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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"We have no choice," Nathan added. If Articuno didn't dislike her automatically, then it was time she started pulling her weight. "I don't know that everyone will agree to help us... but if they don't, our world will end. Is there really any other option? Hiding will not help, and we aren't strong enough to fight right now."

@Daisie @Latios
(I can still see the hidden things lol)

"You speak wise, human. Most are not as wise as you are. Very well, I shall help. I only hope that you succeed in this gamble."
"You have our thanks, as well as mine personally. Fighting this war is not something any of us want to do. But it is what must be done. You know that as well as any of us here."

@Assailant @Latios
"Hurry, I can only presume that your time is short in this quest." Articuno ended before taking off into the sky.

"Well... That went more or less easier than the last."

@Assailant @Daisie 
"That is a good thing." Arcanus replied nodding along as he wondered about a couple of things. He looked outward. "Well, we must be departing soon."

@Assailant @Latios
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"Come on Latios, can we please take her. She looks so scared." Emlas said picking Shelby up. Latios thought for several moments. Ultimately, his sister growlite eyes won. 

"Fine, but don't become a hindrance." He told Shelby. 
"I'll try..." Shelby says meekly. "I mean, I suppose like everyone else whose used me, you could use me as a wall." She says. She hesitates for a moment. "There is another way I can help you, but I don't like it and it's risky to me. I can use the move power trick, swapping my attack and defence. However, it causes me to lose myself as well. I change with another personality, one far more agressive. I hate doing that, despite the power it gives me. I like being me.
Nathan was ready to leave. Once we're done with Moltres, we can get back to Max, Amber, and April. I... don't like that we had to leave them alone. If Max was conscious, I'd feel fine, but... Amber isn't a fighter. I hope they're fine.
"No we wouldn't abuse you like that. Just try you best to stay out of the way in fights. The last thing we need is to rescue someone while defending ourselves."

"Hey Nathan, I just thought of the best thing ever. Right in front of us is the worlds biggest slide. Since we are leaving anyways, wanna give it a go." Emulous asked her. She had been dying to do something fun for awhile now.
"You saw the cave when we walked up. The ceiling is defiantly high enough that we won't hit our heads when sliding down. Besides, if things do get bad, I can come in and stop it. Levitation makes flying super easy."
"Keep in mind that events happen quickly - especially when sliding downhill. Faster than you would be able to react. And if something were to happen, our healer is not currently with us, mind you. I simply suggest that we play it safe."

@Latios @Assailant
After Emlas's proposal, Nathan looked down. "Well if you won't go!" She leapt, intentionally slipping, and began sliding down the slide, whooping and hollering.

@Latios @Daisie
Shelby hesitantly went over the edge. But didn't start sliding. She tucked her legs and head into her shell, and she instantly started sliding and spinning on the way down.
Arcanus sighed, and slid carefully down, on his own two feet. He wasn't in a hurry to get down this hill. He also didn't want to risk scraping his fur off on the sides of the cave.

@Assailant @Latios @Netherdragon
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"Hey, wait for me." Emlas yelled as she jumped down too.

Latios chuckled and jumped down as well. Using some levitation he gave himself a boost to speed past everyone. "Last one down is a slowpoke."

"Hey Latios, your a Slowbro." She said pushing back at him to push herself forward.
Since Shelby was fully tucked into her shell, she had no control of her motion. A slight indent in the ice that she clipped caused her to fly up over the others and knock [COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Latios[/COLOR] on the head. ( he's the only one in front :P ) Shelby then continued to bounce around sometimes sliding, sometimes in the air on the way down.
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Arcanus was knocked forward, onto his belly, out of control as well. He tumbled a little bit down the long passage, attempting to slow himself down, but to no avail, as the ice was too slippery. He didn't manage to get back to his feet, either.

@Netherdragon @Latios @Assailant
Nathan grinned. "Oh no, you aren't getting away that easily!" She tossed a Pokeball out.

"Look out below!" Orion yelled as he landed next to Nathan. "Hiya Nathan!"

"Heya buddy. Could I have your help for a moment?"

"Yeah!" Nathan grabbed Orion's tail.

"Mind doing a quick tail whip?" Orion grinned.

"I've got you!" Orion quickly whipped his tail around, rapidly boosting Nathan. As Nathan approached the front, she bumped into some rock.

"Ooof!" She kept going, but they fell into her hand. "Oh... these are pretty. SOUVENIRS!" She put them into her backpack and kept accelerating.
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Suddenly a large object sped past them all causing them all to spin out. It was Draka who was sliding along on her bottom (just image her sitting down with her feet in front of her and tail behind, just sliding along like that) using her weight to overtake everyone. "Your gonna have to do better than that." She called out to them. She was soon far beyond sight as she rounded many corners.
Somehow Shelby had straightened out and she began to pass by everybody. Since she was tucked in her shell, she had the least air resistance, allowing her to slide faster and faster.
Arcanus managed to finally catch himself on a rock. He sat there for a moment, gathering his bearings, as he watched everyone go on without him. He held his head, a bit of blood had fallen from his forehead.. Shuckles were not light, and at speeds like that, very dangerous. He sat there, letting the group go ahead.

@Assailant @Netherdragon @Latios

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