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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Zapdos let out an angry growl amd looked back to give a menacing glare to them all. Slowly he made his way to Latios and stopped right infront of him. Zapdos looked down onto him for several moments before raising his left wing. He brought it down hard upon Latios's face giving him a powerful Slapped. To force of it all cussed his to spiral around in the air untill he corrected himself. It hard hurt quite a lot for a bunch of feathers, and even worse with the amount of static electricity Zapdos was always packing. "What the hell was that for!" 

"Look outside!" He said pointing to the hole. Latios went to the exit and looked. All he saw were the same green hills. 

"I don't see anything." Zapdos sighed and used his wings to tune Latios's head just a little more to the right. He was not looking at the cliffs that surround the island. By the position of the sun that particular area was very dark and hard to see. "I still don't... Wait. Oh crap. We need to get out of here."

@Assailant @Daisie
"By the sound of your concerned voices.... I assume that the Shadows are close in the following." Arcanus assumed, keeping his eyes fixated on the large electric bird, just in case.

@Assailant @Latios
"Boy, you catch on quick. You know what else happened. You brought them here! I spent all night trying to loose them and you guys lead them straight back here!"

@Assailant @Daisie
Max grimaced. "I am... deeply sorry." He then glared with determination. "However, if nothing else, this should show you why we need to fight. Already they are a dangerous threat. If you do nothing, you will be entirely unable to stop this."

@Latios @Daisie
"Even if I did help, how would this rag tag team of Pokemon, plus one human." He grumbled at the last part. "Are going to stop the most powerful Shade in history. Tell me that."

@Assailant @Daisie
"Because this isn't the end," Max said. "Our team will grow stronger. Soon, the world will figure out what's going on, and they too will fight back. We're not alone, and we haven't reached the end yet."

The golden Hypno walked calmly beside Max, and looked up at the fearsome Zapdos. "We fight because nobody else will." Arcanus responded, teaming up with Max off of his previous statement. "Even if we do not succeed, it is better than sitting around, doing... Nothing. Letting the world perish. We fight because we have to. And because we have to, we will succeed.", he said bravely and bluntly to the giant bird, with a determined look in his eye.

@Assailant @Latios
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Zapdos eyed the two down. Taking in thier words. After a moment, he turned to the next one, and the next. Turning in a circle to each one by one to see their pleading faces. When he got back to were her started he eyes Arcanus and Max. "Centuries old and a couple of younglingscan still pull at my chain. Fine, you get your wish. But first, out little outside problem."

@Assailant @Daisie 
Max nodded and turned to Nathan.

"We're going to need all the help we can get." Nathan nodded and threw out two Pokeballs. Amber and April popped out. 

"April, do NOT be an a**hole." April giggled.

"No promises!" Amber placed her hand on Nathan.

"I will aid you all as best I can."

@Latios @Daisie
They all prepared them selves for a fight. Waiting for the Shadows to reveal them selves. The minutes past and nothing happened. Untill a pidgy landed on on of the pieces of rubble. A shadow, just watching them, doing nothing. "Someone mind telling why it's just sitting there."

@Assailant @Daisie
"And why would they do that, they already know we're here." He said

"What ever, let's just get rid of the darm thing." Said Zapdos. Lightning arched all around him as he approached it. The bird just stood there, staring at Zapdos, even when he was right above it. It didn't flinch, nor did it attack. Just watching. It was kinda creepy. Eventually Zapdos got pissed off at it and struck it with a both of lightning. The color of the pidgy returned and if fell onto its back. Smoke slowly rised from it. "Now were are the rest."

@Assailant @Daisie
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"Do not be so hasty..." Arcanus replied, his calm voice echoing slightly. "Perhaps... They wish to lure us out. We must have patience, and we must be vigilant."

@Assailant @Latios
Max frowned. Something was off about that. Why was the Pidgey so complacent? Most other shadows had been like voracious animals, but this... was different. Why? He was a tad unsettled by it.

@Latios @Daisie
"I don't know, somethings up." Said Latios. Just then, another bird showed up, this time at a window at the opposite end of the ship. It was a Pidove, and it did the same thing as the Pidgy. 

"What kind of weird strategy is this." Said Zapdos. Something was most definitely up. 

"You know that hurt. I never enter got to speak. How's my favorite nuisance doing. Makeing progress I see." Said a familiar voice.    

@Assailant @Daisie
"Well you'll have to introduce me to the new guy later. Anyways cause hello Zapdos. Long time no see, well, not that you've meet me. Latios, you look like you've hardly slept. Something bothering you. Max, how's that adventure going. Having fun with Emlas. And you, your name is Nathan is it. For a human you seem awfully calm. Most seem to be running."

@Assailant @Daisie
Max growled. How did he know about that?!

Nathan frowned. "I guess I'm not most humans then." Part of her was proud that she had made such progress with the Pokemon language, but right now her focus was largely on the primary threat before her.

@Latios @Daisie
Latios glanced at Max, what was going on between the two of them. Or it could be more lies. "Why are you being so nice. Last time you were throwing insults at us." 

"What, you don't want me being nice for once."

@Assailant @Daisie

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