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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Max nodded and looked back to Draka. "It could be worse. We could count ourselves lucky they've only showed up that many times. However... I too am enjoying this. Many things I have not felt in a very long time have come back to the forefront, and I've forgotten how much I missed them."

"Well obviously no, but that's me. But chances are this human would want to capture the Pokémon."


"I've never traveled much so I never really got the feel for it. The only time I've gone a long distance was when I moved to Sinnoh."

"Well, the move wasn't exactly a choice. When the humans invaded the nest and killed their mother we had to move away to avoid them. Sinnoh was the one region that had the least amount of human activity."

(accually it's because I like it more, but that can't be an reason for them sence I'm just a narrator)


"Well, no, but what if I don't want to be captured. That's never stopped any other trainer I've meet. Every last one want to capture me. And if I'm captured, I will be separated from my family."

"I see." Max frowned to himself. "I must ask, and forgive me if this is intrusive... do you have anyone special to you? Besides Emlas and Latios, of course. From the sound of it, they seem to be your only connection..."
Max nodded. "I see... they are your children, then. As much as possible... your care for them is self-evident." Max cocked his head. "Again, I must ask... I severly apologize if I am overstepping my bounds... how long were you planning to keep them before sending them out on their own? At some point, they become adults." Max closed his eyes. "Or, perhaps... that is merely a human mannerism."

"Well yes, technically I am their god parent. As for letting them go. When ever their ready. Though they mostly like will to continue to live at the cave. That one you saw is their while I have my own a little ways away."

Max nodded. "I fear... from what I understand of their relationship... that day may never come. Latios is too emotionally connected to Emlas to let her go, and as a result, Emlas is... stunted?" He said. He didn't know if that was the right word. That definitely sounded bad. "She's very dependent on Latios. Not until they are separated could they learn to live independently, and I fear how that could affect Latios in particular."

"Max, I know your concerned for them and are doing what you think is right but you must understand something. The Lati have always had exceptional life spans. Old as they may be now, they are still children for their species.  I know that you like humans a lot so I'll give you a comparison. Latios, even though his actual age is that of an adult human, he's closer to a teenager when you compare the species difference. Emlas would be just starting to enter her teens. I've lived among Lati long enough to know many of their costumes and other malarkey I won't bore you with so I know a fair deal of what I'm saying. What you may think is the rift path and what is the real path may be two different things." She said. She paused for a moment and took a deep breath before continuing. (If only she was holding tea, it would give it that much more affect) "Let's say that you were still a child and that you had a sibling. How close would you be to them. Would you rather try to be dependent like you say, or would you be as close as can be."

"I would be indepe-" He paused. But... Felix, he..."It's one thing to love a sibling... but another thing entirely to be wholly dependent upon them. Siblings love each other, I understand that. It's that I worry that they, particularly Latios, could not live apart."

"Latios has assorted himself as the parental figure of the two as he is older and the closest when it comes to family. Yes he is a little to protective of Emlas but you must understand the pain he's gone through. In one day, he lost his only 4 members of his family, and reuniting with at lest one was a blessing to him. Independent or not, loseing her would still mean the end of his own heaven. You can see why he strives to make sure she's safe. I may not always be around to protect them so it's a good thing in my opinion that Latios will always be there. As time gose on Emlas will become older as she will be able to defend herself better. Only then may Latios even ease up."

Max sighed. "You know them far better than I, so I cannot make as educated judgements as yours. However... I still worry. Perhaps that is not my place. I merely want what's best for them... although I trust you to know what that is, and how to give it, better than I."

"I'm not saying that your wrong. But as time goes on, yes, Latios will have to let go. And I'm sure we will. He has his own respect for his sister and if she want to leave him then that is what it will be. But for now they will stick together. Like any sibling would."

"So you do not have to hate them." Arcanus replied. "Simply run away, and nobody has to be hurt. But if you do come across a human that wishes to be a friend, like Nathan, it would be best if your first instinct was not to growl."

Max sighed and smiled. "Alright. I suppose... maybe it's just my own feelings of envy seeping through. I trust you... hehe... although, I suppose my trust means little realistically."

"Envy? What on earth do you mean by that. Am I missing something."


"Alright, I get the point. But you should know that running away never works. I'm to 'rare' to give up because I simply ran away. They would and have continued to hunt me down."

"So...? You have friends. We are here to help you." Arcanus replied, looking around at the group. "You even have a Human friend, that could talk them out of it, if needed."

"Pfft," April said. "Who would want you," she said to Latios. She was silent for a moment and chuckled. "Bet you all forgot I was here, right?"

Max looked down for a few moments. He was silent. "Maybe it's just... that I wish I had the same relationship that they do. That... I could still be close to Felix? Forgive me if my emotions cloud my judgement... as I believe they are not, but admittedly they might."

"Lots of humans want me. Not only am I a Legendary Pokémon, but I also have a unique color scheme. Makeing me exceptionally rare. Every humans I've come across gave their all trying to catch me. But none succeeded."

@Assailant @Daisie

Draka was silent for a while, taking in what he had said. "Felix, he was your trainer right. Exactly how close were you, and why. How long ago was this."

April laughed. "Maybe they just didn't care enough to try hard to catch you!"

Max looked down. "It must have been... nineteen years since then. I was given to Felix when he was young as a present, and I hatched under his family's care. We grew up together, him and I. I always considered him to be my master, but he always insisted that I was his younger brother. I would eventually cede to his perspective, but... not until it was too late."

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"Or maybe it was because I threatened to rip their limbs of after I gave them a few lacerations." He said with a mocking tone.

"From what ive herd, he died right. I'm sorry to hear that. I know what it's like to lose someone close to you."

@Assailant @Daisie
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