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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"Hehe, well here's hoping." He said and continue on.

Emals was feeling very nervous. Yes she was excited, but the thought of meeting a legendary was a bit unnerving. What if she screwed up some how. What if this mysterious fight broke out. She had no idea what would happen.

@Assailant @Daisie  
Arcanus didn't really have much to say on the matter, but his mind buzzed with excitement. Meeting one of the three iconic Legendary birds? It was a dream come true. Though it hadn't been one of his live goals or anything, he was very curious about how they would interact. About what would happen, if they'd have to fight them. He also wondered if they would fight each other, and how difficult it would be, trying to control forces so powerful. He simply sighed, shaking his head, and proceeding onward.

@Latios @Assailant
Nathan breathed a heavy breath. Arguably, she had one of the most difficult roles in the group. Being a human instantly put her at a disadvantage with Zapdos. Mant Pokemon instinctually disliked humans, and Legendaries had good reason. She had to prove she was different. She looked up at the journey before her and breathed one last sigh before moving forward, ready to make this their first success.

@Daisie @Latios
There was no mountain on this island so the journey up was easy. As they neared the archway at the end of the path they could see much of the island from up here. You could also see the giant scrap in the hillside from the metal contraption that was still leaning on the edge of the cliffs. Latios stopped when he reached the top. He looked back at every one for a moment for one last confirmation that they were ready.

@Assailant @Daisie
Max nodded too, ready to get this started. He knew that this was only the beginning of their great journey, but it was important nonetheless. 

Nathan grinned and gave a thumbs-up. "All together, let's do this!"

@Daisie @Latios
With a deep breath. Latios entered the decorative arch way Ito see the flat open area beyond it. Much of the area was destroyed as this was where the scraps in the hill side started. There seems to be what was left of a monument on the edge of a cliff sife completely destroyed. No doubt a result of the crash. Though through the destruction, there was one thing off. Where was Zapdos. He wasn't anywhere in sight. Could it be he was hiding, nah, he would challenge anyone who entered his territory. Could he have been taken. No one was foolish enough to do that either after what happened the last time. When a man disregard a prophecy saying 'disturb not the harmony of fire, ice, and lightning.'  

Latios was was running of ideas. He had to be here somewhere. Although it was against his better judgment, he decided to try it anyways. "Hey Zapdos, Where are you." He yelled.

@Assailant @Daisie 
Arcanus closed his eyes, reaching out with his mind. He tried with all of his might to find that bird. He spread his telepathic vision... Searching.....

@Assailant @Latios
Arcanus would not find him though. Zapdos was nowhere to be found. Latios was starting to get frustrated, where could he be. He started searching the area looking for any signs for the bird of lightning.

@Assailant @Daisie
Arcanus opened his eyes, nervously looking around at his surroundings.. "He is not anywhere I can sense.... Something is terribly wrong. This is... Rather frightening.."

@Latios @Assailant
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Max opened his eyes. "I cannot sense him either." Nathan sighed and began looking around.

"What's going on here... there's no way something could've happened to him... not without us knowing."

@Latios @Daisie
"Perhaps the Shadows came...." Arcanus muttered, pondering the situation. "If they were smart about it, they would not leave any evidence, proposing the option that something else may have happened."

"And if the Shadows have the power of a Legendary under their control.... There is not much we can further do."

@Assailant @Latios
Max hummed. "I had considered that myself. I'd like to not believe it, but if that is the case... it seems we were intelligent to prepare for a battle." Nathan sighed.

"I guess we'll find out how effective a bat is against a Legendary."

"Now now," Max said. "Do not be so hasty. We still do not know what has happened yet. Let us not jump to conclusions."

@Daisie @Latios
"I rather agree with Max. Of course, while the possibility still stands, we should not assume the worst. How did that saying go.... 'Prepare for the worst, hope for the best', I believe. A wise saying, indeed. I suggest we heed those words, they may come useful."

@Assailant @Latios
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"No, no fight happened here. Zapdos was not taken by them. Look around, the ground is perfectly intact. Every fight with the shadows have shown they have no care for the landscape around them. And even so, Zapdos would have also left his mark if there was one. Though something has pushed him away. It's not easy to track something that flies though. So we have no idea where to look. It would seem we are back at square one."

@Assailant @Daisie
Max closed his eyes and hummed softly before opening his eyes. "I have a lock," he said. "I can sense trails of aura. We can follow that."

"I have not met Zapdos before, so I cannot say for certain," Max admitted. "However, it is a powerful aura. I believe it is our best chance."

@Daisie @Latios
"Lead the way." He said. The trail went all over the island. It was as if Zapdos was looking for something in the island, or trying to avoid something. But the strangest part of all was that the end of the trail lead to the most interesting place. The crashed flying machine. There was metal beams bents all around. The central hull had a massive hole blasted through the side. "Um, ok. So I'm guessing something is definitely wroung if he's here."

@Assailant @Daisie
Max frowned as he entered through the hole in the large machine. "This is odd... this is most certainly made by humans, but what is such a machine doing on this island?" Nathan looked around.

"I'm getting the feeling some people came after Zapdos." Max nodded.

"It would appear that way, yes. Things did not seem to end well for them." Nathan sighed.

"Well, great. Tick off another reason I'm gonna have a hard with Zapdos."

@Latios @Daisie
On the inside the first thing that could be noticed was that there was a massive interior, it was also strangely circular. There was much shattered glass. Broken display cases were all around. There was nothing in there as it appeared that what ever was in their was looted long ago. There was also what appeared to be four massive cages on each end of the room. Two of them broken. On the bowl like ceiling you could see oaintings covering the whole top. There was also a perfectly shaped hole in the middle. It looked as if there was another room up there. "Max, I think would would be old enough to know what this place is. Well, not entirely, but about 20 years ago. Did you ever get the feeling that something was wrong with the world, that the state of harmony was collapsing. And you would have felt drawn to these islands. I know I did, but I could do nothing as I was trapped in a box when it happened."

( @Assailant, I know you haven't seen the movie so you wouldn't know, but say yes. Because in the movie it when the catastrophey was happening, every Pokemon was lured to the spot.)
Max looked up. "Yes... now that you mention it, I did. I had nearly forgotten about that, it was so long ago. I was still with Felix at that time, it was just around the end of our time together. There was a great shift in the natural order. I could detect that everyone's aura was in flux. The ripples all originated from this area. I wished to see what the cause of it all was, but Felix prevented me from wandering off."

((@Latios I have seen the movie, but the last time I saw it must have been a year or two ago, and before that I'd only ever seen it once or twice.))
"Yes, this machine is the result of a human who was driven by greed. He used it to try and capture the legendary birds and the beast of the sea. When he distrusted their harmony it instigated a fight among them. Their battle threatened to to tear the world apart."

@Assailant @Daisie 

(Oh, my bad, you were saying you didn't remember so -shrug-)
Max frowned. "If Zapdos isn't here... could the repercussions of this battle still be being felt?" Nathan sighed.

"I don't get all of what you're saying, but from the sound of it, this is pretty serious..." Nathan thought back. "Y'know, I think I was a little girl when this all went down. I vaguely remember there being media coverage of this."

(( @Latios Correct me if I say anything blatantly wrong.))

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