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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"If you knew anything about us shades it's that we are born from death. And with death there is pain. I am that pain. So naturally I feel that pain, but for different reasons."

@Assailant @Daisie
"Ok, you want my true reason why I'm here. You've been duped, enjoy the party." The Pidgy then flew across the room toward the exit where it landed on top of a very tall shadow waiting there. Along with thousands of others. "Thanks for letting me stall." They all said. "When this is over I'll have a Legendary in my ranks. Thanks Max for the excellent tracking."

@Assailant @Daisie  
"Oh it's just that you help speed up my plans for finding Zapdos. This was the last place I'd think to look. Alright scaly wags. Attack!" There wasn't any waves like last time. Most of the Pokemon in the army consisted Flying-Types seeing that most other Pokémon had no way of getting over. There were some water Pokémon that could transverse land and water. To finish it off the few rock types that lived on the island. 

@Assailant @Daisie
Zapdos hovered in the center of the room, zapping any shadow he saw with a continuos beam of lightning. He was almost like a living tesla. Saver all smaller arc of lightning could be seen jumping around from Zapdos to the surrounding walls of the ship creating a plasma globe effect in the room. Zapdos seemed to have no trouble defeating most of the shadows seeing as he had severer type advantage, though he was struggling with the rock types. 

Latios and Emlas worked together defending each other ps backs against the oncoming swarm. Their dragon claw attacks made quick work of the weaker enemies while using stronger moves like psychic on the larger ones.

Draka had the advantage of knowing Thunderbolt and Thunderpuch along with other varieties of move types making her very evenly match to all the types and not just one or two. Though the lack of rest from the other night was making it hard for her to battle.

@Assailant @Daisie
Max focused primarily on the rock types. His fighting type gave him an advantage.

Amber acted as a white-mage of sorts. Whenever an ally was wounded, she would use heal-pulse.

@Latios @Daisie
Just like the last big battle, Eclipse's army was supported by three major Pokémon, this time being completely set up for taking down Zapdos. A Gliscor, Flygon, and Tyranitar. As to how Eclipse got a Tyranitar on the island was beyond Latios. But seeing the vast resources he had, he could of just used lagre flying types to carry it over.  The Tyranitar was focused on Latios and Emlas. The Flygon went after Draka, and the Gliscor targeted Max. Eclipse had placed this out well for each of their knew opponents had severe type advantage over their opponents.

(Tyranitar has dark>Psychic. Flygon has Dragon=Dragon. And Gliscor has Flying>Fighting. And all are ground so Zapdos will hardly be able to do anything)

@Assailant @Daisie
Max growled and jumped at the Flygon.

Max used Ice Punch!

April flew off.

Amber continued to run around and heal the injured.

The Gliscor would not have it and quickly used an Arial Ace to slam into Max. However Max's attack managed to distract the Flygon long enough for Draka to get a vital blow with her own Ice Punch, sending the Flygon 'flying' (lol) a few feet away. Latios and Emlas were handling the Tyranitar fairly well. With it being 2v1 the Tryanitar began to get frustrated and could hardly land a blow. Zapdos was doing fairly well against the swam but that didn't mean a few stragglers got through. A Golduck came to face Amber.

@Assailant @Daisie
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Amber quickly healed Max before getting faced with her own challenge.

Amber used Magical Leaf!

Max turned to the Gliscor. Alright, he'd helped Draka. Emlas and Latios were too far away for him to do anything, so he had to protect himself right now.

Max used Ice Punch.
The Gliscor charged at Max with a Bulldoze attack. Hoping to inflict as much damage as possible. The Golduck started off with a Fury Swipes at Amber. Keeping on the offensive to push her away from the others.

@Assailant @Daisie
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Max used Detect!

Max used Psychic!

Amber yelped as the Fury Swipes hit her. She grimaced.

Amber used Teleport! She reappeared a distance away, watching over the battlefield to find the right time to reenter.
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The Psychic pulse flew the Gliscor back quite a bit, but he managed to recover in air. The anger could be seen in his eyes as fire erupted from his mouth. The Gliscor swooped at Max once more with a Fire Fang.

@Assailant @Daisie
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Max growled as the bite made contact, but followed it up with a Close Combat.
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The Gliscor has no where to go to avoid the close combat after using an attack to get so close. It backed away as fast as it could but it had already taken several hits. The Gliscor was weak now. With not many moveing at its disposal that could attack far away it was running out of options. So it tried to confuse Max by flying as fast as it could in all directions around him.

Amber soon found another shadow at the place she teleported. This time a Staraptor, it immediately tried to attack her with a close combat.

@Assailant @Daisie
Max grit his fangs. He only needed to lock on for one second...

Max used Extreme Speed.

Amber gasped and reflexively used a move.

Amber used Hypnosis!
The Staraptors attack stopped as it fell asleep. It fell out of the air and flopped right on top of Amber almost crushing her with its weight.

The Gliscor couldn't dodge the attck for it was just to fast. The blow was enough to knock it out completely. The Gliscor had been defeated.

@Assailant @Daisie
Amber huffed a bit before her eyes glowed.

Amber used Dream Eater!

Max nodded before rushing over to help Draka take on her opponent.

The Staraptor had its energy drained without any way to defend itself. Soon it changed back to normal as it became unable to battle. 

The Flygon was pelting Draka with a powerful sandstorm attack. She could hardly see a thing as the sand kept coming in her direction.

@Assailant @Daisie
Amber fell to her knees and huffed. She looked around, trying to find someone to help.

Max used Ice Punch!
The Flygon roared at taking another powerful Hit, while it was performing better than the other two captains, it did not appreciate this turn of the tables. It let loose a dragon pulse attack on Max.

@Assailant @Daisie
Draka recovered at came back at the Flygon with her own Dragon Pulse. The deadly attack landing dead on. The Flygon roared again, weak as it may be, it was still holding on. It decided to go for a gamble and charged at max with the shadows customary black flame attack.


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