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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"Yeah, if I remember the type chart correctly..." she seemed to do some minor calculations in her head. "Arcanus is the only one who will be alright here, huh?" It had been some time since she'd last had to remember that stuff.

@Latios @Daisie
"It seems so. Max was going to be the only one with a type advantage with Articuno, but the fight has put him on the side lines. I pray to Arceus that things go well." Instead of climbing up from the bottom, Latios landed at a bridge that extended from two caves faceunf eachother on cliffsides. One cave was the path up and the other was the path down. It was easy to tell which way went up. Latios let Nathan off and led the way, this way they wouldn't have to walk the whole way up seeing as it was the tallest island of all, and they were pressed for time. There was snow everywhere already, even in the cave path. While it went up, there were no stairs making the already icey surface harder to walk with incline. Latios was shivering, but Emlas was spinning around trying to look at everything they passed by. Her eyes wide open as she took in the sights. From the white powder to the long icicles. It all amazed her. 

@Assailant @Daisie
Nathan was equally amazed. Sure, snow wasn't new to her, but it wasn't really a common sight either. She gasped slightly as she looked around. She couldn't help but admire the beauty of it all. She wasn't a poet: she had no idea what kind of symbolism or poetic elegance this sight had, and neither did she have a way to express it. It was simply... gorgeous.

@Latios @Daisie
"Watch your step everyone. You slip here on this ice and you'll find yourself back at the bottom." Said Latios. He and Emlas had no problems for they could fly over everything. Draka couldn't use her flying abilities for the ceiling of the cave was to low, but the use of claws helped out a little.

@Assailant @Daisie
Nathan was using the wall for support. She slipped occasionally, but she was able to keep up for the most part. It was somewhat difficult to walk, but as she got the hang of it she found she could walk more succinctly.

@Latios @Daisie
(Sorry I haven't been replying. Writers block, I guess. Haven't felt up to it.)

"So, if I might ask... What would be our plan of action this time?" Arcanus asked as they walked through the coldness of the mountain. "Do you believe Articuno will be more willing than Zapdos?"

@Assailant @Latios
"Well, I am positive that, whatever happens, we will be able to face it." Arcanus replied, nodding along as he looked at his small poof of breath in the cold air every once in a while.

@Assailant @Latios
"I'm with you. This is the first time in a little while I've seen any!" She sighed. "Even snow in a cave is pretty!"

"Yeah, as fun as snow is, I hardly ever get to play in it. My brother hates the snow." She reminisced for awhile before coming up with an ide. "Hey, you want to race to the top." 

Nathan chuckled. "As fun as that would be, I'm afraid I'm at a huge disadvantage. Gravity and ice don't work well with slopes and... feet."

"I WISH I could fly!" Nathan hummed thoughtfully. "I'm not sure. I imagine we'll be there any second though, right?"

"Yeah, it can't be too much longer. Hey Latios. How much longer till we reach the top."

"Not much longer." He chuckled. "Should be any second."

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Shelby was admittedly cold but she didn't really care. This mountain was nice. She was in a spot she couldn't be bothered. People didn't typically have a reason to come up here. She supposed she could thank Articuno for that, not that Shelby had ever gotten the chance to truly chat with them. Shelby then heard a voice and saw some pokemon approaching. Shelby retreated into her shell after positioning herself in a spot that made it seem like she would be a blue rock with weird spots. "I hope they don't notice me." Shelby says quietly. However, she did realize how out of place a spotted, weirdly shaped blue rock would be. More than likely, whoever was coming would notice her. She just hoped she would be left alone.

@Assailant @Latios
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Nathan was walking along, whistling a little tune, to pass the time, when suddenly she accidentally stumbled over a weird blue rock. "Oh no!" She fell over and the ice began to take a hold as she began to lose traction and slip downward. "Oh Arceus..."

@Latios @Daisie @Netherdragon
"Did... Did something just happen?"  Shelby wondered."I hope nobody was seriously hurt. It sounded like that person was in trouble. They're gonna be mad at me aren't they. Now I definitely have to hide." she said to herself.

@Assailant @Daisie @Latios
Emlas zoomed down the cave when she saw Nathan sliding. When she reached her, Emlas grabbed her hand and brought her to a halt. "Well... That was fun." Emlas said.

Nathan huffed as she lifted herself and rubbed Emlas appreciatively. "Heh, thanks! That was almost really bad." She looked back at the "rock" she almost tripped over.

"what IS that rock? It doesn't look like any rock I've seen before." She walked over and kneeled by it.

@Latios @Daisie @Netherdragon
Shelby froze up. "Crud they're gonna realize. I got to run.She says. She turned around in her shell, emerged used rock polish before trying to run away (+speed)
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"Very strange indeed. What would a Shuckle be doing here. I thought they lived in mountainous areas where there's lots of rocks." She said 


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