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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Nathan popped another berry in her mouth, and she sighed as she realised her hand was now empty. "Rationing, I guess." She turned to Arcanus with a sad smile. "Alright... well, if she's opened up to you at all, that's a good sign... right? Well..." She placed a hand on Arcanus's shoulder. "I trust you to figure this out." She leaned over and hugged him. "And thank you for doing this."

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Arcanus smiled, and put a hand on Nathan's arm as she hugged him. "Of course. It is my responsibility, as one who knows many secrets of this world, to help others along their path."

Nathan smiled and pulled away. "Well, I trust you with that... how's her behavior looking? I get you can't tell me why it's happening, but I haven't seen her in awhile."

"She has shown signs of heart. She has shown kindness. I believe that her true self is resurfacing, ever so slowly. But this shell that keeps her trapped is going to hold on as tightly as it can, not caring who it brings down along the way. So I warn you, things may get much worse before they get better. Just remember that it is not the April you know and love who is making the decisions when that time comes."

((I just realized that technically, Arcanus has been speaking by mouth and not by telekinesis. I'm gonna pretend he has been.))

"But... isn't the April I've known... been the shell?"

(Oh yeah.


Thank you, lol. :D  )

"Hm.... Let me rephrase: The true April. It is a tragedy that she has felt trapped for such a long time. She may not admit it, but she feels as if acting this way is her last choice. Which is the lie that this shell has taught her."

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Nathan sighed. "I just wish..." She looked up at him. "Is there anything I can do to help her? I want to make things easier for her, but... I don't know what to do."

"All I can ask is that you have patience." Arcanus replied through thought, closing his eyes. "By doing this, I have to count on the patience of every single member here. If there is someone here who makes the wrong move, it will make things much more difficult."

Nathan chuckled. "That may be difficult. Latios is great and all, but I don't know that patience is a strong suit of his." 

Arcanus sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Trust me, he has not been a help. What he feels in anger he compensates by teasing her, which is equally troublesome. It is quite the headache..."
"So, speaking of Latios..." Nathan pointed her head over to Max, who was still laying, content but embarrassed, with Emlas. "How do you reckon he's dealing with that? I mean, knowing him and all..."

Arcanus looked over at Max and Emlas. "Hm... I honestly had no idea that was happening.... I was preoccupied with April.". He took a few moments to think about the question asked.

"Most likely, he will act even more defensive of Emlas. And perhaps slightly aggressive towards Max. This will probably proceed for a while, until Emlas finally puts her foot down. Which will happen, eventually. If Max is involved, or not. Eventually, with or without Max, she will come of age where she can take care of herself. Latios will have a hard time accepting that, I feel."

"Of course, I do not know the two very well. This is only my assumption. I have not spent much time with them."

Nathan smiled. "I never figured Max for a lady's man... real charmer." She laughed. "'Course, that's presuming that this isn't some misunderstanding. Good luck escaping the friend zone, Max... 'tis a dark and lonely place." She laughed again.

Arcanus chuckled a little bit, along with Nathan. "Love is such a strange thing. Sometimes, I believe nobody truly understands it. Not even myself."

Nathan laughed. "Man, a 30-something year old Pokemon has more game than I do. That's... kinda sad, actually."

Nathan looked over at Arcanus. "I meant Max," she said with a smile. "But you too! I bet you're a real lady-killer," she said, giving him a playful punch in the arms.

Arcanus chuckled, and rubbed his arm. "Love is not my goal currently. But.. Hopefully I can stumble upon it, along my journey of life."

"Right there with you, pal," Nathan said with a smile. "I'm sure it'll come some day, right? If not, I guess we never really needed it, hm?"

Arcanus nodded. "True. Finding love should not be your goal, for that makes you blinded by dreams. Let love find you."

After a while, Emlas began to stir. I was about that time in the morning. She gave a big yawn and a stretch before opening her eyes. What she saw was an unusual sight. Normally she sees Latios next to her, but instead, it was Max. "Max? What are you doing here."

"Mmm... not sure about that though." Nathan smiled. "Your dreams define a lot of who you are. If finding love is your dream, then shoot for the stars!" She shrugged. "Love just... isn't a big priority for me, y'know? I mean, I'd like it and all, but I don't really care that much. I think love being a goal is just fine though... so long as you don't lose yourself in searching for it though."


1 minute ago, Latios said:

After a while, Emlas began to stir. I was about that time in the morning. She gave a big yawn and a stretch before opening her eyes. What she saw was an unusual sight. Normally she sees Latios next to her, but instead, it was Max. "Max? What are you doing here."




"Guh." Max looks down at her. "Erm... you latched onto me while you were sleeping."

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"True. But if you wish for love too much, you will see it in places you should not. And in people who could not fool you, otherwise." Arcanus told her, nodding a bit. "Yes, love is a dangerous thing. But if you are wise, the reward is unlike any other."

1 minute ago, Daisie said:

"True. But if you wish for love too much, you will see it in places you should not. And in people who could not fool you, otherwise." Arcanus told her, nodding a bit. "Yes, love is a dangerous thing. But if you are wise, the reward is unlike any other."



Nathan laughed. "Preaching to the choir here." She was silent for a few moments. "Ah... Arcanus? Forgive me if this is a tad personal, but have you ever had someone you considered special? Anyone who really meant a lot to you?"

"Hm? Oh. No, nothing like that, I am afraid. Though I have seen many relationships." Arcanus simply replied. "The only people who were remotely like that to me were family."

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