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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

The night was once more uneventful. With all the trouble going on you would think there would be more danger. Once the sun had rises Draka was feeling awfully drowsy. Staying up all night might not have been the best choice. 

During the night, because Latios hadn't slept next to Emlas, she had to latch onto a different source of warmth for the night. And the closest being was Max. 

@Assailant @Daisie
((Presuming a timeskip to morning))

Max yawned slightly as the sun peeked over the horizon. Max tried to move, only to feel something against him. Looking down, he felt-

E-Emlas?! Max's mouth opened and closed a bit, but after a few moments, her resigned himself to laying down. He was stiff (his body, get your mind out of the gutter) and had a powerful blush. Regardless, he didn't move.

April yawns a tad obnoxiously and sits up. She looks over at Arcanus. "You're still here..." She chuckled. "Why am I still surprised?" She got up and stretched a bit.

"Oh, please. My body's used to extreme cold... after all, my heart is in it." April paused for a moment before barely holding back laughter. 

"Trying way too hard there," she muttered to herself after she calmed down.

"Anyway," she spoke aloud again. "It was fine, I guess." In truth, it had been... fairly restless. Regardless, she was still rested enough.

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Arcanus tried to hold back some laughter, as well. After April had calmed down, he did, as well, shaking his head. "Ah... Well, I am glad that you had gotten some sleep. After yesterday, I would imagine that sleeping would not be the easiest of tasks... It was an eventful day."

Arcanus rolled his eyes at her joke. He really didn't seem to be amused by that one...

"....I am going to find something to eat. Care to join?"

Arcanus looked around, at the group. "I assume not. Everyone seems to be only waking up. But we cannot be there for the food when it is passed out if we are all the way over here, can we?"

April walked over to them and looked down. The only person currently awake, besides Draka, who was on guard duty, was Max, who seemed to be blushing heavily as Emlas hugged him in her sleep.

"Help me..." He pleaded to her telepathically. April pretended to consider it for a moment.

"Get f**ked." Max silently sighed and April laughed quietly. "I'm gonna be using this as blackmail, I hope you know."

"I figured." April kicked a small amount of dirt in Max's face, who was powerless to do anything about it for fear of waking Emlas, before walking by the sleeping Nathan and stealing some food from her bag. She flew back over to Arcanus with a grin. 

"I'm covered."

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Arcanus narrowed his eyes at April. "We should wait until they wake up.", he told her, in his classically calm voice. "We do not have much food left, it would be best to conserve it as much as possible."

April nodded. "Hm... wait for other people, whom I don't like, and get less food... or eat on my own with more food..." April takes some of the food and eats it. 

"April, please. You are being unreasonable." Arcanus said to her, shaking his head. "Why would they deserve less food than you?"

April paused. "Ooooh, I see. You're looking at this wrong. See, it's not about 'why they deserve less,' and more about... I want more." April shrugged and ate a bit more.

Arcanus shook his head again, and suddenly swiped the food away. "I am sorry to tell you that you cannot always get what you want, April." He put the palm of his hand against April's forehead and pushed her back a little bit. "This is important."

"H-hey!" April swiped Arcanus's hand away. "I didn't take THAT much, anyway. Wait, I get it... you want it for yourself, don't you?"

Arcanus sighed. "Do I honestly seem like the type of person who would steal food, and take it for myself?"

"You've seen me reject food twice already, I believe.". He began walking back, to go put the food back in Nathan's bag.

April used Quick Attack!

April snatched the bag out of Arcanus's hands with a dash, and spit it from her mouth to hold it in her hands. "Gonna have to try harder than that!" She taunted before flying into the air.

As April flew up into the air, Arcanus sighed. He used Confusion on April as soon as he could, using much of his focus.

"Gah!" April fell towards the ground, faceplanting into the dirt. She gets up and coughs for a bit before shaking some dirt off her.

Arcanus used Switcheroo, stealing the food faster than the eye could see. "I am afraid not.". He sighed, shaking his head. "Do not force me to do that again."


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