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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"Whether you are human or pokemon is no matter to me. I trust you just as little as everyone else." Shelby responded under her breath. She hoped she wouldn't regret her decision
Arcanus translated this sentence to Nathan quickly, through telepathy. After he had done this, he glanced over his shoulder to Shelby, briefly. "Understandable."

@Assailant @Latios @Netherdragon
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Shelby followed close behind. If she was no longer going to be safe on this mountain, she wanted somebody to protect her.

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At the top there was a very enclosed area, walls of thick ice circle the area. Another stone monument stood at the other side of the area. The snow here was extremely deep. The snow rose to their knees, except for Latios and Emlas.

@Assailant @Daisie
Shelby's head was the only thing that remained among the snow. Though she seemed to have no trouble navigating through it. "Do you really have to do this?" she asked
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"But aren't the three legendary birds notorious for refusing to get along? Why would that change now? No matter how wise Articuno is he'll never work with the aggressive Moltres, or spontaneous Zapdos." Shelby says. "Where is Articuno anyway?"
"Articuno's nest should be somewhere around here. It wouldn't be directly here at the top because humans come up here about a few times a year." Said Latios. He was about to take a look around before the large bird in question flew up and perched itself on the wall of ice farthest from them. 

"And what is it you want with me, younglings." The great ice bird said.

"Oh boy, here we go again." Latios mumbled to himself. "Articuno, over the past week the world has been threatened. We have come here seeking your help."

"Oh really now. And what's this threat. Another human going on a rampage." 

"Far from it. A shade has awoken." 

"Oh my, that is a problem. But won't this one fade out like the other. Not one shade so far has lasted a month willout dissipating."

"This one shows no signs of stopping and is only growing stronger."

"So what exactly do you need from me." 

"I think you know exactly what that is." Finished Latios.

@Assailant @Daisie @Netherdragon
Nathan tried her hardest to fade into the background. She wanted to engage with the bird, but immediately she was put out. She heard "human" in a sentence, and his tone certainly didn't make it sound like that was a good thing.

@Daisie @Netherdragon @Latios
"Wait... Why haven't you just banished this shade to another dimension with Palkia or stopped it from happening with Dialga. Wouldn't that be far simpler?" Shelby asks
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"Because it's already been tried. A Shade is a fixed object in the space time continuum. A physical tear in the universe. To try and reverse it would only push it back farther in time, makeing its birth start earlier in time. Even that is catastrophic, having its birth start before the actual even that made it would result in two Shades. And because it's fixed in time and space, banishing it is impossible. Any attempt to go through a dimensional portal would be blocked by an unexplained force. Only way to be rid of it is to kill it, or  for the purity of the world around it to engulf it whole."

@Assailant @Daisie @Netherdragon
"How many times has this happened? Can't Jirachi just wish it away? I mean unless it's only been happening for less than 1000 years, but even so. Wouldn't that work?" Shelby asks. Secretly she just wanted to find something else for this group to do besides causing Articuno to leave.
"The same rules apply. Jirachis wishes would not work either. The most Jirachi could do would be to teleport it to another location on this planet." Articuno said. "As for your first question, shades have been popping up since the beginning of time. Only 3 have been recorded. But they all simply died from the purity around them."

@Assailant @Daisie @Netherdragon
"Then I guess that explains why they won't die now. People aren't very nice from my experience. I guess that's just the way things are right now. But if that's the case, and even the controllers of time and space and even the legendary pokemon who grants wishes can't do anything, then what can the bird trio do?" Shelby asks.
"Kill the shade," Nathan said. She think she got the gist of that sentence, so she tried to add her two cents. "We can't remove it any other way, but the might of the legendaries combined could kill the shade." She then paused, realizing that she had just spoken out. The human in the group had made herself known. She never thought she'd say this, but she really hoped Articuno handled this as well as Zapdos, who had been remarkably good at handling Nathan's presence.

@Latios @Daisie @Netherdragon
"But that's just it. The god's of time and space, pokmeon who are probably the most powerful legendaries, can't do anything. Do the trio have some hidden ability or something? Why do you need the birds? I don't get it." Shelby blurtted before realizing she had just been rude to Articuno. She tucked back into her shell. "Sorry!" she blurted.
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"Arceus plan is to gather all the legendaries, not just these three." Said Latios. 

"The Father, even with his power, can't stop this. That's why he needs us. And the lack of nice people isn't the problem. Purity is the sence of anything untainted. Think of the Shade like a cut on your skin and the universe being one big organism. Your body would hear itself of this wound, and that's why the other Shades die. The universe healed. But this Shade is like a splinter, buried under the skin even after it's been heal. Waiting for the proper moment, it begins to fester and poison everything around it."

@Netherdragon @Assailant @Daisie 
Nathan was relieved that Articuno didn't seem to react to her, but there still wasn't much she could do. She thought she shouldn't press her luck, and she still wasn't great at Pokemon tongue... Pokish? Poke? Anyway, she couldn't really add...
"But that's beside the point. By what I've heard, you need me along with all the other legendaries to fight against this new shade."

"That's correct." He said.

"Well then. How are you going to pull that off."

"The plan is to gather everyone at Spear Pillar."

"And getting everyone there? Most legendaries won't be corroborative."

"We'll get there, don't worry." 

@Assailant @Daisie
Arcanus decided to start translating for Nathan. He realized that she was probably very confused. After he had finished the sentences spoken by Latios and Articuno, he spoke to her. "Articuno seems suspicious. I have to be honest, I do not blame them for that... But Latios seems to be handling it fairly well. I hope that we will not have to fight anything this time."


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