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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

He decided to awnser Max first seeing it more important. "No, as far as I know Moltres and Zapdos escaped the ship from the air. That's why there a hole in it, they somehow managed escaped from their cages and blasted their way out, which in turn made this thing fall. Plus that Aura would be 20 years old. No, the Aura you sence would be fresh. He's around he somewhere."

Once he wa done he turn to Nthan. "Yeah, but your... TVs I think their called, don't tell the full story. Back when I was in a cage, the guards were watching one of the things mounted on the wall. From my angle I could see it too. All it told was bizzare storms happening across the globe and that the origin was happening at the Orange Islands."

@Assailant @Daisie
Max nodded and continued searching, following the trail as far as he could.

Nathan nodded. "Alright... but why would Zapdos be here? This doesn't make any sense..."

@Daisie @Latios
"I don't know, but we're about to find out." He said. Latios looked up to the ceiling, it was the only place they couldn't see from here. And there was certainly another room up there. "Hey Max, let's say we check up there." 

@Assailant @Daisie
Max nodded and walked over to the area directly below it. He squatted before jumping towards a wall. He caught himself on the wall before jumping up once again, and he managed to grab onto the hole in the ceiling and climb up into it.

((I dunno how large the ceiling is, but I was assuming it was quite large.))
(It was, it was also curved at the top, like an upside down bowl, so idk if Max could truly parkor his way up.)

Latios took an easy way up, simply flying. The top was another dome, this time made of glass. A large telescope was also up there. This area seemed to be an observation deck or and observatory. Most of the glass here was intact but a large hole was shattered in one. And just outside was a yellow and black figure perched on one of the metals beams. It's back was turned to them however. Latios moved close to Max "Just don't do anything stupid." He whispered.

@Assailant  @Daisie
Max nodded. "I shall let you do the majority of the talking, unless you would wish me to intervene." Max placed his hand on Latios's shoulder. "I am here to aid you. You know what best to do here."

Latios took a breath breath and stepped outside. "Um, Zapdos. You ok?" He asked with hesitation. 

The great bird turned his head sharply revealing one glaring eye. The sight was almost horrifying. Latios almost froze at the glare but he remained calm. "Mind telling me who are you. And your friend there." When he finished speaking he turned the rest of his body around, revealing the rest of his face. Now they had both of his piercing eyes staring them down. Both what took Latios off guard was the bleeding wing he had on his right side. It wasn't visible before but now that he was facing them it was completely noticeable. 

@Assailant @Daisie
Max recoiled only slightly. It was hardly noticeable. "My name is Max," he said, with a curt nod. He would've extended his hand for a handshake, but Zapdos didn't strike him as the kind to take up on that offer.

"My name is Latios." He said strongly. He didn't dare stutter. 

"I didn't ask for the name of your species. I already know that. Now that I think about it, I've never seen a Latios of your color. But that's not the point. You still haven't told me your name. Your friend was generous enough to, now where's yours." 

Latios looked down. His name, that was a tricky thing. He hadn't used it in so long. "Um, does my name really matter. Latios is what I go by." Zapdos continued to stare him down, waiting for the correct answer.

"He does not share his name," Max spoke up. "He simply goes by Latios. Even among his friends, he does not use his true name."

"I didn't ask you." He snapped. "Though it would seem that your eager to move on. Fine, mind telling me why your here instead, or would you rather not tell me about that either."

"Recently there's been..."

"A shade running about. Yes I know. You sgould be more worried than you think. Our new friend has been busy."

Max simply stared at Latios. He seemed to know what he was doing more than Max did. He was no longer very sure about how to respond to Zapdos, so he would leave it all to Latios for now.

Latios was quite for a moment. This wasn't going the way he expected it. "Yeah... Wait a minute, if you knew. Then why aren't you doing anything about it?" 

"I don't need to explain myself to you. I have chosen to stay out of this fight."

"I don't think that's your choice to make."

"And whys that. Are you going to make me Mr. Latios."

"No, I won't. But if you don't, you will have to face judgment from Arceus."

"Ha! You think that frightens me. How would you know what Arceus will do." 


(Ran out of time to finish, so I'll post what I had)  
"A lot of innocent Pokemon and people have died," Max finally spoke up. If they were being assertive now, that was something he could do without fear. "This is not a war of ideals or necessity: this is a war for the sake of war. No one in their right mind would call that a worthy war to allow to continue."

"It is not my job to protect Pokémon. Each legendary has a purpose, mine it to keep my end of power in balance with the others."

"Yeah, and you did a good job of doing that 20 years ago." Latios mumbled.

"You want to find a legendary in charge of protecting Pokémon, you should search for the one standing next to you. Oh wait, you can't, thanks to humans Arceus so desperately loves, the Lati are all but extinct."

"And thanks to the Shade, all things might become extinct," Max retorted. "As far as I can tell, there's no reason to believe the Shade would ignore you all. What will you do when he marches with an army of the world on you? It would be most wise to launch a preemptive counter-attack. Right now, the threat is manageable. However, if you ignore it, even the combined might of all three of you would not stand a sliver of a chance." Max narrowed his eyes. "If your job is to keep balance, then it is necessary that you remove the largest threat to it."

"The last shade was easy. But this one is smart. At the rate he progressed there's no way we would be able to kill it. News flash, he's targeting specific locations for a reason."

Max frowned. "Then our job is to stop it before it can cause irreversible damage. If you don't help, he'll defeat you too."

"He's already beating us! He..." Zapdos stopped for a moment and started really hard at them. "Your not as injured as me at the moment. Tell me, did you see anything on your way here."

Max looked around. "This ship is rather odd. However, aside from that, I do not believe I've seen anything that would be considered abnormal."

"Not the ship you idiot. This thing has been here for two decades. What have we just been talking about, Shadows. Did you see any Shadows."

"No, why." Asked Latios. Zapdos just turned away. His egale eyes squinted at the landscape. His head jerked toward something for a moments. Latios looked to. He didn't see anything. But apparently Zapdos did.

"You idiots!" Zapdos yelled. He rushed past them and back into the observation deck and swooped down into the hole. Latios looked to Max with contusion and worry. What was going on.

Max closed his eyes and used his aura sensing. Was someone coming? Could it be... were they coming?

Nathan looked up as Zapdos swooped down into the hole. "Woah! What's going on?!"

@Latios @Daisie
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Arcanus, as soon as the Legendary Bird swooped down the hole, stumbled all the way backwards, landing flat on his back. And even choking a bit from the gasp. He coughed, standing up, and regaining his composure.

@Assailant @Latios
Without warning, Latios ripped Max out of his place and shoved him on his back with a quick Psychic. He zoomed immediately through the ship once more. Zapdos had slammed onto the ground with both talons. Catching almost everyone off guard. With his poweful with he made an even quicker dash to the blasted hole in the wall, looking out once more.

@Assailant @Daisie
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The confused Hypno didn't want to make a move against Zapdos, as the effect could be very fatal to himself. Needless to say, he couldn't do anything, and he hoped that nobody else would do anything, either. He simply moved swiftly out of the way.

@Assailant @Latios

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