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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Max looked over to Emlas. She was absolutely stunning, from her body inward. As an Aura-seer, that wasn't just some empty statement either. "I'm sure we will..."
"What do you mean. Being on guard is what's kept me alive for so long. If I had stopped paying attention then I would have died to the humans just like the rest of my kin that were captured."


She continued to look out of the cliff side, simply watching the sun set for the day. It wasn't long before she fell asleep right there. It had been a long day for her with the flying. 

Max noticed Emlas fall asleep and he scooted closer to her. Not uncomfortably or dangerously close, but just... closer. He sat and looked over the ocean, merely enjoying being in her presence... even if it WAS a sleeping one.

"Yes. But being too careful in a social situation.... That could lead to disaster." Arcanus began, sighing. "Think of it: If you acted the way you did to Pokemon as you did to Humans, would you have many friends with you today?"

"Humans and Pokemon are not so dissimilar. Humans have done terrible things... But so have Pokemon. Do you judge the entirety of Pokemon kind based on a minor group's bad actions?"

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Just before the sun completely vanished, Draka had returned. In her arms was a massive bundle of sticks a branches. Apparently she had been awfully busy. She soon set them up and with a quick flame thrower it was a lite. She looked at Max who was sitting next to Emlas. "So. I'm assuming that all of you just talked, had fun, something."


"Well, uh, no, I guess." He said with some hesitation. He could see where this was going.

"Precisely. You wouldn't think grass ugly simply because you saw a few old, dry pieces." Arcanus lied down, looking up at the purplish skies. "Ah.... Forgive me, I apologize."

Max nodded over to Draka. "Yes, we simply talked and enjoyed the beauty of nature." Certainly not a lie, albeit not the whole truth. "The sunset has an undeniable majesty, but the moon has a sort of complex beauty in its simplicity, does it not?"
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Draka looked around for the moon a bit. When she located it she turn back to him. "Yeah it is quite nice. I still wonder how it keeps changing shape though. Why does it not just stay whole."


"There is no need to apologize, you make very good point. I guess in my mind the fact that any human could be dangerous made them all so."

Max chuckled. "That's because of the reflection of the sun. I won't pretend to be a genius on the subject, but from what I understand, the moon's glow is from the sun's light shining and reflecting off of it. The changes in shape come from how much light is touching the moon." His time with the humans had led him to be one of the smarter Pokemon in the wild. "Certainly admirable in its complexity, but it becomes somewhat less poetic when you explain. Although I suppose even that complexity is beautiful in its own way."

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"All humans are dangerous. It is simply a matter of finding one and trusting them, as you would trust a fellow Pokemon. After all, Pokemon can be very dangerous as well."

"Huh, even in my old age I don't know everything. How is it that you know." She said


"Yeah, but can I take that risk. If I blindly start trusting humans than I might just lose my freedom again." 

Max looked back up at the moon, reflecting on his past. "I spent a significant amount of time with the humans. If there's one thing I can say about them for certain, it's that they're very smart. Being with them for long enough... you gain some of that knowledge yourself."

"Knowledge they may have but they don't use it in ways they should. Think back to all the things they'd done through out history. Most of the world crisis have started because of them."

Max nodded. "All beings, or almost all, have a desire for power. Many Pokemon, who are surrounded by equals and live in small groups or alone, have no freedom to wage war or attack. Humans, with their vast knowledge, gained power and superiority over the world and united themselves into large groups. With that, they had the numbers and abilities to wage war and battle. Pokemon have feuds between packs all the time. Human 'packs' are a great deal larger with much greater strength than any Pokemon tribe. It's only natural it would have a greater effect."

"I am not asking you to blindly trust Humans. I am simply asking you to give them the benefit of the doubt." Arcanus replied. "Just as you would not trust any stranger, you do not have to trust every Human. Because it is not a stereotype or appearance that defines them, but their actions."

"So to sum it up, you want me to be more open to humans." He concluded.


"Yeah but could they not be a little less destructive to the balance of the world. The humans latest mistake resulted in this shadow nonsense."

Max nodded. "Again, many do not. It's only those few whose desires outpace their restraint. However, because of the human power... they have far more ability on their own than many Pokemon could dream of."

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"To put simply, yes." Arcanus responded. "I personally think it would be better for you, and those around you."

"I'll try, but there's no grantee. Humans have always been very hard to trust." He said before being silent once more.


Draka nodded and looked at Emlas who was still sleeping "So when did she fall asleep."

Max looked down at her with a smile. "It could not have been very long ago," he said. In truth, he'd lost track of time while sitting there. He had no idea if it was hours ago or a minute ago. It could very well have been either. He'd simply lost himself to the beauty... 

"Hm, well that's good. I hope she's had a good time. I've been working on haveing Latios let her explore farther boundaries lately but this little adventure has givin her that anyways."

Max smiled. "For better or worse, I suppose. At the very least, I hope she finds this trip enjoyable. Well... those parts which aren't marred by violence, of course." He looked down at her with a gentle smile on his face. "I do not consider myself an... adrenaline fanatic, but the thrill of adventure eludes not even myself. The sights, the environments, and most importantly... the friends. I hope she enjoys it."

"I am not looking for your guarantee." Arcanus responded as the silence sunk in a little bit. "And I do not want you to attempt. There is do, or do not. There is no 'try'. If you are going to begin, you must commit, with everything you have. And if you are going to give up halfway, at the first sign of danger.... I am afraid that you are not ready to try."

"But how. How can I trust humans. Without a reason to show faith in them then any faith I show would be false." 


"Well I for one am enjoying this. Except when those pesky shadows stop by. This is what, the third time they've showed."

"Well...." Arcanus started, thinking for a few moments. "Think of what it would be like for you. You are a human. Any random, regular human. With a normal, nondescript life. If you were to come across a Pokemon, would your first intentions be to make its life miserable?"


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