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Fantasy Primum Movens: Open! (Looking for Rebels!)

Kiefer Arlie Avescamp

Only acknowledging Sea's response with a nod, the prince made his way past the silvered courtyard, giving back one last glance, not for the sake of the representative, whom he only assumed would follow, but to take in the countless flowers one last time through keen eyes. Like sudden realizations their names flashed through his mind, imprinted through years of studying an expert's precise labeling. And now, the mystical courtyard's scented blossoms held a new sense of treasured nostalgia, stained as they were with images of the lost princess.

He needed to find her again, soon.

Ensure she wasn't frightened off by his own brash haste.

Out of Kiefer's timid respect, the prince held open the ornately carved door for his follower to go through. He surely considered himself at the advantage, having so carefully memorized the castle's layout in his earlier frustrated time of unbridled freedom, and he pondered which route it would be best to take. Something direct, and in only a few minutes he would once again bathe in Princess Evalyn's light. But a more winding path could perhaps loosen the reticent representative's tongue.

With a sharp, practically imperceptible sigh, the prince decided on the latter. He would have to get used to putting aside personal interest for the sake of the plan, he supposed. And no better way to measure up potential allied strength or manipulatable weaknesses than when conversing with a short, defenseless boy all on his own.

They would not be much longer delayed to the banquet, in any case.

It's this way, I believe," he cautiously started with pretty speech that could slither its way out of any potential accusations against his carefully calculated tactics. After all, no one could blame the new arrival for not having a firm grasp on Waltz's sprawling passageways, could they?

For a few moments they walked in silence, Nezzie's prince making sure to regain his lead over the probably clueless boy. He didn't rush into conversation, knowing it would make him seem overly eager and much too obvious. Kiefer was a shy boy, after all, and not used to such extravagant social interactions with utter strangers.

I hope you found your journey here to be unharried. It was rather fearsome for myself, having to pass through Lepumir."

He paused, considering every word with as much natural weight as years well-trained in the silence of darkness could put into practice, "
Though perhaps you have not kept abreast of your neighbor's troubles, given that, sadly, Sea itself has not been without recent woe. Or, forgive me for my ignorance, but do you still prefer to call yourself of 'Caesar' decent?"

With the lilt of passive innocence pink lips carefully framed the teasing words, wondering what kind of reaction he could stir up from the boy's quiet head, "
It is one thing to officially abide by Euthalia's wishes, but, when in personal quarters such as this, I wouldn't mind using the language which befits you best. After all, as fellow participants in the Ball, we will be seeing quite a lot of each other, this coming month."

Indeed, their quarters were right next to each other in the Château. Quarters which he had himself taken advantage of the unlocked door to meticulously navigate.

Words still fresh on his tongue, the prince punctuated them with the clueless, friendly smile only Kiefer could manage, perfected by the shining reflection of the glasses' rims that hid claws of dark intent lurking behind endlessly deep eyes.


@FinalStraw ]

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The Princess of Greedo sick near the door of the banquet

The smell of food seemed to come closer the sicker Aiko felt as she held a frail hand to her mouth. It was too late that she realized a small fox like creature had approached with a platter of small appetizers.

"... Want something?.. You look terrible... Have some food from here, I'm sure it'll make you feel a bit better..." the Arian man had asked, though he was much smaller than her and more boyish than man. It is probably best not to mention that, she thought to herself in between gags.

"Uh, no thanks," Aiko managed to blurt out before quickly closing all senses to the food again as the mere scent on her tongue caused her to want to vomit. Aiko quickly started to feel faint as her head drooped and she felt it might, at any moment, hit the floor.

"Perhaps a nap might be better suited," she spoke out loud now too long gone to remember to cover her face as her consciousness started to swerve in and out. Looking up at the Arian, Aiko's dillusion turned him into her brother as she gave a big grin.

"Brother, finally you have arrived!" She hugged the little blue fox-like creature. "You are much furrier than I remember," she laughed as she caused the man to drop the platter. Pulling back, Aiko's face grew green as she felt herself about to puke and quickly pulled a plant near by. The tumbling food near her face must of been the push over the edge as she vomited into the poor greenery.

"All better," Aiko sighed before becoming as limp as a doll.


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Well, if she didn't want it, she didn't want it, at least he had done what he had intended to- which was make himself look less awkward in the situation he found himself in, he flinched a bit as he began to move away, saying "well, suit yourself"- but the action was incomplete. He felt a grip go around his torso as he was pulled back towards the sickly girl. He listened half heartedly as she spoke to him, sounding as if in a trance, or a dream- perhaps even intoxicated.

His heart was racing now. Was she doing this because she recognized him?! His platter fell over. People were looking over now. 'Oooh, I'm gonna be caught, I'm gonna be thrown in prison, or worse, I'm gonna be tortured, or even put to death oooh help someone-' he thought frantically. He tried as hard as he could to pull away- to no avail, naturally. But then his heart slowed back down a bit as he realized what the woman had said-

It was confusing, yes, but at least he wasn't going to be dying today... He pulled his head out of her grip and told her "Brother? I'm not your- My name's Fe- Wellix Waynewright-". But she then seemingly let go as quickly as she had grabbed him, throwing up in a nearby potted plant. "Oh man- you really aren't feeling too well, are you- come on, let me help you up, now, you really ought not to be staying here-"

Of course, none of this being of any real interest, he was just trying to take care of her in order to quit drawing attention to himself. Surely, anyone looking at him for a long period of time would start to notice the familiarity between his disguise and his actual body. In an attempt to cover his facial features in some form or fashion, he helped the girl stand up, his face blocked by her left arm. Slowly, he readied himself to heave her up- but he found it less than necessary, as the woman was surprisingly light. As he had accidentally put way too much force into trying to carry her, he began to topple in the other direction, crashing into a table. The table fell over, crashing into another one, which, in turn, knocked over three more in a domino effect. He got up, his head swimming. Not noticing that his neckerchief tied across his face was caught on a fallen chair, it slipped off the top of his head. He now found himself, in the middle of a crowd, all staring at him, with the neckerchief off his face. Quickly grabbing it from the ground, and making to put it back on, he found purple streaks all over it. His heart sank all the way to his toes.

The neckerchief had wiped off all the hair dye from his face.

Slowly, he looked back up at everyone. His expression sheepish, he said nothing. Then, the crowd came to life again. Several people began to scream for guards, many others yelling things such as "thief!"

His cover was blown.

@DemonKitten and everyone else here
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Asuran Dorix

Asuran sat back and watched as conversations unfolded around him, each a web of intrigue, guile, and a mixture of subtle insults and compliments. Surprisingly, Olympia turned to him before continuing her introduction with the others, saying

"I am indeed from Euthalia, how did you know?"

At first Asuran was confused as to why she was surprised, but he quickly realized that with her unique skin and body, it was likely that few would recognize her as such.
"You did not introduce yourself as any nationality, while almost all those who have arrived from afar have. I made an educated guess that you would be from here, in that case. I hope I have not offended you with any idle assumptions, correct or otherwise." It seemed odd to Asuran to be butting into her conversation with others, but he felt it was best for a situation such as this where it would be more rude to ignore her question altogether. Perhaps such a kind of conversation was the norm at large events such as this, after all, it wasn't as if he had much experience with them.

Before he could hear her response, Aiko, the Princess of Greedo, suddenly caught his attention again as she returned from... wherever she had gone. I had not even noticed she was gone, Asuran thought to himself, mentally chastising himself for his own lack of attentiveness. Every second he should be working to the maximum of his capacity, no matter what may happen if he wanted to accomplish anything, instead of lapsing into idle pondering. Before he could think any further, however, an Arie servant crossed his vision, and at first sight Asuran knew there was something odd... about him. Some thought or memory tickled at the edge of his consciousness, but he could not quite place it. Despite the fact that Asuran had done his best to refrain from having too much to drink, it seemed even the small amount he had had was taking its toll on his cognitive processes.

However, even the alcohol's effects did not dull him so much that he did not notice the obvious distress of the Princess of Greedo. Her body, although it always had seemed fragile, suddenly lost all strength it contained. Aiko slumped down, cradling her head in her hands for a moment as the Arie moved to try to help her. The servant seemed greatly distressed by this sudden turn of events, but Asuran couldn't blame him; he would've been just as stressed by having an important delegate collapse in front of him, especially when he could be blamed for it in some way.

Trying to take action to help the girl and the servant desperately trying to help her, Asuran jumped up and walked quickly toward the pair, calling out "Princess Aiko!" only to see her get worse. Aiko began to seemingly think the servant was some sort of relative of hers, pulling him into a hug, before falling to the ground and violently retching into a nearby plant. After her fit, she then fell to the floor, limp.

Asuran quickened his pace into a half-run at this, hoping that she was alright, when her fall knocked the servant, sending him crashing into a table and setting off a chain of destruction in the room. As the Arie got up, however, the mask the servant had been wearing before had fallen off. This meant little to Asuran, but the others seemed to immediately know him, and a great cry went up, branding the man as a thief and calling for guards. What had the man done?

For a moment it seemed they were infuriated that he had harmed the Princess, but it was quickly obvious that that was not the case as their cries of "Thief!" continued. Who in the world was he? Whatever the case, it was apparent to Asuran that he needed to do something to make sure the man could do no further harm, so he moved forwards, trying to cut off any escape route the Arie may have had until more help could arrive to keep Aiko and the other guests safe.



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The Princess of Greedo sick


"What?" Aiko was fairly confused as she toppled to the ground and looked at the now visible face of the platter boy that had been helping her. The word Thief woke her from her disillusion as she blushed deeply for the mistake she had made, but at least she felt better. Aiko was lost in the commotion as everyone seemed to ignore the princess, but she actually felt quite good after throwing up. Good enough to figure out a plan.

Looking around as the guards closed in on the two something clicked in her head. Since the so called thief had been so generous as to attempt to help her even to the point being rated out, Aiko figured she should repay the debt. From her experience, the suppose low class were better people than the higher class, the same people that poisoned her. Pushing herself up and in front of the thief, Aiko gave a slight smile.

"Please don't hurt me," She begged as she made her white/brown eyes water slightly and the smile disappear. Hopefully the thief understood his situation and would take this moment to his advantage. It would be fun to be a hostage. She always wanted to feel important enough to take captive.




Camilla Faith Redford


"Flying, not too much no. But what are arie?" Camilla questioned, as politely as it may have been dear possible, but she presumed her pronunciation of the last word was completely wrong, even though she tried her best to mimic what Kip had said. She shrugged it off, hoping understand... arie.. would be important. But, considering that this world was pretty crazy already, and since Kip was supposedly one these arie, they probably would have some sort of significance. She might have to gain some insight on them when she can.

Kip blurted out yet another massive bunch of words that took just a couple seconds longer than it probably should have to process. She carefully grouped all the important facts, like the ones about Euthalia, Rosesaria, this Cendrillion Ball, which has a month of events prior. Hopefully she had all she need to fail
miserably. Strangely enough, Camilla seemed to think that Kip's words almost seemed to be formed in such a formal manner, that it was almost as if he was presenting a speech every time he spoke, yet it was a really good impromptu one. With a small shake, to stop her from procrastinating and distracting herself, Camilla directed her vision fully onto Kip, with a tensity in her muscles.

Kip rotated his body, facing Camilla, and upon studying her for a short moment, his expression changed majorly from stressed, and worried, to a more sympathetic beam to her. Which, she did appreciate the fact he was trying to help, but the reality was that she was going to what seemed to be a whole different realm. Soon after Kip finished his little pep-talk, he made a slight, yet polite gesture to the portal, and jumped - well flew really - straight into the portal, which was slightly unexpected, but also understandable. After all, it seemed they had a bit to do before she could just blend in. Taking one last breath of her world's air, Camilla dived into the vortex that seemed like a whirlpool spinning in the air. Next moment she remembered, her dive had finished horribly, ending with her landing straight on her face, and Camilla trying to straighten herself up and at least sit cross-legged, which she did accomplish. Rubbing a singular hand on the back of her head, Camilla began to get a sense of her surroundings. But they weren't very good senses yet.

@wizard nibblers

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Home. Lin's description served to increase the yearning in the knight's heart. He had been wandering for so long, always in motion. The warband of the bloody shroud had carved into his arm and penetrated his flank. Still his gait did not cease. The witch of Alanor had broken his legs. Still he crawled onwards. The seasnake of Isanis had ripped into his chest, forcing him to cut himself open, break through his ribs to reinflate his lung. Still he did not stop. He recovered whilst they were shattered.

Such was the quest, to follow the star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far. A place to stop, a place to rest, to be cleansed of filth and sin. Such a place he could only imagine.

Sympathies were not wholly unknown to him. Oftentimes had thankful souls expressed their sadness at being unable to aid the knight in his own quest. It was how he had gained his violin. Yet, a feeling of bother gnawed within him, compelling him. "You misunderstand." the knight spoke, steel-gaze alternating between Lin and Asuran "Your assurances strengthen me. But hear this: I care not for absolution. Loyalty is its own reward."

A commotion erupted, on the other end of the hall. The knight's helmeted head made an exact thirty-degree turn to set itself on the forms of Princess Yuki and an arien servant, around them a growing crowd with increasing verbal volume of thieves and demand for guards. Overall a classic sight, if slightly uncommon.

"The cause calls." Helbrecht's ugly voice grated before his torso rose from the seat, turning like a clockwork to perfectly align with the direction his helmet was facing. A rigid pace propelled him forward, slowed by the crowd, as the curious onlookers opened him a path when his heavy steps warned them of his approach.

The lumbering giant was aiming straight for the Princess of Greedo, stature neutral, as if he was merely strolling along a road, though his helmeted gaze remained completely affixed upon Yuki.

Replied: @Lady Ravenshade @ParadoxalPaladin

Approaching: @FelixWrightwind @DemonKitten
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Alexander Keyston

All in all Alexander was having a great time at this ball Nelly accepted his apology for being rude and the girl named Olympia was chatting with Asuran Alexander was wondering if her heritage was from another universe to since Dark skinned people here, than again fantasie universe could have a wierd law where Dark skinned people are less in number but hey he can't do anything about it. Everyone was having a good time Asura, Helbretch Lin were talking about Helbretches past or loyalty and honor well he would have known if he listened in but that was rude he wanted to just look out the window for a while.

But that all stopped when there was a loud commotion and people were crowding up first one to leave was Asuran than there was some more commotion and finnaly Helbretch got up and walked over now Alexander was curious now so he walked behind the knight he started hearin the crowd better and they were saying thief over and over. As Alexander walked what came into view was Asura the princess of Greedo laying on the floor she looked sick...a little too sick she was pa,e as hell and had no sihgn of a flew so he could only think of is a poison but what poison, but before that Alexander looked over to the last person who was an Arie that Asura was trying to apprehend so Alexander walked up to Asuran say "So Asura need some help here" he said with a playful smile on his face.

(Sorry for short post still trying to shake off the flu)

@DemonKitten @Unwavering Knight @ParadoxalPaladin @FelixWrightwind
Ooooh, this is bad... Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion by this point... The guards rounded on them... Even the civilians were seemingly trying to block out any escape route for them... What was he gonna do?.. If only his neckerchief hadn't ruined his disg- that's it! His neckerchief, where was it?.. There... He grabbed it off the floor. Usually, he only used its magically-expanded insides for storing large amounts of loot, but he had something useful in there...

He reached inside the depths, and his hand met with it- what he needed... But before he could pull it out, he heard the woman say something to him... "Please don't hurt me..." Why would he hurt her, he never wanted to... But then, he met his eyes with hers. Catching a glimmer, he whispered back, with a wink... He felt that he could, somehow, trust this woman...

"... I don't take hostages, but if you think you can help me out of here, you'd better come with me..."

He reached back in the depths of the magical neckerchief, pulling out his cane. He felt his bodily power pour into it. From the point in which the stick curved, a spark stretched from the end to the straight section of it. Then the spark turned into a steady beam... He raised his trusty beam scythe into the air, speaking loudly now.

"... Come on, then! Either get out of our way or come here!.."

A few people yelled in anger, saying he was going to steal her. He raised his voice again. "She wants to go with me, so she's coming! It's not my decision!"He couldn't fake being in control of the situation for long, or they'd know he was trying to lure them to make a gap in the circle. They'd be charging any second now... He waited... Slowly, his fur turned black. The holographic image that resembled wings came to life, floating inches above his back. A small "halo" of the same holographic material came to fruition above his head, and he felt himself begin to float about two inches above the ground. It's a real shame he couldn't actually fly... Moreno just "skate" across the air... But whatever, it was quicker than running... He held a grip on the woman's left hand, his scythe still in the right.

"... Can you fight?.." He asked her, spying one particularly large knight, completely clad in armor.

View media item 7843

@ParadoxalPaladin @DemonKitten @Unwavering Knight @Yandere Aqua and everyone else at the ball
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Debate. Execute? Protect? Pending...

Clearing the crowd, the massive knight walked onward evenly into the gap between onlookers and the supposed thief, view frozen on the princess the entire time. Only when the thief drew a magical weapon did the knight halt, mid-motion, as if time had suddenly stopped.

Helbrecht's baleful gaze slowly switched from Yuki to the arien servant. Designation changed from possible thief to possible threat. A cold analysis slowly inspected the diminutive being's stature. Preliminary dissections of past enemies had uncovered an uncanny differentiation between biology of the varying subspecies, but the general humanoid build remained similar to that of humans. Sinew-length and muscle-density offered the greatest distinction as per the changing height. At rest, unamplified, this one's arm could possibly rise to deal a penetrating injury to the princess within just a little more or less than a second, a maximum of two, depending on how sharp the magical scythe-blade would be.

"Princess Yuki." the knight's harsh voice intoned, helmeted view remaining on the arie "State your judgement. The one holding your arm, villain or innocent?"

Addressed: @DemonKitten @FelixWrightwind
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Princess? Did he just call her a princess?! That'd explain her nice getup... He turned to her, and then looked around at everyone with a sheepish look of surprise and bewilderment. Turning once again to the woman, he spoke to her in a conversational tone, as if everyone else wasn't there.

"Princess? You're a princess? I had no clue... Why would you wanna leave your family and friends to come with me?.."

Felix rounded on the knight, facing him. He gave a calculating look, but to no avail whatsoever... No openings in the armor... No way to see through to the real knight under all that armor. Finally, he resorted to the only thing he could do... Which was tell the truth. He lowered his scythe in an act of pascifism. He stared right into where the eyes on the knight should be and spoke, still loudly, so that everyone could hear him, but now very much less aggressive.

"I am a thief. But that's it. I've never struck first, and if I ever have retaliated, it's never killed, nor has it ever been enough to hurt someone for long at all. I don't wish to hurt anyone. And I know you all know me very well as a very bad person, but please, while I have stolen, that's it! It was never anything big, anyways, and I never stole for my own, it was always for people who hired me to do these things! So, take that all how you'd like to, mister knight... Whatever you're gonna label me as... Innocent or a villain... I guess I am a villain when you're speaking of thieves, but I'm innocent in the act of hurting! And, I still will be if you just let us leave peacefully... I wasn't even going to steal anything here tonight, I was just trying to earn a bit of money working as a caterer! I could tell you all about it if I weren't surrounded by people who want me dead... Honestly sir, I'm not even taking this girl here, she wants to go with me, it's her own choice! Here, I'll prove it! If you don't want to go with a thief like me... Whatever your name is... You can go now. I don't mind. You'll probably be happier here at the ball than with me!" He looked around at everyone in desperation, waiting for her response.

@DemonKitten @Unwavering Knight @ParadoxalPaladin and everyone else

Nelly Lin

Mad was the commotion that had commenced around the so-called crook of an Arie and the sickly Princess. Goodness! Attempting a robbery in the most anticipated event throughout Roseria? as well as targeting the princess of Greedo?! This blue furred creature must've been under a some sort of scary influence to attempt such a feat. God knows what it was. She would much rather not find out.

Nelly departs from her chair to participate in the ever growing crowd and confused chatter. A great deal of fussing is undergone as the frustrated Witch dodges troubled flurries of hands and dancing feet and stumbles over her own dress in an attempt to reach the front. But alas to no avail, with a distressed huff through her nose Nelly results to standing on the tips of her toes, how glad she was that she had resolved to wearing flats instead of heels.

Now, the servants actions were reckless and this brought a frown upon her face.

What arrogance it took to produce such a scene in front of so many nobles. The young woman was also quite at awe for the boldness of his move and was torn between what to think of this blue Arie.

With her mouth uncharacteristically agape she joins the gaggle of fearful onlookers, this man would surely be sent to jail she thought as her eyes hovered over the mean looking scythe in his paws.

The princess was an ill-fated one indeed.

Then there was Lord Asuran and Helbrecht, she had noticed immediately how both had gotten themselves tangled into the strings of peril that the
interference generated by the thief had weaved. Granted, Helbrecht being a Knight it seemed practical that he would become directly involved like that, she watched as the crowd parted for the man who clanged with each lurching step. The Viscount's reaction on the other hand came as a shock to Nelly, he had seemed like the type that stood by as captivated audience. Like her. She cringed at that and then scowled at her own imprudence, but still the wolf-girl did not make any move to dampen the flames as they grew.

There is no point in intruding she concluded in her head

Imagine how scandalous that would be, the fact that she was a Witch did not help one bit. Would a normal girl assist in such a situation instead of being a pathetic bystander like the wobbly cut out of a far-from-ordinary girl.

It's strange how a person can have a distinct distaste for herself, but still she clutches on to life.

There was yet again no point in drawing such unwanted attention to herself. Nelly only craved the good sort of attention and sympathy. Believe it or not even a Witch wants such.

[Mentioned: @DemonKitten @FelixWrightwind @ParadoxalPaladin @Unwavering Knight ]
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The Princess of Greedo


Aiko clicked her tongue slightly at the clumsy speaking thief. Here she was giving him an outing and he seemed like a mouse more than the fox she thought he might be. I mean I guess she had never experienced being wanted to know why he would seem so everywhere with everything.

Deciding to help the confused thief, Aiko pulled her hand free and gave a slight glare. She raised her voice louder than she had ever been able to since she had been put on her treatment.

"This man is a liar," she began which probably didn't sound good for the thief next to her. "There is no way he is a thief when he is as clumsy as a drunk squirrel." she huffed. "I claim he is an innocent that has merely been misprinted on a poster and so has been forced to claim such a title unfitting of such a tiny little thing," Aiko smiled as she spoke clearly to the whole crowd, but mainly looked towards the knight.

She lowered her voice to mainly address Helbrecht. "He was merely helping me who was very ill and a little disillusion. Even if he is a thief, his heart is in the right place so I believe he should be pardoned for tonight, perhaps?" Aiko tilted her head as she inquired of the future of the thief.

Aiko still planned on leaving, though she really hated to leave her brother, but she wished to do it on better terms and figured this thief, that was hopefully better than his performance today, could assist her with. Already, Aiko felt more in control of her body and being though a tad light headed, but that was probably just another side effect.

@ParadoxalPaladin\[/uSER \[uSER\=33352\]@Lady Ravenshade @Yandere Aqua\[/uSER \[uSER\=36822\]@ParadoxalPaladin @Pretzel Heart

@Anyone I missed

[uSER=31751][border=double #708090][/border][/user]
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Adalberht was inspecting the castle's fine detail when the Nezzie prince brought up an interesting, yet sensitive topic. Talks about the Caesar Kingdom had always been sensitive, if not a taboo to talk about. No one knew the truth behind the heartless massacre, yet everyone acted as if they knew. The Caesar prince only churned with disgust as people who came by him pitied him an acted as they knew, others even talking behind his back about the incident. It was not until twelve years ago that the rebellion happened, but only six years ago Adalberht finally knew that the humans were entirely disgusting, and selfish.

Adalberht himself did not escape that. He was selfish for wanting revenge, but he felt useless as the drive of revenge was what kept him going. It was his motivation to live; how could anyone take that away? Endless thoughts were circulating in the short representative's mind before giving the four-eyed prince a reply.

"I'm afraid, it's not what I'd
like to call myself as, it's who I am."

Like his dead sister's advisor, Kiefer was not only good with his words, he had the position of a prince, and a knack if not mastery to spin his words around. His words seemed sincere, but the tone of his voice gave his true intentions away. It was clear from the other party's tone that he was going to win Adalberht over, by using words of flattery. A tone of flattery, if not excessive kindness, has always been deemed by Adalberht as fake. There was no such kind person living, at least where he was from, except for his sister.

Adalberht, though, he was going to play along in Kiefer's little game.

"Just between you and me, I'd very much rather
not abide to what this kingdom wishes."

@Pretzel Heart
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100th Annual Cendrillion Ball ~ Day 1: Prelude



Status Report

Date: Sunday, April 1st

Time: Evening (8:30 PM)

Temperature: Cool and slightly windy

Despite his heavy thoughts and endless misgivings, the Opening Banquet seemed to be progressing well. While the bustling Dining Hall unfolded itself into unreserved merriment all around him, the king himself ate in relative silence, the loneliness of the chair beside him where his wife should have sat feeling all the more barren with the surrounding cheer and noise. His wine glass never emptied, so that he wouldn't have to dwell on it.

What he dwelled on instead was the performance of his daughter. The piercing frost of the king's blue gaze weighed into her, silently urging her to speak as she fiddled with her fork and food, eyes nervously dashing across the other noble faces and, more often than not, to the absent Rameria's chair. But even under his troubled, disapproving stare, the princess remained reticent, the only time she opened her mouth quickly followed by dragging her sleeve through her dinner.

King Mutto sighed, turning his attention to the others at the head of the table. He could truly care less for the gathering of the distantly related lesser nobility or the opportunistic merchants whose coins had multiplied enough to earn them a seat further down. Occasionally one would leave their place to drop him a kind word, a humble bowing of the head. But he brushed them off with as much coolness as a host could afford. He'd rather focus on the young men and women surrounding his daughter, allowing them to swallow his attention as he swallowed each one of them in turn. It was very likely - even necessary, perhaps - that one of them would end up as the princess's dance partner. And then, after that...

With thoughts of the relief and stress of the ever-looming future on his mind, the king had paid little heed to the Nezzie heir when he had abruptly whisked away his daughter. While his first instinct had been one of protective concern, he decided against it, settling back into his chair. It was good for Evalyn to have the chance to take care of herself. And if the Nezzie boy wanted to be hasty...Well, it had been a good many years since King Mutto's last direct contact with the Avescamp line. But he heard decent things about the son, as it was his duty to keep an eye on all the future leaders of Roserasia. Kiefer Avescamp was boy of good intellect, and had been raised in the Nezzie tradition with militant prowess and battle skill. But he had also heard that Prince Kiefer was a shy, sheltered thing. Strange then, his sudden eagerness to pounce on the princess.

Such was the atmosphere of the Cendrillion Ball. Especially with so much potential..so much tension secretly playing between every smiling face like notes plucked on tatu lute strings.

King Mutto also found in himself taking a special interest in the Princess of Marine. He had honestly been surprised to hear the kingdom had accepted the proffered invitation. Though it had only been on Balthazar's council that he had even considered sending the one in the first place. The strange, energetic girl with careful poise and righteous opinons was certainly one to watch for. Perhaps his own daughter could learn a lesson or two from her, or they'd only get themselves into further mischief.

The influx of strange newcomers, of conversations going in circles. He had seen most of it before, though there were indeed some most unusual faces. His servants had been precise in their choice of random invitees, pulling in a Witch and an impossibly tall knight, not to mention a boy with odd speech, accessories, and dress.

Watching it all with eyes becoming increasingly dull, the king allowed himself to think that, perhaps, even with all the oddities, the newness, the looming threat, the never-far tragedy...perhaps,
somehow, this year's most important Cendrillion Ball would be a success yet.

And then--

He heard the disaster before his dim eyes witnessed it. A clatter of priceless plates chiming as they shattered across the stone floor, a prelude to the rising wave of a silk-covered table, clashing to the ground with a primordial groan as it was followed by three others in a quartet of complete and utter disaster. Nobles screamed in surprise and fright, jumping away from half-eaten platters. Wine flew to stain garments sewn with more riches in a single stitch than some saw in entire lives. The arien servants in charge of maintaining the ceiling's dance of magical illusions became confused, casting each other worried glances.

A few of the glass orbs fell with the broken concentration.

Utter pandemonium.

And through it all, an unusually-colored aria who seemed to be the cause. He was dangerously close to the Princess of Greedo, whom the king had taken into his care on the trust from the long treasured friendship of the Akiyama line that she would be well looked after. And now she was limp in the arms of this rapscallion who had disrupted an entire century of tradition and peace.

While the humans picked up on a chorus of "
theif!," a few of the arie in attendance began to prickle their fur. In the huge hall it was hard for anyone to truly be master of the scene, but the carried words promised a rising cycle of racism and unfair threat.

There's a thief?"

An aria!"

He's attacking the princess!"

It's the Rebellion!"

Euthalia is doomed."

How can you say that, just because he's arien!?"

In the flooding distress the tall fully-armored knight was first to approach the blight. Though they seemed the sort easily able to put an end to such madness, King Mutto wasn't at all about to allow some unknown presence to begin a battle in his very halls. While knight, aria, and princess all began to chitter in unsure argument, just more useless noises to heighten the frothing chaos, the king at last stood.


His voice was a booming cannon spreading an explosion of silence through the panicked hall.

Falkor! Where are you?"

At once a knight in full and ornate armor pushed their way to the king's side.

What is it, Your Majesty?"

You have allowed an intruder into the castle. Arrest them immediately. Then, send your men to locate the princess. There is trouble about, and she and Nezzie's representative have yet to return."

This was bad. Not only could his very own daughter be in danger...but it was well known that Nezzie had a tense relationship with the Rebellion. If the prince had been somehow targeted because of it...

As the guards that had been stationed (more as a precaution than at the thought they would ever need to be used), began to spring into action to secure the ill-omened disruptor and locate the missing royals, the rest of the crowd faded back into muddled murmurs.

Then suddenly.

You're arresting him, then? Just like that? Because he's arien?"

The words pushed themselves above the hushed mutterings though with so many bobbing heads it was impossible to tell from where. But the accusation remained. And the king could only look on with an expression of weary anger. He was in no mood for this. Human or aria, Euthalia had a zero tolerance policy towards intruders and those who would bring chaos to peace.

Beside him Balthazar, ever loyal, wore a face of utmost confliction and consternation. As someone who had been beside King Mutto for so long, the aria respected him enough to have never once spoken against him. Offered his advice, at times. That was sure. Did his best to steer his Majesty in the wisest direction. But never had he openly defied him.

In a tentative whisper he stood on toe-tip in order to best exclusively reach the king's ear, "
Your Majesty, it would be wise to handle this matter with care."

The aria had seen the rising anger taunt in the icy ridges of the king's creased face. Hastiness would cost them dearly in such a catastrophe. With the Rebellion so near...

While King Mutto's body remained tense, he responded only with a curt nod. And then addressed the crowd, "
This aria has infiltrated our feast in celebration of our countries' unity and shared prosperity. If he is a thief, a rebel, or a spy, it must be ascertained. As it would for any subject, be it aria, or man."

As he spoke King Mutto cast a judgemental eye over the crowd, still unsure of who had raised the accusatory question.

We will hold him in custody until this matter is straightened out. And in that regard," he firmly clapped his hands, causing a noise like a thunder crack to crinkle through the room, "servants, try and clean this mess up. I believe it is high time, anyway, that we proceed to the end of tonight's schedule."

At once a team of arie dressed in the matching outfits of servants set about using basic teleportation magic to right their brother's wrongs. But there was a frenzied tension amongst them. As if conflicted by the sudden turn of events.

Balthazar's own whiskered eyelids flew open at the king's words, "
Your Majesty, surely you do not mean the princess's-- With all that has happened?"

The king sat back down, leaning so only the majordomo could catch on, "
She is this year's hostess. I want her found, and then I want to see what she can make of this. As future queen, it will be among her duties to charm her people. This is a part of that, too. Besides. There is no better way to set hearts at ease than with a good dance."

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Kiefer Arlie Avescamp

For a long while Sea didn't respond, and Nezzie's prince wondered if he hadn't somehow stepped astray of his careful calculations. That would make twice in one evening. Which was simply unacceptable.

But, at length, the child answered. And his delicious words were well worth the wait.

Seems as if someone has quite the complex.

The prince couldn't blame him. He likely knew better than anyone what it meant to be robbed of one's birthright. Though, unlike Sea, he had never had the luxury of experiencing those joys before they had become forever lost.

But that also meant that he had been able to better temper his desires. Hone them into an art. Like a piercing dagger driven into an unwanted presence.




A child with plans to single-handedly take on Euthalia?

It was a ridiculous prospect. But there was a passion flowing through the figure of dark hair and cool eyes that the prince couldn't mistake. He had no idea what sort of plan the boy was harboring, but if it was in any way to interfere with his own, or bring harm to the princess, then it would have to be given halt immediately. But if he could somehow redirect Sea's fury into an arrow notched into a more fitting master's bow...

Oh? Do you perhaps, harbor hostilities?"

He hoped to steer the conversation towards more devious waters, but before he had a chance to, the clinking thuds of armor-covered footsteps broke the hallway quiet.


The prince twisted his eyebrows in concern. The passage which he had chosen should have been undisturbed, a back route that would have been void of anyone save servants, and those should be busying themselves with the Banquet.

Eventually the pair to whom the heavy clanks belonged to came into view, shining with careful polish and Waltz Castle's royal insignias. Running straight towards them.

For a moment true terror gripped at the prince. Had he been discovered after all? Betrayed? Found out? Suspected? But who would know-- Who would tell-- Why...?

His eyes dashed madly back and forth but there was no exit. Not unless he took off further down the hall.

Hand unconsciously clenched into a fist around the notebook secluded in his tailcoat.


It was likely nothing, he had to remind himself. And even if they did suspect him, they could prove absolutely none of it.

After all, there was no such thing in this world as a "doppelganger."

Excuse us, but is one of you, by chance, the representative from Nezzie?"

The men approached, looking between the two strange figures, one tall and one short, both dressed as members of the highest nobility. They seemed as likely suspects as any.

There is an intruder in the castle. The king has requested us to find the princess and Nezzie's representative and escort them back."

An intruder...?

Now that was news. With the slowing of his heart the prince cast Sea a sideways glance. Did it have something to do with the one beside him? The Rebellion?

Fools. To have tried something to warrant the king's suspicion.

Whatever it was, it seemed as if they needed to return posthaste. If some upstart's haste had put a dagger in his plans...

I am Prince Kiefer Avescamp, from Nezzie," his pleasant smile blossomed in full, "I was just leading the councilman from the Sea Republic back. He seems to have lost his way."

Kiefer's grin deepened, turning from a single posy into a full bouquet. He couldn't be faulted for calling Sea by his rightful title in front of Euthalia's guards, after all. But he could only imagine how the slight might sting the child's complex. Especially when hearing the two positions juxtaposed.

Children have to be reminded of their place, after all.

While the two of them might share a common enemy, if there was to be any hope in each other's mutual compliance, the prince wanted to make it explicitly clear which of them would stand on the top.


@FinalStraw ]

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Olympia Dolloway

The scene that stood before Olympia was appalling, that crawling feeling of repulsion slithers to laze in an unreadable expression on her face.

Ah ha, she should have known, this pandemonium all because of one miscreant of an Aria. With poise and the agile swiftness of a dancer the woman is careful to avoid the shards of shattered glass scattered across the curling expanse of carpet, she snakes her path away from the crowd, Olympia wanted nothing to do with this.

As the King's command resounded off the marble pillars and bounced off her ears, the frenzied gossip drowned in the sound. Her lips curled in a half-sneer, expressing her contentment at the decision. Serves him right she thought as a glare is shot at the frantic looking thief before returning to her task at hand and that was to wade her way out of the throng of protesting and puzzled guests.

A half eaten date palm rotates around a plate that wobbles precariously in the hands of a castle servant, it plummets down, about to collide with her pristine satin dress before another server magically beams it away. The dancer's step falters as she careens out of the way, causing her to strike against the shoulder of a the Witch, what was the girl's name again? Nina was it?

"I'm so awfully sorry," the hasty apology tumbles from her mouth and catches her by surprise.

She remembers to compose herself and carefully preens her dress, smoothing out the wrinkles and spying for stray stains. Luckily, there were none. The white gown the Witch was dressed in gave her a soft, wisp like appearance. Delicate, yet intangible.

Her lip curls
"-those awful Ariens hold absolutely no respect for etiquette nowadays do they!" she sighs, attempting to strike up a conversation with the entirely powerful woman, capable of wild magic. Horrendous! but who knows the good that could come from a friendship with a Witch, it'd be useful indeed although Olympia rarely saw eye to eye with magic beings.

Addressed: @Lady Ravenshade

Mentioned: @FelixWrightwind


Asuran Dorix

As each moment passed, Asuran grew more and more tense. An arie who originally seemed mainly harmless and weaponless became suddenly in possession of a scythe of considerable size, and had a very easy shot at killing Aiko should he choose to. However, despite that opportunity the arie's actions seemed to grow more ridiculous by the second, with him somehow believing that the Princess would be looking to leave with him, or even fight with him against the others for reasons unknown.

His following interactions with Aiko were especially odd as well however, because he made it obvious that he had not known of her identity of the princess before it was stated by Helbrecht.
What in the world... if he did know of her beforehand, why would he have attacked her, let alone believed her a sort of accomplice? The odd circumstances did not dissuade Asuran from taking up a defensive position in the way of the door, however. One way or another, this man was dangerous, either to himself or the other guests.

At the lack of reactions to his threats, however, the thief changed tactic, looking to the crowd for sympathy, begging that they understand he never had any intention to hurt anyone and had no past of doing so either. At hearing this Asuran couldn't hold back a snort of derision, despite the dangerous situation.
Sure, you never wanted to kill anyone, he thought to himself, glowering at the thief. You probably carry around that massive scythe with you just for fun, right?

However, before anyone could take action against him, Aiko spoke up, although her words make little sense as she asked for her own attacker to be pardoned. Her speaking of his heart being in the right place seemed ridiculous after what he had already done, but with the woman's sickness he could understand her actions; obviously her thoughts were addled either by the wine they had been served or whatever ailed her currently.

Luckily, they King spoke up at this time and stopped any undue kindness from being given to the attacker, demanding that he be detained. King Mutto also managed to talk around accusations of racism against Arie that had bubbled up from somewhere with the crowd, very tactfully telling them the facts of the matter and how the same punishment would be handed out to any who had acted in such a way, human or otherwise. Hearing a person who was willing to call any and everything a matter of race bothered Asuran more than he liked to admit, however, he had to admit that in such times as this it may seem that way at times, especially if the person who had spoken had not gotten a clear view of what had just happened.

Safe in the knowledge that the threat was being dealt with, Asuran relaxed slightly, and began making his way back towards the crowd. Looking back on his actions, he knew they were foolish; he did not ever have his rapier with him, so what could he have done anyway! That realization also made him quickly realize that not being allowed to have weaponry with him was unsafe, and needed to be rectified as soon as possible, especially since the security at this ball had already been proved to not be of high enough quality, even upon the first day!

However, Asuran was also aware that it had already been too long since he had last practiced his technique as well, as he had not had a chance on the road. With such a skill as swordsmanship, even a few days without practice could make him rusty, and if he was looking to win any of the later tournaments he would need to get better than he had even been before.

Asuran quickly slipped through the crowd over to where the King presided over the gathering. Once he was within speaking range, Asuran gave a deep bow to him in an attempt to be as respectful as possible before presenting his case.
"Sir," he began, "I appreciate how quickly you have dealt with this happening. However, after being a part of this event I must ask that you allow myself and other guests to keep our weapons with us at all times, so that should we be attacked where we cannot get help we may defend ourselves. Such an event as this has shown that despite your best efforts, this castle is not completely secure, and we cannot expect complete safety, even within your walls." Despite how such a statement may be taken as an insult, Asuran did not care. The fact that the king of the strongest nation upon Rosaria could not even protect his own guests was an obvious showing of how he was unfit to be ruling. No such attack had happened within Dorimun for hundreds of years, and it never would of happened had they been there at this time.

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Well, it seemed as if the knight understood a bit... Or as much as he could have, from what he had let on to everyone. Maybe he would be able to leave!.. At least nobody seemed to be interested in attacking him anymore... Things were looking brighter by the second. In fact, he was so happy, he even seemed to be able to try speaking to the crowd about it, even if it did seem like the wrong time to do so! He chuckled and looked at the knight, then to the princess, then back to the knight again, smiling widely. He had never felt this happy in years, it was unbelievable! When he spoke, he didn't care if everyone else heard, though what was said was for the knight only.

"Heck, if you guys are really gonna slip me on this, I feel like I'll pay back everyone I ever stole from in full!"

People really were good at times! They could be negotiated with, they understood, and most importantly-

But before he could finish thinking... He heard a loud, booming, ferocious voice... He turned to look in the direction of it. Over the heads, he saw the voice's owner-

The king.

Whatever he said, it could not have been good, as the guards proceeded to close in on him... His heart sank once again, into the pit it felt it had been in most of his life. Reality painfully sliced its way back into his body from all directions, and he felt like he had ever since his father had died once again- cold, unhappy, and unsympathetic. Well, as unsympathetic as he could to everyone else. He still had an odd feeling of appreciation towards the one lone knight, and the princess, who had gotten him at least to the point where he wouldn't be killed on the spot (most likely). Turning to the princess, he tried to apologize, thank her, or anything- but nothing came out. His tongue felt like it was covered in sand. Instead, he simply let go of her hand, cast the most meaningful look he could, and nodded curtly.

Back to crime, then... For those few hopeful seconds, he had thought he would be able to finally make friends, get a real job, and quit insulting his family name with the "wanted" posters... But this seemed to not be happening today. He readied his scythe for a fight, began a swing towards the closest guard, but suddenly felt himself stop the movement abruptly. He had quit his attack mid-swing- he could see the blade right in front of the man's neck, but other than a shocked expression, the man was not hurt at all. An image appeared in his mind- one of the lone knight, and the princess... After all they had done for him, would he simply mark himself as a criminal with a murder charge? No... He wouldn't. Slowly, the beam from the stick disappeared, and the "wings and halo" faded away. He had quit levitating, and was touching the ground. Sadly, he put his scythe back in his magical neckerchief, tied it once again around his face, and did something he had never done before... Slowly raising his arms in the air, he hung his head in shame. He muttered something seemingly to himself, though it could be clearly heard throughout the crowd.

"... I surrender..."

Mentioned: @Unwavering Knight @DemonKitten @Pretzel Heart

Involved: @ParadoxalPaladin @Spiritdancer @Lady Ravenshade @Yandere Aqua

Even during the king's decree, carried with authoritative composure befitting a wizened monarch, Helbrecht's stare remained frozen on Felix. This was not his stead, he had no real authority here. So long as the arie received a fair hearing, the knight had no reason to interfere. Had the king announced execution on the spot despite the arie's harmless surrender, things would have been different. As the guards neared to take the false arien servant into custody, the knight slowly turned, looking over the crowd, towards the king directly.

"I expect you will take Princess Yuki's judgement into consideration, King of the Land." he addressed the monarch, devoid of honorifics beyond the bare essentials. He did not bow. Looking at the defeated form of Felix, the knight spoke "Needy, if you require one to speak on your behalf, sent for I, Helbrecht, Knight of the Lady. If you feel injustice being done to you, call my name in greatest plight and I will rush to your aid."


Nelly Lin

At King Mutto' proclamation there was a quietude that sailed across the vastness of the sea of faces within the banquet hall, some bemused, displeased, frightened. Nelly's bearing held a shaken expression, the energy in her limbs dulled as she could not seem to shake the feeling of the ever-present gaze of the monarch of Euthalia, it'd slipped her mind that he was even there, surveying the happenings around them. Monitoring the magic that was the approaching ball, eyeing the palpable atmosphere that shivered with suspense and liveliness waiting to be torn and then sewn back together. The King's instructions, the very string to fix the tear in the fabric.

The slight furrowing of her brow flickers into a wince as something oddly sharp abruptly collides into her from behind, the dark eyed girl raises her head to turn toward her assailant. And instinctively she lifts her hand to brace the girl, whom she immediately recognized as the dancer, Olympia,

Nelly' face washes with a bemused sort of confusion as she blinks at the younger girl clad in a copper-colored dress that gleamed as it caught the brilliant luminescence emitted by the levitating candles. A pardon slips from the willowy lady's lips, it was strange, for her to apologize considering what came off as such a haughty nature.

"Lady Dolloway is it? do correct me if I'm wrong," she allows an energetic beam to regain it's place on her lips.

"Dear, I've heard far too many apologies today. I must be doing something wrong,"

The wolf-girl ceases her sentence in order to allow the dancer to gather her bearings, she silently admires the gracefulness of her slender limbs. For a moment Nelly wondered at the possibility of dance lessons..a chuckle escapes her, bringing a conclusion to such a notion.

At Olympia's exclamation, Nelly is taken-aback and hides it behind the contemplative mask of a refined woman,
"surely, that does not apply to all Arie," comes the civil retort, despite the conflicting opinions of both women. "I urge you to rethink the nature that of the Ariens, through that you'd be throwing open a majority of doors never before revealed," a genuine smile flickers over her face.

"You'll consider it won't you?" she says hopefully before focusing her attentions on the King, Lin manages to grasp the ongoing conversation playing out between the King and bold viscount. Weapons? possessed in what was meant to be a harmonious gathering such as this? The Witch disagreed, such power would only worsen the possibility of an assault and perhaps the situation would not turn out to be as petty.

[Addressed: @Spiritdancer

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Naomi Marie ThalassaPrincess of the Marine Kingdom
Well, that had all just erupted into a scandal. That Arie certainly had not done any good, but Naomi couldn't help but feel the crowd's reaction was a little rash. Especially that Olympia girl- what a rude thing to say. Naomi almost balked at the thought that she had agreed to teach this girl- still, she ought to keep a stiff upper lip- she might have to deal with even more atrocious people as the month went on.

She stood swiftly, the green of her dress swirling around her calves as she followed after Asuran, and more importantly, the King. "Your Majesty, I-" She stopped with a huff, and gave a deep cursty, taking the time to calm herself before she spoke again. "Your Majesty, I must implore you- have mercy on the Arien. The Rebellion has driven many to desperate measures, I am to understand, and it is no wonder an event like this has attracted a thief- in fact, given this supposed attack, I would not be surprised if there more among our number. Still, if I may be so bold- I do not think it is Euthalia's place to cause further bloodshed in such a time- is not the legendary Cendrillion Ball supposed to be a time of peace and celebration between nations? To stain such an event with blood- our old houses would shake at the thought. Please, he has surrendered, and he has not done any real harm, even his supposed victim sees no harm in him." There were many things she did not say, that she was thinking, but she could hint at them. "I beg of you- please use what best judgement you have. Would you kill a human thief for this crime? If not, please show similar mercy to this thief." With another curtsy and a small nod to Asuran, she spun on her heel and walked away.

"Princess Aiko, are you well? You look a little ill- would you care for some water? Or perhaps something stronger?" She asked the girl, already looking around for a servant to fetch the refreshment. The needs of the servant thief- whoever he was seemed to be the focus of the Knight- but the princess of Greedo seemed to need care as much as he did.

Addressed: @Pretzel Heart (King Mutto) @DemonKitten (Aiko)

Mentioned: @ParadoxalPaladin (Asuran) @Unwavering Knight (Helbrecht)

The Princess of Greedo

Aiko sat down frustrated at the fact that they were unable to escape or that she was unable to get her voice loud enough to make any sort of an impact. The white haired princess sighed before realizing that she didn't feel that sick anymore.

Perhaps the poison is almost out of my system, she thought slightly excited at the prospects of looking normal and healthy for once in her life. Her dreams were cut short as a more "living" and warm colored princess came along.

"Princess Aiko, are you well? You look a little ill- would you care for some water? Or perhaps something stronger?" The beautiful woman asked her and she was reminded that it wouldn't be that easy to escape her curse.

Naomi, I believe. The Princess of the Marine Kingdom, Aiko deduced remembering her from before the food was served as she had been chatting with a few other guest. She recalled how much different they looked when compared to each other. Naomi had bright eyes, healthy hair and lovely dark complextion while Aiko saw herself as pasty skinned, eyes that reminded her she was sick and hair that just as well be sick with her.

Aiko sighed. "Call me Yuki and water will be fine. I've had enough poison in my system," she joked, an inside joke to herself. Aiko was envious of the other Princesses, but she had to admit Noami was a complete opposite of herself.

I hope the fox thief and Helbrecht are doing okay, she thought as she wondered if anyone else felt as inferior as she did surrounded by all these beautiful perfect people.

(addressed) @The Succubi Queen

(Mentioned) @FelixWrightwind @Unwavering Knight


Rien Lapine

Evening | At the Banquet

The banquet hall became as chaotic as Rien's roving mind as the tables fell; accusations of the arien servant as a thief only served to escalate the turmoil. As Rien glanced over in attempt to locate the source of the disturbance, he noticed a familiar face: the face of a wanted criminal, the mercenary thief Felix Wrightwind.
A criminal within the very halls of Euthalia? thought Rien, though he made no move himself, seeing that there was already a large mob of people gathered around the epicenter of the commotion. Nowhere is absolutely secure, I suppose; not the walls of the Castle Lepumir, not the royal halls of grand Euthalia... not even within my own heart can security be found.

Among the crowd to attend to the chaos, Rien spotted Viscount Dorix and Sir Helbrecht, people who just a moment ago were engaged in idle conversation.
Alas, man is prone to reaction, as the world is to change. Rien, like the others in attendance at the banquet, had of course never expected such a major disturbance to ever occur during the Cendrillon Ball, especially on the first day of festivities, but even more surprised was he at how rapidly the viscount and knight had rushed to the princess's aid. He considered for a moment that perhaps he also should act to assist, but remembered his position as a mere dance instructor, but moreover as an arie, and decided to remain idle in his place.

The King's booming voiced pierced the confused shroud of a disarrayed crowd. At his command, the royal guard immediately seized Wrightwind, though the act generated great controversy within those in attendance. Shouts could be heard from the crowd claiming that the King's command was issued in discrimination, at which he became clearly enraged. Rien noticed an arien servant whispering something to the King, after which he stated that he would have acted likewise regardless of the subject's race.
Ever manifest is the conflict between aria and humans. The rebellion ravaged through Lepurmir and Nezzie, but conflict stands apart from war. Even should the war end, there may always be conflict; here it is now within the walls of Euthalia. I fled to to escape the war... but I should never escape the core conflict between the races, which was its essential cause. Rien sighed deeply, with the melancholy of one who sees ruin, but knows that there is no action to be taken to stop it.

The dance...

Rien had become the royal dance instructor to the Euthalia Kingdom, and as such would be accompanying the princess in the Ball's traditional opening dance, as she had not yet established for herself a partner. From the King's words, it seemed that he intended to continue with the dance, despite the derangement caused by the thief. Rien resolved that he would continue as normal with the flow of occurrence.
There is nothing to do but dance now, I shall simply act then as events occur.

"Dear friends, truly, your servant is in no position now to speak, but let us compose ourselves again, despite this dire derangement. Let the king do what he will with the intruder, he has ruled the kingdom for all this time without much grievance; after all, the rebellion has not yet come to Euthalia, so let us be content with our conditions. The intruder has disturbed the peace, and it should matter not whether he is human or arie. Let the king administer justice then as he will. Meanwhile, let not this disorder deter us from the joviality to be found in celebration and feasting. A guard has been dispatched to search for the princess, upon whose return we shall commence the traditional opening dance to the Cendrillon ball. A single individual should not deprive the jubilation of a multitude." He addressed those petitioning the king, wishing that no further tension be created than that which was already present. If it is impossible to escape the conflict, resolved Rien, then I shall at least attempt to subdue it where possible.

Addressed: @Pretzel Heart | @The Succubi Queen | @Unwavering Knight

Mentioned: @DemonKitten | @FelixWrightwind | @wizard nibblers

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100th Annual Cendrillion Ball ~ Day 1: Prelude



Status Report

Date: Sunday, April 1st

Time: Evening (8:35 PM)

Temperature: Cool and slightly windy

Falkor's steps were proud but heavy as he strode through the halls. It was unbecoming of the Captain of the Guard to run around like a new recruit, searching aimlessly for the two missing royals. Besides, he was not quite the fierce aria he had once been, driven mad by dreams of grandeur. Success had softened his spirit, and he had gotten quite used to the luxury of dropping the never ending cautious passion that had clung to him throughout all his years of training.

But now he was paying for it.

Though Falkor still took his role as Captain of the Guard seriously, he knew that he had become lenient. Still, it was a terrible oversight, even for his present self, to have allowed in the thief. How had he escaped notice? Even if Falkor had, admittedly, let his position get to him, there was still Holwood, the Second in Command, and as fierce as Falkor ever was. Perhaps fiercer. Little could pass by his sharp eye unnoticed. And sometimes, it made the Captain worry. That perhaps those beady eyes had themselves set on more than just catching criminals. Harbored dreams of grandeur for themselves.

For the two guards were both arie, and, indeed, shared a past driven by desire. The Euthalian Knighthood was one of the few places where skill triumphed over species, and both men and arie fought alongside each other. Falkor had joined at an early age with hopes to improve upon the lives of his poor village merchant parents. Even as a pup he had known that theirs was not the life he desired, constantly struggling against the throes of poverty with what pitiful "get rich" schemes his father could conduct. It had been years since he had last visited them, or even had the desire to. Success in the failed Caesar Rebellion had rendered him one of King Mutto's most trusted guards. And ever since, he hadn't looked back. Only now, seated comfortably at the top, down was the only place left to stare.

And when he looked, there was Holwood. Constantly just one step behind.

All it would take is a single error...

Like letting a notorious thief into the opening ceremonies of the most important event of the year. On its centennial, no less!

But Falkor wouldn't let go of his fortune so easily. There was still time to repair the mistake. And so he found himself in front of the door to the princess's chambers, rapping on it with a firm knock.

Princess Evalyn, are you in there? His Majesty is exceedingly worried about you and wishes for you to return to the Dining Hall immediately."

For a while there was no answer, and so with a sharp sigh the Captain turned to go look elsewhere. Then, suddenly, the door was thrown open.

I'm sorry, but the princess is in a dire state. I'm afraid it's best that she rests, for the time being."

It was Kip, the princess's tutor. An aria with connections going back generations which had festered in powerful magic. Even now he was hovering in the doorway as if to show off that fact, opening it just wide enough to reveal his tiny frame but nothing of what lay beyond. Curious, Falkor, much larger than the tiny servant, tried to peer around him inside. There was nothing but darkness.

She only just came through the portal, I haven't even had a chance to talk to her about anything yet. Why is the King looking for her? We just need a little more time---

Well, you see, there is an intruder in the castle. As Captain of the Guard, I must ascertain Her Highness's safety."

An intruder?"

This time Kip's voice buzzed with alarm. He remembered how panicked Princess Evalyn had seemed earlier, after her encounter with the Nezzie boy. Was there more to it? Was there a conspiracy? The Rebellion---?

A thief, seems to have snuck in, though he has since been apprehended. We are currently looking into the matter."

Instantly Kip's mind filled with endless worries. It was perhaps a good thing after all that he had helped the princess to hide. But he also had a new duty now, to protect her replacement to the best of his abilities. If there were dangerous people about, it certainly wouldn't be ideal for her to make her debut.

The Princess is fine. As her personal attendant and tutor, of this, I can assure you. It was just...in the courtyard! She and Prince Kiefer of Nezzie were in the garden, and there was a...a bug who jumped out and frightened her. Poor thing fainted, and for now I think she just needs to rest."

Kip was doing his best, though it felt awful to lie in such a way. While the princess certainly wasn't a fan of creepy crawlies, would anyone believe she
fainted over such an incident?

Falkor looked suspicious for a moment, before bowing his head.

Very well. I will inform His Majesty. But I should feel safer if we post a guard out here tonight. And have Her Highness abstain from returning to her room in the Château."

Yes. Alright. That does seem for the best."

Kip was more relieved to be rid of the Captain than anything. Well...what did he have to worry about? Anyone looking at the new Evalyn would hardly notice a difference. But it would assure him if he could at least prepare her before tossing her into the frothing sea of Roserasia's complicated politics. The girl, from where she had been found, was obviously no princess. Perhaps not even a leader.

But she'll have to learn to get along. When the one who should be learning is Evalyn...

With a quick bow the Captain finally departed. It wasn't great news, to tell the king that his daughter was skipping out on her duties. But if she was ill, then there was really nothing for it. And at least she was safe.

On his way back to the Dining Hall, however, a young man came running up to Falkor. It seemed as if his adventure was not quite over.

Captain, has Her Highness been located?"

The man had a panicked air about him, an expression not commonly found on the well-trained soldiers of the Euthalian Court.

Why, has something happened?"

In the courtyard...we found...there was..."


There was blood. Coming out from under some bushes. And...well, we aren't sure how to handle it, but it seems as if someone might have been attacked."

If Falkor's face could show from underneath his copious fur, it would have been obvious how much the news startled him by his complexion's instantaneous paling. But as Captain, known for his confident, steady attitude, he had appearances to keep up.

Right. Find Holwood, he'll know what to do. Make sure none of the guests find out, try to avoid inciting rumors till we find out exactly what's going on. I'll go speak to His Majesty."

The young human ran off, leaving an unusually disgruntled Falkor to pace through the hallways alone with his thoughts. The princess had been in the courtyard, would she have seen anything? Was that the real reason as to her 'ailment?'

By the time Falkor entered the Dining Hall, thankfully the servants had already cleaned up much of the mess and the thief had been apprehended. He'd have to be interrogated, of course. And if he had an accomplice sneaking about...

The King won't like this at all.

Unfortunately, that won't be possible." The aria announced, walking past the princess's new dance instructor with a polite nod, having just heard the aria's honest plea for decorum. "The princess had an unfortunate encounter in the courtyard, and her tutor deems it best if she rest."

She what?"

Falkor turned behind him to see a pair of guards flanking two finely dressed young men of extremely variant heights. The one who had spoken was heads taller than the other, and his voice held a tremor to match a face turned sickly white.

Her Highness fainted in the courtyard, and now her tutor is attending to her. It was no great incident, no cause for alarm. I'm sure Her Highness will be up to her duties by the morrow."

This time Falkor was speaking to the king more directly. His Majesty had a dour look on his creased face that only deepened at the news.

Oh, Evalyn...why? All you had to do is dance. The same dance you've done hundreds of times.

But outside of his grim face, King Mutto betrayed none of his thoughts.

If it is as you say, then perhaps it is best to end things here," his commanding presence flowed through the room of scattered conversations as he again rose from his chair, "We have heard you who have decided to come to this thief's aid, and can assure you that a full investigation shall be carried out to the best of Our men's abilities." The icy blue eyes pierced through Falkor as he said this. "But for now, he shall be escorted to the dungeon. This thief has caused enough trouble as it is. For Our refined guests, We beg that you do not be alarmed. This was a mistake that shall not be repeated. As the Cendrillion Ball has, for a century, represented peace between all people in Roserasia, We shall put out every effort to maintain it. Arming yourselves will only cause further panic. It would be most unhost like of Us to allow such a minor incident to ruin the spirits of the next month of celebration. But for now, perhaps it is best to let things lie. For now We shall conclude the Opening Banquet. Feel free to linger in conversation, but We Ourselves shall be retiring shortly."

Even as he spoke, however, King Mutto truly wondered if this was truly a mere "coincidence;" an accident that could have occurred on any day, at any feast. Or rather...was it an omen of things to come. A prelude in minor harbinger to a month of grim events, spiraling in a dark crescendo towards a disastrous finale.

Well, only through the passage of time would they find out.

Time to Say Goodnight

With this Day 1 has officially ended! You all have 48 hours to write closing posts to make plans / prepare for the coming of Day 2. Please do not introduce any new plot elements, and focus your posts on leaving the Banquet / going to bed. If you are a Representative, you will have your room in the Princess's Château. Otherwise you will have to figure out lodgings for yourself.

We will all begin Day 2 together two days from now, so make sure to solidify where you are going and with whom either IC or OOC.

Thanks, guys!

@DemonKitten , @ParadoxalPaladin , @Unwavering Knight , @FelixWrightwind , @MLAQTS , @The Succubi Queen , @Spiritdancer , @Yandere Aqua , @Lady Ravenshade , @Beowulf , @FinalStraw

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