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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Max looked over to Draka. "Draka, are you alri- GAH!" He felt a jab in his back as the attack landed.
The Flygon laughed. The attack landed, it would olny be a matter of time before the corruption took him over. "Nice of you to join Max." It whispered. Drama was furious at what she she. She let out the anger in her all once with a devastating Outrage attack. The Flygon was already weak so there was no chance of surviving. It fell, and it's colors returned. Drake quickly rushed over to Max picking him up.

"Max! Are you ok, say something!"

Max looked up at her. He grimaced. "T-the corruption... it's..." He shoved her away. "D-draka. Y-you need to get away from me. I-I d-don't want to hurt you. I-I can resist it for a little while, but I d-don't know how long I can hold it!"
Corruption, Draka remembered how to stop it. They had been doing to all of these Pokemon the whole time. "Max, I'm sorry, but if I'm going to save you I must knock you out."

Max nodded. "A-Alright, if th-that'll work at this s-stage in the corruption." He stayed on the ground and stretched out his arms, leaving himself vulnerable. He shut his eyes tight. "Please, h-hit me with everything y-you've got."

Drama cried softly as she raised her claw to diver the blow. With a quick strike, she brought her claw down onto his head. Not enough to crack his skull, but enough to faint him. When it was done, she did t least. Drake continued to defend the spot from to coming shadows.

Amber gasped and rushed over, healing up some of his wounds. "Are you alright to keep fighting? I can heal you, but I just want to make sure you are alright."

"A little healing wouldn't hurt. But what I really need is a nap after this. I'm to tiered to do this after staying up all night." She said as she took out the oncoming shadows.

Amber finished healing Max and healed Draka. "I feel the same way. I am exhausted. If anything, I'm just glad Orion and Darin don't have to be present for this."
Arcanus held his own fairly well, only getting hit one or two times. But thanks to Draka, not even the smallest amount of damage lasted very long. He planted his feet on the ground and used Hypnosis on whatever Shadow Pokemon he could, and immediately used Nightmare afterwards. He seemed to be doing pretty well... But he also seemed a little preoccupied, his mind on something else.

@Assailant @Latios
Nathan ran up and smacked a shadow in the head with her bat. "Arcanus," she said as she panted. "What's going on."

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Nathan smiled sadly and held out a Pokeball. "She's in here. I found her, but she was... severely wounded." Nathan looked down and yelled, bashing another shadow particularly aggresively. For some reason, the shadows didn't seem to be attacking her all that much. "She's... really hurt. She was pretty much on death's doorsteps when I found her."

Arcanus' eyes widened. "Oh my goodness...". He used Future Sight on a Shadow, as well as Confusion on another. "Rgh, I shouldn't have let this happen...."

"I promised. I should have done better." Arcanus muttered as he grit his teeth. "She may have died. If I can't keep my promise, I should not make it. Foolish of me."

Amber teleported nearby. "Does anyone here need healing?" Nathan nodded and gently released April.

The Pidgeotto laid on the floor, gasping with pained breaths. Her body was covered in blood, one of her eyes was swollen over. Her wings were torn up and multiple gashes covered her chest. Each breath was laborious. 

Amber gasped, her hands covering her mouth as tears surfaced. She quickly rushed over and began the healing process.

Arcanus stood over April, a fierce look in his eye. He defended the group from any incoming Shadows more aggressively than ever, also glancing over at April every once in a while with a concerned look, to make sure she would be alright. He struck down each Shadow, each blow seeming a little more furious than the last, but in a strangely calm, collected, and precise sort of way.

Amber looked down solemnly. "This is going to... take some time. I will have to teleport her off the battlefield. I'm afraid you all... will be on your own now."

Arcanus looked down at Amber, a very serious look on his face. "Will she be alright?", he asked in a rough and stern voice, before looking down at April.

Amber looked unsure. "If no one intervenes... she will... be alright." She sighed. "Thank Arceus I have Heal Pulse. Were it not for that..."

"You should be moving. Please. Save her." Arcanus instructed her in a firm, but perhaps even desperate voice. He turned towards the crowds of Shadows. "If she will be alright, so will I. Now go. Now."


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