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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"A-ah. B-before we stop off at the next island, I was w-wondering if we could stop where we last camped. I c-could wait there with Max and April, a-and watch over them until you all return."

@Latios @Daisie
"Hmmm, I don't like splitting up. Nothing ever good comes out of it." He pondered for a while before comeing to a conclusion. "If anything happens, teleport both of them and yourself to us. Don't bother attacking what ever threatens you alone. Got it."

@Assailant @Daisie
"Y-Yeah," she said with a sigh. "I'm sorry... the stress is..." she begins to tear up, but wipes it away and shakes her head. "I-I'll save that for later. M-maybe it's weak of me to be acting like this when I'm needed. I-I'm fine."

"You are anything but weak. Being weak is refusing to feel your emotions, or not feeling any at all. Being brave is being afraid... And facing those fears. You are doing fine, trust me."

Amber smiled and hugged Arcanus. "You have no right to be this wonderful, you know." She pulled away after a moment or two with some tears on her face, which she again wiped away. "I..." she shook her head again. "We should probably leave soon. I would not want my child to go for much longer without being watched.

@Daisie @Latios
"Yes, we've spent to long here anyways. We will be lucky if we can get to the last island before nightfall." Latios approach Nathan afterwards. "It seems you'll be riding with me. You ready to go."

@Assailant @Daisie
Arcanus once again blushed slightly. "You flatter me... I am really am simply doing what I believe is right.". He simply nodded afterwards, waving a small wave and heading over towards Draka.

"Let's get the others together then we can leave." He said. Draka was already with Arcanus which made things easier. 

"We ready." Asked Draka.

"Yup. Oh Nathan, you need to recall Amber." Latios added.

@Assailant @Daisie
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"Alright. Get on then." Latios sighed as he lowered himself. It was clear that he didn't like the idea of him carrying a human. But he agreed to this and would have to put up with it. 

@Assailant @Daisie
They first stopped at the mainland. The trips between islands wasn't very long for they weren't that far apart. It probably took about 30 seconds to get to each. Before they landed Emlas noticed something she didn't see before. Some kind of stone monument with six pillars surrounding it. But what really cuaght her eye were the abundance of red flowers surrounding it. She was half tempted to go check it out. But there was no time to do so. She kept flying with the rest untill they reached the campsite. Latios let Nathan down when they arrived. "Alright, let Amber out so she can watch the others."

@Assailant @Daisie 
Nathan tossed her Pokeball as it burst open. She then released Max and April. Max was still unconscious, but he didn't have much in the way of injuries. Other than a few cuts, he was mostly fine. April was still not looking good. Her wounds were covered, but her breaths were labored and pained. Nathan looked down sadly as Amber smiled. "I've got them both. You all may continue."

@Latios @Daisie
"I would much rather be in a cold area than in a hot one." Arcanus replied softly. "I do not function as well in the heat.."

@Assailant @Latios
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"So then, we're going to Articuno?" Nathan asked. "Sorry, I only understood a small bit of that sentence, but I think I got that it's cold."

@Latios @Daisie

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