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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"Well... I had a tough time carrying Max, and he's one of the lightest of the group that needs to be carried. I don't know, does she weigh less that him."

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"Oh boy, that's about the same as Max. We'd hardly get anywhere now. I was almost exhausted trying to carry Max for about 30 minutes. Then again, I was trying to avoid some Shadows."

"Latios is carrying Max. If he were to carry Nathan than who would carry Max. Draka is carrying Arcanus, who's one of the heaviest of the group. But Draka is also one of the strongest fliers and that's why she carries him."

"That shouldn't be an issue." Amber stood up and turned to Nathan.

"Mistress, please, recall April. We are preparing." 

"I wish you wouldn't call me that," Nathan muttered but returned April nonetheless. 

"Let us meet up with Latios and Draka. I believe I have a plan."

@Latios @Daisie
Emlas was quite curious about this plan. How would it work. They had no more available fliers. If only Emlas was stronger she could carry more. Or possibly Nathan being lighter would work too. But either way was unlikely to happen at this moment in time. Nevertheless, she followed the rest back to the ship.

@Assailant @Daisie
"I hope my presence is not causing too much of a problem...." Arcanus said worriedly to Nathan, looking around for Draka as they walked.

"Perhaps, with an extra body added to the group, it would make things more difficult for flying." Arcanus replied simply, shrugging.

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Nathan smiled. "Yeah, I guess, but you've been a huge help to this team. I don't think we'd be as well off without you. So, I think that certainly makes up for it."

Arcanus smiled a little bit, looking down. "You flatter me. Truthfully, I am but a single mere being in this world of billions. I am gratified that I would stumble upon such a kind group."

Nathan shook her head. "You've done so much for us... for April especially... really, I couldn't thank you enough!"

Arcanus chuckled a little bit, blushing. "I simply refuse to let go of a soul that has a bad future ahead. I do my duty in this world."

"April's injuries are still quite bad, she is in no fighting condition by any stretch of the word." Arcanus told Draka, nodding to himself a little bit. "But she will survive."

@Assailant @Latios
Draka began to look through the bag making sure that everything was in its place and that a particular item wasn't harmed. While she looked through she showed her releif to Amber that no one would die today. "That's good to hear. I take it she won't be able to do anything for awhile with those injuries. That means we are short a flier."

@Assailant @Daisie
Amber nodded. "Yes, though I may have an idea." Amber's eyes glowed blue, indicating her using Psychic. Max's bag, which was resting nearby, began to rustle. Soon, a certain Pokeball that Emlas and Nathan were familiar with floated out an into Amber's hand. "Max, please forgive me if you do not wish this." The Pokeball popped open and Max disintegrated into light and flew into the Pokeball. Amber sighed. "I believe we have an even number now."

@Daisie @Latios
"Yes... it would seem so." Said Draka who was a little startled. 

"Ohhhhh, I completely forgot Max had a Pokéball, that sovles everything. I thought it was going to take a maricle."

@Assailant @Daisie
Arcanus chuckled at Emlas' comment. "To be honest, seeing the turn of events within the last few days, a miracle happening by stray chance would be very possible."

@Assailant @Latios
Amber nodded. "Before we head to the other two islands, could we stop on the mainland: where we stayed last night? I would like to deposit Max and April there to watch over them."



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