throne made for you?"
The Knight's question caught Asuran off guard, and he could almost feel Sir Helbrecht's gaze piercing into him, the lack of ability to see the warrior's face not making the situation any less unsettling. As he thought about it, however, he quickly realized that the question had much more meaning than it might seem at face value.

Have I always been a prince? Multiple of my men have already fought to take what some others may say was rightfully mine, and who is correct in the end is still questionable. Asuran's thinking became more and more convoluted until eventually he stopped himself and gave the best answer that he could for the question with what he had currently considered. "Perhaps for some that is the case, and for others not. It is my opinion, even as the armor may have been made for the knight, and the throne for the prince, only the one who make sacrifices and fights for their place in the world will truly fit said armor, while those who live off the deeds of those who came before them, and only does that which has always been expected of them, must spend their lives without truly fitting even the best-crafted throne."

The cryptic nature of Asuran's response surprised even himself, as he had never meant to go so deep into the question. Looking back at what he had said, he also feared for the possibility of having offended Helbrecht in some way, although he never truly knew with the soldier. Despite the simplistic nature of the man's journey, it was clear he had wisdom beyond what may of been expected of any average man.

As the Marine Princess questioned whether he was a member of Wright Academy, Asuran was taken aback for a moment.
Was she implying he was some form of Witch? After a moment however he quickly realized the situation: after being separated from mainland Rosaria it was unsurprising that she knew little of their ways and tradition, especially of such a -Asuran grudgingly admitted- minor nation as the Dorimun Dukedom. For all she was aware it could be a school of any sort, magical or otherwise, and Asuran did his best to explain this without insult to her. "As a human myself, I cannot learn any of the magical arts practiced at the school, despite the fact it resides within my lands. I would say that I may have more knowledge of magical processes than many, but I cannot say I am the most well-learned about Arien magics within Rosaria. My personal pursuits besides the administration of my realm are more of a physical nature, mainly in the art of blade wielding, although within that field I am sure Sir Helbrecht has much more experience than I."

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Kiefer Arlie Avescamp

By day Waltz Castle's courtyard glowed with a rainbow aureole reflected from golden sunlight through the countless colored flowers. Now, however, all the plants were bathed in the silver of the moon, hanging in the sky impossibly high and full for a relatively early hour, but such was the tradition of spring nights in Roserasia.

Other than the life's breath radiating through the numberless flora, the only sign of life in the courtyard was the stooped prince, though his tall form draped over the fountain looking all the more like stone than the veined marble upon which he sat. Even as the water continued to spray the fine velvet of his magic-summoned clothes he made no motion to move, lost so deep in thought that nothing could truly touch him.

That is, until the pure quiescence of the garden was interrupted by a small, muffled shriek followed by a faint, faraway rustle.

What do you want, Vlad?"

Finally breaking the stillness of the moment, with a long sigh the prince stood, casting his dark eyes about for his troublesome servant.

Master, you noticed me."

At last, covered in scrapes and leaves, the slinking figure of a slim young man pulled itself from a gathering of nearby bushes, scattering pearly pink petals as he did so. The prince merely rolled his eyes in response to the unsightly creature.

Of course. You reek of cattle. Like always."

Vladimir straightened himself out, making sure to brush off the dirt and brambles before approaching his prince.

I was only having a little snack. After all, a lowly servant like myself isn't fit for a fancy banquet like Your Beautiful Highness."

Having dusted off his clothes, the servant used the back of his hand to wipe a dribble of bubbling crimson from around his mouth.

And yet, my Master is out here in the cold whilst the festivities continue without him."

He was smiling, as usual, the thin grin that should have sat pleasantly upon his handsome face, and yet somehow always managed to unsettle.

Is that why you're here creeping about? Don't trust me to take care of things on my own?"

Of course not, Master. I have long known you are not the same prince whom I rescued from the wood. I was merely worried about you. A little mousy told me Your Highness had caused quite a commotion..." he paused, his cool blue eyes flicking back towards the bushes as an unconscious hand tugged at the brim of his hat. "Fret not, though. I was able to take care of them."

The prince made no response at first, choosing to bide his time by carefully adjusting the magically-altered glasses on his face. He knew he couldn't get mad at Vladimir for helping to clean up his own mess, but the thought still irritated him. Of course the passive faces of the arien servants had witnessed his little act. It came as no surprise that one of them had followed the pair in loyalty to the royal family. And that was unfortunate. The prince resented having shown such a side of himself in front of the arie, as much as he had always resented his own servant's peculiar tendencies.

Finally, with another sigh, he replied, "
Vlad, in the future, try not to be so crass. At least during the Ball. We are in the highest society of the Euthalian Court, after all."

Since it had been something of an uncontrollable rashness in him that had caused the upset, he decided not to punish the servant, at least not this time. Vladimir, recognizing his kindness, took a quick and not entirely graceful bow.

I'm sorry, Master. But you know I cannot risk leaving you defenseless. Indeed, I am happily surprised to find that no one else has come after you. But where is Her Highness the princess? Or were my sources of information incorrect?"

No, for once you got something right. She was here, but she ran off."

Trailing his eyes towards the direction the maiden had escaped, Kiefer wondered himself why he hadn't immediately chased after her. Was it that he was afraid of that wild look in her eyes when she had pushed him away? The same haggard expression of fear and distaste that he had seen for the last time only a few days before. Connecting the two events greatly uneased him. Vladimir's own expression of mounting concern did nothing to calm the prince's apprehensions.

She ran? But why? Surely you didn't---"

Enough, Vladimir."

But the plan---"

I said not now, Vladimir."

Truly in no mood for busybodying antics, the prince glared at the servant with eyes glinting dangerously from over his glasses' rims. At once Vlad gave a respectful bow of his head.

Of course, Your Highness. Forgive me."

The thought that he could always rely on the servant's obedience, even if misguided and riddled with mistakes, still brought a kind of comfort. After all, there were so few people he could truly trust, in this world. For all his faults, at least Vladimir was one of them. No matter what, he knew the servant would remain by his side.

Gazing upon him now, Kiefer's expression melted into an almost kindly smile, though slightly distorted, like ice in the presence of flames.

Good, cat."

In response Vladimir offered up a happy hum which could have been a purr, clearly pleased by the humility of his master who had spared his misdemeanors twice in one evening.

I suppose you might have a point," the prince finally conceded, convinced that he had successfully reclaimed the upper hand, "I got ahead of myself. It's been too long since I've interacted with so many humans at once, after all."

'So long' may have been an understatement. In fact, he certainly couldn't recall such an instance happening once in his whole life. That whole short, meaningless existence which had constituted Kiefer Avescamp for the past score or so years. With only the one shining light of the Princess Evalyn to guide it.

He truly could not risk losing her again.

I'll just have to be more careful, from now on," his smile blossomed, and this time it was the sparkling pure of Kiefer's lovely face, "I am far from being worried or discouraged. Not while I have my notebook, and mother's plan."

At the mention of the prince's mother, Vladimir visibly brightened himself.

Of course! Her Imperial Greatness would have foreseen such mishaps and accounted for them," he raised fingers to his lips in partial embarrassment, "after all, she knew it would be I to accompany you."

Yes. And you certainly make your fair share of blunders," the prince muttered, though in a clear enough voice that he was sure Vladimir could hear. "Truly I could not care less what anyone else thinks of me. As long as I dance with Princess Evalyn, in the end..." His voice trailed off to follow eyes once more drawn towards the area where the glistening figure had disappeared. "In fact...it's better this way. It may work out in our favor, later on."

Vladimir, seemingly still joyous over the mention of his queen, nodded.

That's right! For when it comes time to deal with the Rebellion."

Exactly. But we should hardly be speaking of such things here, in Euthalia's very halls. We have our course before us. There's no need to discuss that which is already obvious to us both."

With a quick toss of his head, the prince expected the conversation to be over. Vladimir would return to the servants' lodgings,
where he belonged, and he figured that it was about time he himself got back to the banquet.

Contrary to Kiefer's expectations, however, it seemed as if his servant had one last thing to say.

Though, forgive me, Master, but I still do worry."

Over what?" The prince's face froze over once again. He didn't like these sorts of discussions to be carried over their intended termination.

It's something about your eyes, Master. Ever since that evening. I don't think it will be so easy to wash that glimmer from them as it was to wash the stains from your hands..."

The words remained like an echo through the vast caverns of Kiefer's mind, spiraling down his brain's shadowed corridors in haunting threads even long after their speaker had left. Vladimir had received just punishment for his audacity, of course, before the prince had ordered him off. But was there not some truth, shimmering in what the servant had said?

The prince looked down in the rippled waters of the fountain, admiring the beauty of Kiefer's face, even through the distortion. He wished that those stains would never go away, would continue to cling to him like an alabaster mask, and yet...

There truly was something unquenchable and terrible lurking behind the moonlit glasses frames.

Perhaps there was some truth to it. But that just means I'll have to be more careful, from now on. I'll choose my targets wisely. And be sure to give them my full attention. After all, by the time of this story's close, no one is allowed to end up with the princess but me.

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Olympia Dolloway

The thousand candles that hovered ever so delicately along the sides of the gigantic banquet hall, reflected off her silver goblet in hand, gleaming and dancing in a myriad of reds, yellows and oranges. Looming walls were adorned with painted, spiraled branches, which entwined it's way into woven boughs on the dome ceiling above. Immaculately polished were the flame coloured floors, which intensified the sound of every footstep. The illumination and warmth that suffused from the candles, were dull in contrast to the ambiance inside.

To the women in the bronze dress, lavish banquets were of no stranger to her. Idle talk and hearsay, flitted like hummingbirds around the hall, and the din rose into a crescendo. In the midst of commotion she did not even bat an eyelid, waving away potential chances of socializing with a dismissive wave of the hand. Luscious cuts of venison, crackly-skinned geese and mounds of roasted, charred vegetables were displayed prominently. But Olympia's platter laid bare. Instead, a chalice was poised mere inches away from her mouth, the mouth which was at present, curled up in a sneer. No effort was remotely made to suppress the distaste, evident on her face. Features twisted up in revulsion, her stormy grey eyes were directly trained on the individuals seated at the head of the table. Tardiness was not something she tolerated.

Unappealing as it may seem this was Olympia's chance to be noticed, the sole purpose of attending the Cendrillion ball. Perhaps getting attached to the various representatives of the kingdom would earn her more recognition. The hem of her satin dress, swooped against her ankles, flowing seamlessly in
accordance to her movement. A diamond necklace was clasp to her neck, resting effortlessly in the dip between her collarbones. Making her way to the forefront of the table, tidbits of conversation reached her ears, and the curious mention of some eyefone. Glimpsing an vacant seat she slipped into it.

"Greetings, you may all call me Olympia, an aspiring dancer and actress. I could not help but be fascinated by your conversation." feigning interest, she addressed the audience sitting around the table.

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Helbrecht's gaze remained frozen upon the heir of the Dorimun Dukedom, silent and still akin to a statue, nothing betraying the analytical view that inspected Asuran's exposed matter. Perhaps he had been too unspecified in his question... though his statement rang true.

Back when he first started to perceive all he did was mindlessly follow a rigid set of doctrines without question or waver. It was sufficient for an existence, even if the search always remained fruitless, he could take solace in the knowledge that he remained as per the demands of the Lady. A frail succor, but it was all he had. That changed, the consequences of his actions forcing the widening of his perception.

Deceptively few people actually possessed a 'moral compass' in the sense that was commonly understood. This was a fact that went unknown because the average person would never make a single true 'moral choice' in their entire life. The world was governed by threats while a true 'moral choice' was one made absent the consideration of consequence.

Anybody could feign a conscience because what 'should be' was enforced by laws. Nobody developed a moral compass because simple risk-benefit analysis made it unnecessary. Ergo there were deceptively few who knew the contours of their own heart because they had simply never used it. In this sense the very concept of 'morality' was a flawed premise. It could not be studied. It could not be universalized. It was unique to the individual.

The moment one finally learned it - the moment they finally learned the shape of their own heart, no matter what that shape may be, was the greatest kind of awakening a being could experience.

"Greetings, you may all call me Olympia, an aspiring dancer and actress. I could not help but be fascinated be your conversation."
The knight's quiet gaze set itself on the newest arrival with a twitch. Taut sinews, lean muscle and thin fat-reserves betrayed careful self-maintenance. The carefully calculated ounces of energy put into every movement as she closed in on the table clearly showed purposeful intent, similar to the Prince of Nezzie.

"Helbrecht, knight of the Lady. Hail, Lady Olympia." grated his harsh voice "Your fascination will certainly aid you in the task of listening." One had to decide for oneself whether he spoke with hostility or simply made his idea of a playful statement.

Without further comment and characteristic abruptness, he turned to the witch seated next to him "Unlikely it would be that a mechanical device could match a magical one in harmful might. Speaking of harm, there was an earlier quest of mine and I would like to hear your opinion, Lady Lin. Care to hear the story?"

Addressed: @Lady Ravenshade @Spiritdancer

Thought Upon: @ParadoxalPaladin

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Nelly Lin

The long absence of the host and bejeweled prince was beginning to become rather suspicious to Nelly and she couldn't stop her eyes from flickering across the hall toward the entryway as the minutes passed by. She deemed it quite impolite of the princess to abandon the first day of the Cendrillion ball centered immensely around herself, to attend a secret rendezvous with the seemingly impudent purple-haired prince. If it were Nelly, she'd rejoice in such an event, with millions of gorgeous looking suitors flinging themselves in her way and vying for her attentions, who wouldn't aspire for such? It'd be ever so tremendous to be dancing all evening until the first rays of sunlight filtered through the large bay windows and the sky gradually shifts from the blackest midnight ink to a subtle glow that dwindles behind the swirling mountains.

Of course, that'd only be possible if she had ever learnt or witnessed the forms of dance that the humans practiced. On that matter the young woman had not a clue.

As a child, the wolf-girl had dreamed of keeping a box of sunlight wherever she went, the only question was how'd she fill it. It'd be a pretty thing to have but the ordeal of trapping such was much too trying for her liking's. Captured sunlight held the promise of something precarious not to mention something unpredictable.. and the thought of having such a thought scared her. It's best that Nelly kept her mind off of that she decided. Perhaps she'd bring it up in a silly conversation, with someone she presumed trustworthy.

A flowing voice announced the arrival of a visitor she hadn't noticed before, the bronze dancer was a splendid sight to behold. With a curling smile and passionate eyes, Olympia was infuriatingly stunning. Everything the girl with furred ears should hate to be. Such a regular girl with sugar-plum voice and swan-like lashes, and a thick, arching neck. It sounded as if she was joking but she really would truly hate to be so.

Now, she was being incredibly quick to judge but that was the truth, and Nelly promised to always speak the truth. Or rather think it. If she spoke it there'd be thousands out for her head.

"You've a beautiful name, it's especially unique," there is a bemused smile hovering over her lips at such a curt introduction, what exactly did this girl want?

"I expect you're here for the competition aren't you?" she states with searching eyes that sweep over every mighty sinew and exquisite bone structure, intrigued she asks "-have you a partner for the dance?"

Surely, she must. There must have been many to choose from as well.

Now the Witch settles her eyes on her helmeted friend in animated enthusiasm and sparkling eyes
"I would be thoroughly delighted to hear about the mighty adventures of one such as you, Helbrecht,"

Nelly barks a laugh at the straightforwardness of it all.

She backtracks
"It's just..you intrigue me greatly so! and I do enjoy a good tale."

@Spiritdancer @Unwavering Knight

@Pretzel Heart @wizard nibblers ]
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Alexander Keyston

When Alexander heard what Helbretch said he was literally taken back by it physically and badly mentally. On the physical side of it he choked on his water in shock and coughed badly to stop chocking, while he almost fell off of his chair barley catching himself to be rebalanced on all four of the chair legs with a visible state of shock.

On the mental side of his shock he was thinking multiple things a second like. "Why would he say that Technology is inferior to magic, surely he was joking. I know they haven't advanced much in technology and they rely on magic a lot but come on Helbretch I thought you wouldn't judge something you haven't seen yet. I-I think I'm going to cry, these people haven't even seen hover tanks, plasma guns, heavy artillery, snipers, nukes, and even black hole generators...granted even my world was far off from creating that but never the less it was majestic!!!!! Maybe I can prove technology is powerful I have to prove some way...wait I can show what my pistol does...but what if it gets taken away for the ball....ahh screw it I'll show them my gun and my omni-blade and I'll show them to the righteous path of technology" during the end of his monologue he was doing a dramatic pose that he didn't realize he was doing, but realized there was another newcomer named Olympia she seemed alright but pretty wierd in his eyes. he shook off his inner thoughts and had to get back to proving something.

"So Helbretch you think technology is weaker than magic than I challenge magic to a duel, we will have to to see who is more powerful later if you don't mind." He said as he put on a grin that looked like it was going to win at anything. "And Sir. Asuran you said you have a prestigious magic academy, are there any other prestigious magic acadamey sin the country that you know of." Alexandrr asked in a curious tone wanting to know if they have more than one prestigious school.

Mentioned: @Unwavering Knight @Lady Ravenshade @Pretzel Heart @Spiritdancer @ParadoxalPaladin

Rien Lapine

Evening | At the Banquet

The responses from those in attendance at the banquet affirmed Rien's suspicions that Alexander's device must not be of the world in which they resided. It was clear also from Alexander's words that likewise it was so with his person.

The names which the boy mentioned were bizarre to Rien's ears: Mozart, Beethoven. Alexander's tone suggested that the two were prominent figures, but even in all his studies in various fields Rien had not come across such characters as mentioned by the boy.
He must really be from a different world from our own, thought Rien, certainly then our interactions shall prove to be of much interest; yet for this he is also a figure to be feared. Alas, who can know of the qualities of a realm beyond, but those who have experienced that within the realm?

From the words of Alexander, Rien could suppose certain characteristics of the realm from which he came.
He speaks of the tremendous value of knowledge, but of how such abstract ideals as love, friendship, and respect are paramount in importance. Likely they are common ideals in the realm from which he comes, perhaps being treated even as essential ideals to which human action must morally conform; or perhaps it is all the naivete of childhood. He is, after all, yet young.

A new arrival at the table aroused Rien's attention, and introduced herself as Olympia. Her manner seemed haughty, yet dignified; the appearance of a celebrity, or perhaps a high noble. From her introduction it seemed that the former was more likely, or perhaps that such was only a facet of her natural personality.

"Greetings, Olympia. Your servant before you is called Rien, Royal Dance Instructor to the Euthalia Kingdom." Rien greeted the newcomer with an achromatic expression, so as not to reveal his contempt against those who seemed to strive for something in life, who held definite goals, or aimed their lives in some specific direction, though they knew not the reason for their aspirations.

For this reason Helbrecht also was viewed initially with a certain degree of disdain, though through his observations, albeit brief, it became clear to Rien that perhaps the knight did recognize some fundamental reason or cause to his incessant pursuit of his Lady.
Perhaps it shall be likewise with Olympia, recognized Rien, it is improper after all to presuppose before sufficient observation the nature of one's motives for being.

Helbrecht also greeted the newcomer, after which he declared that "
Unlikely it would be that a mechanical device could match a magical one in harmful might." Clearly, the knight had not intended his statement has a challenge, rather speaking guilelessly, as a statement of simple fact. It seemed though that such was not Alexander's interpretation of his words.

Oh dear. Rien was alarmed by the implications of Alexander's challenge. I cannot even grasp the extent of magic which is present in our realm, but its capacity of which I am aware is frightful enough. Indeed... much suffering has come unto even me by the dreadful art's effects. The boy speaks of ludicrous entities as technology, surely of a foreign realm; they are strange devices to challenge the extent of magic; who then can even comprehend their nature?

"Dearest company, I implore now, let us refrain from rashness." Rien spoke seeking to avert crisis. "Certainly, the extent of magic is awesome, yet hideous. Indeed in our realm, magic is akin to art, which can be most alluring, but also grotesquely macabre; so it is with magic. Now I doubt not that whatever technology of Alexander's world he makes mention of now may perhaps be extraordinary, capable of producing effects most excellent, or abominable; but what now is the purpose of contest? The capability to produce grotesque results should not be considered equivalent to superiority, nor the incapability therefore as inferiority; so if that which is to be proven is an item's ability to destroy, what matter does it hold? Let us hold our peace therefore, dear friends. I know all too well the miserable effects capable of malignant magics, and perhaps the technology of Alexander's realm is terrible all the more. Surely it would be then foolish to engage in such a contest, not of the potency of contested items, but rather only of terror. Certainly, to engage in such a contest would not be prudent; let us hold our peace therefore."

Rien realized now more so than ever before - being in the presence of one who knows of a realm different from his own - the degree of power present within the world; with such power was the ability to produce wondrous phenomena, but also to destroy all which he held dear. So much was already gone, and now with greater awareness, he could only fear all the more.

Addressed: @Spiritdancer | @Yandere Aqua

Mentioned: @Unwavering Knight

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Naomi Marie ThalassaPrincess of the Marine Kingdom

Naomi nodded shortly at Alexander's comment- it wouldn't mean much to throw herself at him now, there would be plenty of time that for. And besides, the company here was lovely, why pick a single person now? Alexander might prove entertaining, for certain, but she wasn't here to play games of courtship- she was here to play games of politics.

"Is that so? I wasn't entirely sure if non-witches and aria could learn the sorts of magic taught at your Academy. I hope I did not offend you, I merely thought that the combined scholarship of the various magicians there and the power of magic itself might be enough to overcome... ah, it is no matter." It figured- the only expert in magic here was likely Nelly. Naomi had always been fascinated by magic- in her childhood a part of her had wished to have been born a witch instead of a princess- still, it was but a pipe dream, even now. This conversation of swords and armor was sure to bore her, and she wasn't to be exposed and unknowing about these matters.

She turned to Olympia joined there conversation, and instantly spotted the lie. This girl cares little for magic and politics- she wanted her time in the spotlight, of course. "Oh, Olympia- what a lovely name. Oh, yes, I must implore you answer Miss Lin's questions and a few of my own- do tell, what sort of dancing do you do? I am well versed in a few mainland dances, but I must say my passion is for a dance that is really only well known in my homeland. I could perhaps teach you, if you have the time."

Addressed: @ParadoxalPaladin @Spiritdancer

Mentioned: @Yandere Aqua @Lady Ravenshade

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