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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"The only reason you see yourself as weak is because you don't seem to pick your fights that well, youngling, Try an oppenet that won't get yourself killed." He said once again side stepping the attack.
"I've beaten all my siblings and my parents. They still don't acknowledge me. I've beaten other fire types like Houndoom or Magmortar. Yet still, nobody thinks of me more than a weakling! If I do this, and they don't acknowledge me still. I give up." He says before using fire spin, trapping moltres, inflicting bits of damage.
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"That's because your your weak WHERE IT COUNTS." He yelled. A massive flamethrower bust out of the Fire spin, completely destroying the attack. The flamethrower proceeded to engulf the entire area with flames. "A strong being stands up for himself. A stronger being stands up for others. So, who do you stand for."
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Tristan fired a flamethrower back, colliding with Moltres's, in an attempt to block it."If you're asking who I fight for, I fight for my family. I desire nothing more than their approval." He said breathing heavily.
Tristens flamethrower only provided temporary cover as Moltres's plowed throw it. "Yet you beat up your siblings... No, I afraid you don't stand for them."
Tristan takes the hit from the flamethrower. He appears shocked at Moltres's accusation "I didn't beat them up! I would never want to actually hurt them. I was talking about sparring matches! They treat me like a baby just because I was youngest." He says. "I just want them to stop treating me like that. But they always wave off everything I do as cute. They always said stuff like, Awww, look at that! Tristian beat Johnny! Yes, I did beat Johnny! I won, be proud of me, don't baby me!" He cries to nobody. His legs then shake and he collapses onto his side. "Why... Why do I lose... Why can't I get one iota acknowledgment from them? It... It never was worth it was it?" He cries, laying on the ground.
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Nathan looked down at Tristan sympathetically. "Ah... maybe my opinion isn't to be shared, but... if you want to get stronger, maybe Moltres isn't the first Pokemon to go to. Kinda going from 0 to 100 there."

Tristan looks back, unable to stand up quite yet, in the direction of the voice to see a group behind him. Behind them, he saw someone familiar before they ran off laughing "..." He remained silent. "What do I do now... There's no way they'll let me live this down."
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"I have plenty of self-confidence." He said softly, he was still unable to stand up. "However if that's all that matters, then are you implying I've wasted a good half of my life? I don't want to believe that."
"Hey man, everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Some bigger than others. You just gotta man up and deal with it! The greatest strength doesn't come from avoiding mistakes, but dealing with them well..." Nathan sighed and looked over at Arcanus. "Man, you and Max are certainly better at this whole therapy thing than I am."

@Netherdragon @Latios @Daisie
Arcanus folded his arms, thinking for a few moments. "You know that you are able to fight. And you have confidence that you will win. That, I am quite impressed with. But you do not place confidence in yourself. Meaning that you wish for others to 'redeem' you, when that sounds like it is something that you will have to learn to do yourself."

"You misunderstand once more. To fix a disaster such as this...." Arcanus replied, closing his eyes. "...Well, it cannot be simply 'done'. Things like these.. They take time. Time, and care.... So that nobody gets hurt."

"So what then!?" he growls as he struggles to get himself up. He falls a few times in the process. "Are you saying, Tristan's being a bad Cyndiquil? Is that what you're saying?" He inquires while his legs wobble.
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Arcanus opened his eyes. "Tell me. When did I ever say that? Take my words at face-value. Not at what your mind twists it into through your own desires."

"Then what are you saying?" He says. "Why can't I ever seem to please others with what I do? I... I just want to make others happy with what I do... This is what I want to avoid... I don't want people to dislike me."
"Heh... I don't mean to be selfish, but mine might be at larger risk right now." He says before collapsing and ceasing movement. He had taken far more damage than he could handle. He had activated Blaze a while back and was struggling to stand for minutes.
Nathan waved. "I'll get this. Amber may be a better medic than me, but I can still do the basics. You guys finish what we started." With that, Nathan gingerly picked Tristan up and moved him away to begin healing with berries and basic treatment.
"Why would you beat him up like that." Emlas yelled at Moltres. It may have not been the smartest idea but she was quite angry.

"The little brat wouldn't leave even after I said I would not fight. After that it was self defense, I tried to continue to discourage him but he would give up. He wouldn't leave until I gave my all into the fight, so letting him win wasn't an option."

@Assailant @Daisie @Netherdragon
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