[PRE-ARC] - Establishment

[[OOC: I am also assuming we are watching Frost and Vale at the car crash site and are currently honed in on the girl.]]

They had been in that freakin' van for hours, it was getting stuffy, and boring, and Volpe wanted out. But no, Mr. Drones kept droning on about how important retrieving these newly uncovered meta-humans were. '"You must have patience my young padawan." Yea, I'm sure you're very patient...at the mental clinic.' He muttered bitterly, cursing in his mother tongue as he misjudged the height of the van for the 5th time that day, sending himself tumbling out onto the pavement. Pulling himself and whatever pride he had back up, he turned to face his new 'baby-sitter'. "I'm hungry." He whined, trying to irritate the man who had become his new partner. The imposing man was more like a guard sent to watch his every movement and Volpe was feeling more and more like a freak at the circus, suffocating under the smothering gaze of the black-clad ring leader. "Let's get takeaway!" He squealed enthusiastically, poking Mr. Bones' arm as he did so. He reckoned he was doing a rather good job on his 5-year-old voice, whether that was a good or a bad thing remained to be seen.

Having been preoccupied falling out of the dark van and irritating his partner, Volpe had managed to miss the girls heroic rescue of the female cop, and was only now taking in the scene. "Hey Bones." His voice grew uncertain as he took in the sight. "Who is that guy?" He pointed to the dark looking man. "He don't look so happy man..." See, if Omnicorp had just let La Volpe get back to Italy like the law-abiding mercenary that he was -in his own eyes- he wouldn't have to deal with these freaks. Just dealing with his own unstable relationship with his humanity was difficult enough.

Suddenly the earth trembled, sending tremors through the earths crust. Street-side lamps flickered, pavement cracked and even the heavily-armoured van was rocking. Throwing his arms out to keep his balance, La Volpe watched as a street lamp began to bend under the violent onslaught of the earths anger, giving under the pressure and cascading down right above the scythe-man's head. Staring in bafflement, Volpe could only watch from beside his partner as his hand instinctively went to the multitude of pictures in the right pocket of his trousers. Waiting for orders from his guardian-devil, Mr. Bones, newly-appointed agent Mr. Felix could only stand-by, anticipating the orders' signal to move.
Vale was dumbfounded as he watched Greyfire take away the injured officer. He was close enough to attempt to heal Frost but, he didnt know how his blood's composition worked. Vale was assuming strange things but wanted to attempt it anyway. "Frost was it? I'm gonna attempt to..." Vale was cut off by the tremors of the earthquake or so he thought that's what it was, he never learned much about it in school.

OOC: If I list it in the character sheet, can I heal?
Frost moves with out hesitation. 'So much pain, must..ignore it.Come on Frost think of something funny...Hehe..stupid dog...You made him look bad. Oh how I miss you childhood of yesteryear.' He holds the lamp post above his head and tosses it to the ground away from the man.
Shortly, Greyfire returns to the scene, Eager to find more ways to assist..she floats above the hassle, and waits for something to present itself... she see's vain approaching the wounded Furry...

looking around, she see's two other's she knows.. and two new people... one tall Suited man that gives her the creeps, and some other Human...
Frost - Following your instincts, your good cop ones this time, not your animalistic ones, you immediately jump in the way of the falling metal debris to try an protect the unknown man that was mutilated in the accident. The impact on your already injured body is pretty intense, you feel a certain amount of blood begin to surge from your gut, and a surge of pain echoes throughout your body from your back. You begin to wonder if catching such an object was really a good idea, as the pressure of its fall begins to take effect on your muscles. You manage to take it some light-humor, you are use to some of these kinds of discomforts, and attempt to throw it off of you. It doesn't go far, maybe about 3 feet. Though your goal is accomplished, in your running jump feat to try to catch the light post.

Fatigue overflows you, you've been knocked around several times this night, and you definitely feel the whiplash in your neck from the accident. Though your job is not over. As you chuck the metal post a little bit farther, the unknown man behind you. Beings to groan and you immediately hear the moving of his scythe-like arm scrap against the car as he attempts to make a swing at you.

Mr. Bones - You stay calm, even though you can feel the tremor beneath you. You as an educated man, definitely know this isn't a normal event to occur. While it isn't out of the question, Earthquakes can technically happen anywhere on Earth, you have your own suspicions on the matter. Perhaps a more anthropogenic cause in the matter? Nevertheless, the shaking stops, and you have more matters to deal with.

The transmission won't respond in your earpiece. Once again the damn Earthquake, or whatever it was, didn't pick a convenient time to show up. The Satellite Dishes might be damaged or some electromagnetism interfering? You don't know, but all you know that something is disrupting your commands to your other men. That means you are own, if you want to handle this matter as it is. You have three men in the van, along with your partner. You don't entirely know the capabilities of these individuals, but you can assume good enough to handle the super humans before you.

Examining the specimens before you, the most dangerous ones, you can assume, are ether the body manipulator or the flying female. If you decided to act, you know you would have to split your men amongst those two. As for the two other men, one of them you aren't sure of their abilities at all. They may not even be a Meta-Human. You might want to take a safer approach for him. As for the wolf-like man who seems almost unconscious, you know who he is. Frost W. Law, from the Megalopolis Police Department, more of an symbolic embodiment than a police officer in your opinion, but you know that trying to bring him in would only cause further problems for OmniCorp. In any case, Frost isn't causing problems in your areas of concern.

You put the wallet pictures of your family away in your front right pocket, when all of the sudden the man that Frost just saved, lurches out and attempts to stab Frost with his sharp boney arm.

Alphonse - You feel the Earthquake shake the city. Many of the police begin to panic slightly, but they eventually calm down and try to refocus on their situation. What you notice though, is that the figure atop of the thin light posts, begins to lose his footing and the transparent football object seems to be sliding out of his grasps.

The Police officer, Edward is talking to, only seems confused with his responses and even gets further distracted by the Earthquake. You'll have to act fast if you want to interfere. While you aren't entirely certain of your abilities with the object, you know you can control it slightly.
The Ancient Roman watches as the football object falls out of the figure's grasp. It's all in slow motion to Alphonse, The Earthquake, the talking, Edward, police guy. It all happens in slow motion as Alphonse comes to the hard realization of the situation. He could let them all die or he could save them with dire consequences in the future. Alphonse makes his choice setting future events in motion and decides he has had enough of running and likes it here and likes the people of megalopolis and his new friend edward. "RECUSO MORI, UT QUI HODIE!" yelled out Alphonse in another language as he reached out with his left hand at the object forcing it to slow down a bit before impacting on the ground as he reached out with his right hand shooting his sphere of glass at high speeds to engulf the strange object in a box of glass he could control. If he could not manipulate the object he would put it in something he could.

OOC: I used google translate for latin and he said "I refuse to let anyone die today!"
When he hears Alphonse cry out, Edward's attention snaps away from the stubborn police officer and he begins sprinting towards the falling figure. As he draws near, Edward jumps into the air to catch the man, placing his own body between his target and the ground in order to absorb as much of the impact as possible.
Frost has no time to react, the scythe pierces into his sides, just poking his right kidney. "This is the second worst painful moment of my life." Frost, ignoring all pain, forces the man's arm out of his sides.Blood spews from his sides.'Shouldn't have done that Frost..' Pissed off, Frost makes a grab for the man's "arm" and (If successful) begins to freeze as much of it as he can.
Vale scent over the blood is almost at a overflow point and throws his vial of blood in the air. Almost instantly the blood erupts from the vial in a rain of small glass shards. The blood creates a sphere again in his hand but it's less organized and more furious moving. As frost beings to try to stop his blood, Vale moves faster at the monsterous thing with his enhanced speed, vale lashed the blood towards him trying to lacerate the thing in a attempt to make it pay for attacking another that saved him. His blind fury was not so blind but his bloodlust was taking over.
Alphonse & Edward - The Tremor began to cease, as the figure lost his footing on the narrow street lamp that was his perch. The Police seemed to only begin to realize the gravity of the situation, until it was too late and the object was already falling. Soon after, the weight of the figures body also caused him to tumble forward into a fall.

The police began to prepare themselves for an impact, putting their hands in front of their faces, and their riot shields raised in the air. As the football like object, began to fall slowly, or seemed to, they weren't sure if it had actually slowed down or if it was just their adrenaline running. They heard yelling from behind them, in a language none of them understood. Almost immediately after, in the few seconds this had occurred. A glass container, which seemed thick and had multiple layers, managed to capture the object and keep it floating in air.

The police turned around to view Alphonse standing there dramatically with his hands beforehand him. The Transparent Box was foggy, but it was definitely floating in the air without any assistance. The men were astonished. Though what they didn't see was Edward running past them, to try and catch the figure as he fell.

It was a daring gesture, as Edward dived beyond the Barricade and attempted to catch the falling body. It was painful, the body was at least 130lbs, not insane but falling from at least 10 feet, it wasn't something easily done. He could feel his shoulders have immense stress put on them. It cringed him with pain, as he caught the person in his arms, using his chest as a buffer. Like a football player catching the final throw of the night. He succeeded, but his arms felt sprained. His back began to ache tremendously with pain, as his whole spinal cord reacted to the falling object. Forced to give off some pressure, Edward fell to his knees, with the person and eventually toppled over the unknown figure.

The person didn't seem to react to this, or at least you weren't sure, his hockey mask was pressing into your chest, and his hands, covered in black gloves, didn't move fully. He seemed to be as shocked as Edward was with this set up.

Frost - Your mouth began to fill with blood, as you felt like you were going to throw up your guts. The blade didn't make it very far, serrated with his other finger and arm bones, his arm was far from smooth. Still, the cutting was painful enough at it was. It broke the skin and made it into you. You weren't sure how deep, but it definable was close to your kidney area. You were expecting immense pain, but the injury was so large, your body's endorphins had kicked in. All the pain you had felt earlier, went away, as if you were on morphine. This wasn't your first up and close fight, you knew what this was. You were going into Shock, but this was no time to panic. You took his arm, and carefully tried to remove it from you. The blade hurt caused just as much blood coming out as it did going in. You then, unsure of what else to do, begin to hold down on his fragment arm and try to freeze him.

The man gives you a smirk as if he is enjoying the fight. Until all of the sudden, he feels his arms starting to get cold. It was a delayed response because how mutilated his arm currently is, resembling more polish bone over an actual arm. It isn't until the cold reaches the leftover fleshy parts of his forearm, that he understands the situation fully. As his lower arm turns black, purple and red, rapidly. The sweat and blood on his arm, turned into elaborate crystal structures. It became obvious that the man had to do something. Acting quickly, he manages to take his other arm and his left leg, and kick you off of him. The kick has so much immense force, you feel as if you were in another car accident, and skid across the roadway.

Vale - Though even with Frost off, the monstrous man, seemed to have forgotten you're arrival to the scene, or he never noticed you to begin with. As you charged right for him. You swing your blood to slice the remainder of his right bony arm. The pain was intense, as the man didn't see it coming, having no way to defend his body. The arm seemed to go limp, and become unusually heavy, dangling with the leftover tendons and nerves that connected it to the rest of the body.

The man let out a groan of severe pain, but seemed to lash out quickly with even his mauled barely connected right arm. As the few muscles that sitll worked, managed to hit you across the face. He too also acted quickly on you, kicking you away. It wasn't as efficient as it was with Frost, but he managed to force you back several feet.
Being airborne, she barely noticed the earthquake, if at all...

She looks down at the Clusterfuck down below Not paying attention the the ordeal with the Football Macguffin, but is more interested with the bleeding dog... as Vale lashes at him with blood, greyfire times her movements, and dashes at the Scythe'd man who hurt Frost, her purple glowing fists first, intent to move him away from her friends, leaving a purple Powerpuff-like streak in the air as she Dashes.

(Edit: i type Slow!)
Edward forced himself to his feet, his healing repairing his sprained and bruised body. "You all right? Falling off lamp posts tends to be bad for your health." Edward extends his hand down to help the odd man to stand. "I'm sure this is all a big misunderstanding." Edward smiles and a light goes on in his head. "I've got it! Video game tournament! If you win, the cops forget this whole thing. If they win, you explain what you were up to." Edward nods his head, proud of himself. "Yes, I think that's the perfect solution here."
Vale was down for a second and got up slowly trying to draw what blood he could from the ground. He couldn't get too much after his focus and senses were broken for a second. He collected himself and thought about how it hurt a bit, "No, point in staying down..."
Analyzing the situation, Mr. Bones prioritized his targets: The police barricade and those involved with it were of little concern to him at the pressing moment, and thus left his field of thought. He focused instead on those surrounding Officer Law, whose death, should it occur, would not reflect well on his report. He had no sympathy nor care whatsoever for the metahuman, but it didn't matter what he thought; only OmniCorp's policy was important.

"Converge on the hostile bladesman assaulting Officer Law. Engage surrounding targets as Class-Yellow. Focus on the metahuman bladesman, do not engage other targets until my command." As he said this, Mr. Bones drew a standard-issue pistol from within his suit, an M9. However, it was far from the usual pistol. While the hostile had been greatly affected by Law's frost powers, it was an Agent's duty to secure every asset possible. Aiming it precisely at the hostile blade-wielding metahuman, the customized M9 fired a narrow, focused beam of stasis energy directly at the hostile's chest. He made the shot while the others were moving around, away from the line of fire, insuring that the shot would hit its intended target. Once the target was subdued, it would be carted away, as they all were, never to be seen ever again - that is, if all of this went according to plan. Which, in Mr. Bones' line of work, almost never did.

(EDIT: He can simply move his aim and fire; it's not like the stasis beam has a range, it's continuous until it makes contact with a solid surface/object - in this case, the bladesman)
Frost gets back up, he apparently landed on another person.He seemed to be wearing a white long fur coat and have similar wolf like features to his own."Wait..." His half unconscious body makes a barely audible scream.Frosts jumps wide awake, as he realizes he was only dreaming. His once beautiful white fur coat was now a disgusting shade of blood red. He feels numb but slowly get's back up. He looks at the one armed man."I .swear..to..uh..ass?...I think..I'm gonna kick your uh..God?...No wait..Scratch that."
((OOC: Robotnik, we still don't know if anyone has hit yet so at this point the bladesman should still be in the same spot, neither shot nor tackled =3))

Volpe gave a short nod at the order and moved to the side under a glowing streetlamp after seeing his partner pull out the M9. He'd been shot by that thing once before and he certainly didn't want to ever again. That thing hurt, not to mention what happens after you get hit. Shuddering from the memory, Volpe produced a pack of animal pictures from his front-right pocket. what he called the 'quick-pick.' Feverishly rummaging through the pile, he found what he was looking for. He brandished a picture of a bear, examining it in the light of the streetlamp. His brain reacted immediately, scouring its databases for the genetic coding, matching that of the animals description being received from the optic nerves. There was a match, a stem cell containing 74 chromosomes, 37 pairs and genes matching that of the grizzly bear. It was activated, forced into extreme mitosis through forces unkown, devouring any human cells withing its path except for the brain, the control center itself, and overriding all cells with the 46 chromosomes. This was mass growth on a grand scale, rewriting and replicating cell structure until all that was left, was the brain, the original cell replaced by a large furred body. Volpe growled, bearing (excuse the pun) his wide, ominous maw. It was play time.
Alphonse kept the glass box floating around him as he forgot the police where their and rushed over to Edward and the stranger. He ran past the barricade to go check on his friend who acted like a pillow to save the stranger. "You alright Edward?" said Alphonse as he approached both of them leaving his back to the police. Alphonse looks at them and then at the glass box floating around him. "I got it . . What ever it is I mean" he looks at the stranger as if questioning him with his eyes.
Alphonse - Several of the police had turned to look at Alphonse, examining his hand movements as the block of glass stayed perfectly still in the air. It was remarkable, almost unreal, none of the police had ever seen something similar to it in their lives. Immediately though the officers reacted to Edward, jumping over the barricade, turning their attention to him. They ignored Alphonse running pass them until he too was over the barricade. Drawing their guns, once of the officers said "FREEZE! Don't move."

Edward - The figure seems to hesitate taking your hand. He even further back-offs when you mention your strange idea to settle matters. While your eyes are still focused on him, he does eventually agree to your extended hand and you assist him up. Though when you turn behind you, you notice Alphonse looking at you and the other person. When his eye's met up with that of the body behind you. The masked person turned away, not wanting to look at him. You don't have much time to react to this as the police yell "FREEZE! Don't move." aiming their guns towards both you, the figure and Alphonse.

Greyfire - You charge like a locomotive, right at the arm-blade wielding man. Your strength takes hims by surprise, and he, along with yourself, slide down the street 20 feet. However as the man skids across the ground, with you pushing him. He thrusts his feet into the ground below him. You begin to notice that you're slowing down in speed. Until you eventually stop, and are in a struggle for strength with your opponent. While you have super strength, common for your race, this man seems to be able to keep you on equal footing. He's definitely strange, strange indeed. While you struggle to overcome one another, he puts his mutilated left arm on your shoulder, attempt to hold you in place, as he attempts to swing his scythe-like right arm in attempt to pierce at least some of your skin.

Mr. Bones - You aim for the extremely large man with the bone scythe. As you expected, nothing went as it was suppose to go. Just as you aimed and tried to take your shot. You realized you missed, as a streak of purple took the man and moved him 5 feet almost instantly. You begin to realize what occurs as the man seems to be attempting to overcome the flying female.
Edward shakes his head. "No, no, Freeze Tag isn't a video game." Edward sighs. "Hey, Al? Can you use that glass to block them if they try to shoot? I'm not sure how durable this guy is." Edward turns back to the police. "Look, just lower the weapons, he's clearly not much of a threat right now and we can all settle this nicely. Probably. For once."
Greyfire's face remains plain, neither a smile or a grimace as she pushes him to a halt...

the Scythe would strike true, but its effectiveness is brought into question as the Sharp object barely leaves a white scratch against her skin on her shoulder, near her neck.. tho the impact itself appears to make her grimace slightly she growls, eyes flaring brighter, as she suddenly rockets forward and upwards, her feet leaving the ground, at the taller figure, colliding her head with his, and introducing him To one of the hardest organic substances humans can witness: Her Thick Skull.

"Stop Hurting My Friend!" She shouts, just as her head collides with his.

(Edit: I love how Edward's trying to be Diplomatic.. and i just Headbutted a Guy in the face xD .)
Alphonse panics at the situation as soon as his adrenaline wears out and is not as diplomatic as Edward due to his lack of people skills. He quickly waves his hand and his left over glass with that of the lamppost and surrounding environment(Other lamposts and debris on the ground, and cars and stuff) and forms a bubble for the others to get in while instantly blocking out police bullets should they choose to fire. "Its time to go. Lets go gentlemen." he looks at the masked stranger for a moment and says "You too unless you want to be filled with holes or go into custody." once everyone gets in he closes it off and flies alway back to the pent house.

Exiting to The Penthouse.
Alphonse & Edward - Waving his hand, Alphonse obliterated the nearby glass objects around him. Glass windows on the skyscraper, the safety glass on cars, and the the light bulbs in the various street lights that met at the intersection, all erupted into a fine mist of glass shards. The police officers thought they were being attack by a sniper, or some sort of aerial attack, as they heard the explosions but were unable to pinpoint the source. Until the glass shards, brought to the intersection, by some sort of force. Found them selves massing into a large wall.

"DAMMIT! DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY!" said the Police Captain, who now realized who was to blame. "Fire at Will. We are dealing with a Code 2023. You are free to fire at will." he ordered his men. As the armed police officers began to unload bullets onto all of you. The larger heavy assault rifle bullets, manage to break parts of the glass, shattering the wall in certain areas, but it was no use. Glass was an immense resource in the city, so Alphonse could simply steal the glass from their police vehicles, bullet proof in nature, to make a part of the protective bubble.

As the officer's rifles cleared their magazines, Alphonse allowed the the transparent platform to gain flight towards the Penthouse, with Edward and the new body safely inside the clear bubble.

Exit to The Penthouse.

Greyfire - Blood begins to trickle down your skull. As you slam your forehand into his. While you certainly did your damage on his head, his own skull was harder than you expected. The man was obviously an extreme example, his body was altered (probably by him) to be tougher than a regular human. It seems you have your first forminable opponent in years and who would have thought it would be someone not from your homeplanet?

The man grins at you, as if enjoying the pain you bring him. Blood also running down his forehead. "I like you lass. You bring a challenge, but I am afraid you are interrupting me from my, you see, objective." he told you politely, and then swung his blade-like arm to try to force you to step back.
Entering from Police Escape.

Alphonse forces the glass platform across the city as his vision starts to blurr and lands on the penthouse balcony. "Edward knows the rules. But you don't. Make your self at home. Do not break any thing and you can order any service you want from the hotel menu. However" Alphonse stares at him all serious for the last part. "You are not allowed to enter the golden door under any circumstances. Do you understand me? and make sure not to leave the penthouse till the smoke clears. Ill be sure to keep your toy nice and safe" Alphonse leaves Edward and the masked man before he can even respond to Al. Alphonse quickly enters the penthouse knocking over some of the stuff he strickly told the others not to break as he tumbles about and heads to the golden room locking him self inside. Once inside the dark room lits up as it recognizes it's master. The room is styled in old ritual style temple with the Ritual mirror in the direct center. Alphonse searches through one of the tables near the beautiful mirror and pulls out some surgical tools and a needle with morphine as he drops his cloths infront of the mirror to reveal the blood dripping out and injects the morphine into him self as he prepares to remove a stray bullet that got past the shield and into his left side. His heavy wrappings had prevented any of the blood from showing earlier. He operates on him self infront of the mirror and bandages as he finishes before passing out as the mirror begins to heal him as he sleeps.

OOC: He will come out after Edward and Masked Man post.
Frost just stands there half awake, completely clueless, the blood lost getting to him. 'Come on..Get it together Frost, you know what to do.' He takes his hand over his wound and gently touches it. He stares at the fight as the strange girl continues to fight the man-like abomination. The man seemed to be in bad shape, but he was smiling. It sent a shiver down Frost's spine."Ok Frost..brace your self now.." He concentrates, focusing his powers to try to freeze over the wound without freezing his entire body.He has no control of how much he can freeze, but if he does it quick enough he can at least freeze the wound to stop the bleeding.He relaxes and holds his breath.The blood around the wound slowly begins to freeze. He grimaces in pain as he begins to freeze the pierced skin.He quickly moves away his hand.'Knuckles are cracked, pain subsided, and stopped the bleeding for now.Time to act'.Getting on all fours, Frost charges like a wild animal, heading straight for the abomination. 'Alright, the moment that girl gets out of the way I'll leap on the bastard freeze his other arm.Good! Got a plan!..Sorta..Stop insulting your self Frost.Stop talking to your self Frost.Wait..My names not Frost..Oh god damn it.'

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