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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"Welcome to the club. Before this I hated humans and thought they were nothing but trouble. Now I have my doubts." Said Latios.

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"The human isn't a problem... It's them!" He says gesturing to Arcanus "They are the one who is about to make me jump off the island out of anger."
(I was referring to life changeingnout looks. But what ever) 

"And what good would that do. Try a little something called patience. I know it quite well. I had to spend 12 years locked away in a box befor I could get what I wanted. I would think most would go insane before that happened. But guess what. I didn't give up. So... How about holding on a little longer. Good things come to those who wait."

"12 years... What on earth could be so important that you'd cease all contact with everyone?" Tristan said dumbfounded. "Why would you torture yourself like that?"
"It wasn't my doing. It was humans who did it. And if I ever wanted to see the light of day again, I had to be patient. Wait for the right moment to escape. And so it came and I was reunited with my family."

"But why? Did they fear you? Did you anger them? I don't see how anyone could be as cruel as to sparate a family for such a long time." Tristan says concerned. "Anyway, I'm still confused... How does that story relate to me at all?"
"Yes I hated them. I haunt said early I loathed them, but recently that has come to change. They did it to many others as well. And not just being in solitude. They preformed painful experiments as well. I had to endure 12 years of punishment from then all because of their greedy desires." He said taking a deep breath afterwards. "The point is. Even if it seems that something looks hopeless, don't give up. Persistent and patience  is the key to opening the treasures of your heart. Only by pursuing what you desire with much determination will you reach satisfaction."

"I imagine that must have been terrible. But... but that's what I've been doing! And you guys are telling me I'm wrong! Which is it?" Tristan says confused.
"Sometimes in the pursuit of what we want we are so focused on our way that we see no others. You must look at the other paths to victory and ponder the best one. Most likely you have chosen the path filled with obstacles. Take a step back and look once more."

"All I really want... Is for my family to be happy. But I already have five older siblings who seem to do that just fine for my parents... I feel useless as a result and I've always wanted to change that... I always thought becoming stronger would be the best option so I can't really think of others." Tristan says
"Have you ever thought, that with five other siblings, that they may have not enough time to give to all of you. You said you wanted thier approval. Instead of showing them your the strongest. Show them how much you can help others. Spend a day helping them with things like gathering food. I know my mother was always impressed with me when I did all I could to help our little community."

Tristan shook his head. "It gets competitive with 5 other siblings. They gain quite similar ideas and cut me off whenever I've tried that. Sure, I've managed to help the community a few times, but it usually goes unnoticed. By now my parents probably think I angered Moltres causing him to leave... That shadow which you may or may not have seen earlier was my eldest brother. He has a habit of slandering me." Tristan says with a sigh.
"Is something wrong? I just meant he stayed mostly hidden, so the light couldn't entirely reach him and he may have appeared like a silhouette or a shadow." Tristan says. "My brother just went back to our home from what I could tell. Was there something wrong with what I said?"
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"That didn't seem like nothing... You seemed way too nervous..." Tristan said, concerned. "What... What happened to my siblings... What happened to my parents?"
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Nathan gently touched Tristan. "Nothing, bud, it was just a misunderstanding. They're fine."
Tristan tensed up when Nathan touched him... A chill went down his spine. "I should go." Tristan said before running down a path toward the base of the mountain. Thanks to Nathan, he could easily move about and fight again if he needed to. He wouldn't need to go that far down the path to get home. (( @Latios This is happening. It wasn't my intent originally, but it is now :)))
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X'Zaat starts his morning like any other Pokemon - he flies down from his rock formation(I imagine he lives in a rocky place. He might not wish to see the future but it doesn't mean he doesn't want to live somewhere where normal Xatu would live. See image below for what I mean in terms of his habitat. If that sort of habitat doesn't exist, tell me please and I'll change it.) at sunrise to start his flight towards the nearest forest, which is but a spec on the horizon for him. The long flight is good, though, as it give X'Zaat a chance to think about what he wants done that day while providing a calming and relatively safe morning exercise.

After landing in the forest, he finds a Leppa berry tree (his favourite) to eat some breakfast.


(also, what is the region like in this? is it like normal pokemon, or more like the rescue dungeon games? (is it a load of different places with different climates, or one place with all the climates?))
((This is Sinnoh.))

Back on the mainland, Max looks up with a sigh. No shadows, which is a good thing. He sees a Xatu fly nearby, and decides to talk to it to pass the time.


@The Fabulous Emerald
(ah, ok. i dont the sinnoh region much, but i think there are those sort of rocks in there. at the very least, a mountain. also, im going in 20 minutes. i only originally posted as more of a 'i exist in this thread' type of thing, so if you dont want to wait on me, fair enough.)

"Hello, sir. How are you?"

I believe he is a Lucario, yes?

X'Zaat speaks with a relatively uplifted voice, strange for Xatu. Although, it is strange to see a Xatu move and talk and not look at the sun all day so hey. He is eating a juicy Leppa while he is talking.

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(last post for me. night!)

"I am as well as I can be, I suppose. My name is X'Zaat, by the way."

As he finishes eating the berry, he plants the seed into the soil around him using telekinesis (I believe the Pokemon move is Psychic). He believes that conservation is incredibly important to the world's future.

(also, is it like the rescue dungeon games as in the pokemon builds the houses and medicine and stuff, or do we play as wild pokemon in a world ruled by humans?)

Just now, The Fabulous Emerald said:

(last post for me. night!)

"I am as well as I can be, I suppose. My name is X'Zaat, by the way."

As he finishes eating the berry, he plants the seed into the soil around him using telekinesis (I believe the Pokemon move is Psychic). He believes that conservation is incredibly important to the world's future.

(also, is it like the rescue dungeon games as in the pokemon builds the houses and medicine and stuff, or do we play as wild pokemon in a world ruled by humans?)



((The world is ruled by humans. Many of the characters often have backstories pertaining to their interactions and thoughts on humans. For example, Max was a trainer's Pokemon before his trainer was killed. He loves humans and fights to protect them. Latios, on the other hand, was captured by humans and tortured/experimented on for years before killing his captors and escaping. He hates humans, granted he's coming around.))

Max smiled. "I am called Max. It is nice to meet you, X'Zaat."

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