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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Latios and Emlas had Just finished the last of the major Shadow enemies. The rest seemed to be retreating. Some stayed, but didn't last long as the clean up came about. Thousands of Pokemon were piled up around the ship. You could hardly see the floor anymore. But one by one, they began to wake. In a flurry of feathers, the bird Pokémon flew out of the ship and into the sky, going back home to were they were taken from. The water Pokémon did the same by going to the ocean. 

"Is it -huff- is it over." Emlas wheezed.

"It seems so." 

"You hear that guys. We did it!" She cheered. Her victory was short lived once she saw Max's condition. "Oh my gosh." She gasped. "Is he ok."

@Assailant @Daisie 
Arcanus looked around, and beat a couple more Shadows before they began retreating. Out of breath, he looked over with sorrow at the littered battlefield.... But that sorrow lifted a lot as the freed Pokemon made their way out. He looked around at their group, and walked over, panting a little bit.

@Assailant @Latios
A short explanation from Draka helped calm Emlas, but no much giving the circumstances. She began to look around for the rest. She found that Amber seemed to be missing. "Nathan. Where's Amber. What happened to her."

Emlas nodded and looked at the ground for awhile. Things weren't really going well today. She then noticed the blood on her bat. "What about you, are you ok."
Nathan nodded. "I'm unharmed." She looked down at the blood. "I had to do some things I'm not exactly happy of... to make sure April was safe, and-" As the adrenaline faded, the reality of what had just occurred settled in. She slowly began to shake. "I... they were gonna hurt her... they were gonna... KILL her... Arceus, they were gonna... and I..." she fell to her knees. "I had to... some I knocked unconscious, but others... I"

@Latios @Daisie
Arcanus held onto his chest for a two moments. He caught his breath as well as he could, as he walked over towards Nathan. He put a hand on her shoulder. "Nathan, it is alright...", he assured her in a calming voice.

Nathan lowered her head. "I killed some of them," she murmured under her breath. Her hands rose to cover her face. "They were gonna k-kill her, so I..."

@Daisie @Latios
"Hey, don't cry." Said Emlas as she tried to comfort her. She pulled Nathan into a hug. [COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"It's alright, you did what you had to. I would have done the same thing if someone tried to hurt anyone I loved."[/COLOR][SIZE= 14px] [/SIZE]

@Assailant @Daisie 
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Nathan slowly nodded. She stood back up and nodded. "Y-yeah..." she sniffed and nodded, as if pushing it into her mind. "Y-yeah. I did what I had to." She smacked her cheeks a bit. "Grrr... if I'm gonna be a part of this, I c-can't get emotional every time a fight happens!"

@Latios @Daisie
"Being emotional is part of being alive." Arcanus responded, closing his eyes and tilting his head down. "If you did not feel any sorrow in the aftermath of any battle.... I would be greatly worried. Feeling sadness is the first step to feeling full."

@Assailant @Latios
Nathan nodded. "Right, of course." She sighed. "Yeah..." She chuckled. "S-sorry about making you guys worry."

@Daisie @Latios
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Arcanus opened his eyes, smiling down on her. "Very true.", he simply said. He took a look around the battlefield. "We must find Amber and April. They could not have gone far."

@Assailant @Latios
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Nathan nodded. "Alright. She teleported away, but I doubt she could teleport back to the mainland. She's definitely somewhere on this island."

@Daisie @Latios
"Perhaps she retreated back to the shores. We should look there first." Arcanus replied, looking around. "Let me make sure that everyone is in reasonable condition.", he said as he began looking over the group.

(Should we wait for Latios to get back before proceeding?)

@Assailant @Latios
(Ironically I just got back on)

Latios had been busy talking with Zapdos, telling him the plan that Arceus had told him. "Alright, so we'll all gather at Spear Pillar when we're ready."

"Yes, just be snappy about finding the rest. I don't feel I like waiting there for too long." He said before taking off. 

"So, that's one down. And with quite the fight. We still got to get to the other two before the day ends. Hopefully there's no shadows there as well."

@Assailant @Daisie
Arcanus walked over to Latios. "We should find Amber and April. April has been badly injured, Amber teleported away to heal her. Perhaps they are down by the shore. It would be the first place I would look."

@Assailant @Latios

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