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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Arcanus sighed and put his palm against his bloody forehead. "Insolence, ignorance....", he muttered to himself, hoping that Nathan wouldn't hear. He looked up. "I have no time for this. Think what you wish. We have a mission to complete, and we should not focus on such things.". He actually seemed a little annoyed.

Nathan cocked her head as she heard Arcanus mutter under his breath. She heard what he said, but she wasn't sure what to make of them. She waved her hand. "Fine, fine, you are right..." she grinned a mischevious smile. "But, before we go, I think I have a new message to pass on to Amber to tell April." With that, Nathan turned and began running to Amber.

"Have a nice day.", he simply replied, rolling his eyes. "Child..". He simply turned to face the others as Nathan ran off. There was no use trying to chase her.

"You too!" She yelled back with a laugh. She was clearly enjoying it. Max laughed as he approached. 

"Bit by the love bug?" He gently teased before chuckling and shaking his head. "She is a peculiar girl... Nathan, I mean."

"Her mind works in a rather strange fashion." Arcanus replied, glancing over as she ran off. He chuckled a little bit. "Some beings simply think in a way that is beyond the comprehension of anyone, truly.". He paused for a moment, thinking a bit more....


"Though... I do admit, there is a chance she may be correct. That much is the truth. And to be quite honest, I am very curious as to where the path I walk will take me, in time."

Max nodded. "It is curious... love. I've never experienced the feeling. One typically first enters the 'dating' phase of their life as a teenager... at least, in humans years. The general age is relative to each lifespan, but it remains subjectively consistent. However, by that time... I was living isolated in a cave. The feeling is rather confusing, and having reached this point in my life without ever having felt it leaves one... confused." He was silent for a moment before shaking his head. "Ah, excuse me, I am rambling. Regardless, it is an adventure."

Max turned and looked at Nathan, who was excitedly rambling to Amber, who simply giggled and nodded in response. Max was silent as he observed her, humming to himself. "I wonder," he finally said aloud.

Arcanus nodded along as Max went on. "I have seen it happen, time and time again.", he simply replied.

As Max spoke up again, he looked over at Amber and Nathan, as well. "What would that be? Do tell."

"Hmm? Ah, just thinking aloud." He watched Nathan interact before finally sighing. "I wonder... this state of excitability is strange for Nathan, wouldn't you agree? She's certainly never been the most subtle of individuals, but this level of excitability is unbecoming of her. I have to wonder..." He thought for a moment. "She just underwent the most traumatic experience of her life... she had to kill or be killed, and had to murder to protect a loved one. For Pokemon like us, who are accustomed to fighting, such a battle is still horrifying. However, for a human, who's never battled themselves a day in their life... such a state of jubilation appears strange." He watched her chatter excitedly.

"I wonder... is this her way of dealing with grief?"

Arcanus thought on Max's words for awhile.... "Hm.... I do suppose it is certainly possible. While the usual response to grief or trauma could be as dramatic as shutting others out, or as small as simply talking less, this could truly happen. After thinking for a few moments... I suppose it does make sense." He turned back towards Max. "Perhaps by acting excited for others, or simply more energetic in general, it would relieve a large amount of stress, as well as giving her something else to think about. While humans may be strange beings, their emotional physics, I believe, work in the same fashion as ours. Knowing that... Your theory could very well be correct."

"It gives her something else to think about. But... That cannot work forever."

Max nodded. "We can only hope to be able to help her when it finally fails... of the many ways to handle grief, this is one of the healthiest. However, it is still not confronting the problem. Eventually, she will need to let her despair flow before it can finally be released. Hopefully, we can ease the process." He was quiet for a minute or so.

"Anyhow, I believe it may be time for you all to move on. You have a mission to finish right now."

Arcanus nodded in agreement. "You are correct... Oh, and please...", he chuckled a little bit, with a more relaxed and loose posture. "Make sure Nathan does not do anything too embarrassing. For the sake of my mental health."

"Ah, right. The Nathan Typhoon has already begun, threatening ships around the world.", he joked a little bit. "But alas, there is nothing a poor victim's soul can do."

Arcanus shuddered a bit. "The horror....", he replied in a shaken, terrified voice.

He let out a good bit of laughter after the joke sunk in a bit.

Max chuckled a tad himself before patting Arcanus on the back. "Continue your quest. I shall remain here to watch over April and Amber."

"Fire doesn't bother me that much. Sure it's scary but it doesn't hurt too bad. I guess it all depends whether April goes..." she says

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