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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"Well..." Arcanus thought for a while. He shook his head. "I cannot imagine you would do something to displease her enough so that she would simply cease communication... She is your mother, Latios. She would not stop caring. The bonds of motherly love cannot be simply broken in such a fashion."

"I am deeply sorry that this has happened to you." Arcanus replied, leaning back a little bit. "Perhaps she will come back soon."

Max sat down and leaned back. He closed his eyes and hummed a strange tune to himself before stopping and resuming eye contact with Emlas. "It occurs to me," he said, "that I do not actually know much about you."

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"Hopefully, or maybe it's just like I said, a Soul Dew thing."


"Well there's no much to know about me. Like I've said I've lived at the cave my whole life. I haven't been to places like Latios has."

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Max thought for a minute. "What do you like to do? What are your favorite foods? What makes you Emlas?"
"Well most days I just go through the daily chores like picking berries and keeping the cave all tidy. But when I don't have anything to do I play with a few of my forest friends like Veronica and her child Opal. That or I play with Latios when he can. For favorite foods it used to be Prisim berries untill you showed me that chocolate stuff. Speaking of which, you don't think we can get more later can we."

Max laughed "Yes, chocolate is rather good, isn't it?" He thought for a moment. "Well... I'm tight on money. We were frugal with it when buying supplies, but even still, selling berries can only get you so far. It would also depend upon how keen Latios is on allowing any one of us to approach humans. But, should the right conditions arise, I would love to get more chocolate as well."

Max smiled as he watched her almost drool at the thought of chocolates. She had a sort of youthful vitality to her that Max couldn't help but feel nostalgic for. He'd never had that sort of flaming personality before, but what flame he did had was snuffed long ago. Both had a certain passion for life, he'd noticed, though theirs were very different.

Max's passion was for the concept and ideal of life. He was passionate about holding and defending the value of life, and upholding the fragile balance it has in every living being. He loved and fought for the idea of life: this fragile and distant, yet endlessly near entity that ran through all things. He fought for balance, persistence, longevity, and peace.

Emlas had a different sort of passion altogether, though. She had a passion for that which life contained. Life was a wonderful thing, though only self-evident in that which it reaps. She had a passion not for life but for living: for love, and for friendship, and for fun, and for chocolate. A sort of childlike wonder: perhaps naive or purer in its form than any other perspective or perhaps both or neither. It was, however, a wonder and adoration that one cannot help but desire and strive for. It was the type of love that you are not aware you possess until it's gone, and when that time comes, you would give anything to have it back.

It was with such an understanding that Max gazed upon Emlas with a sort of longing: a desire that, if even for a moment, he could see the world through her wonderful eyes: beautiful in both physical appearance and everything that came with it. Even still, Max felt he was blessed, for Emlas had a sort of trait to her, a marvelous, magnificent trait, that allowed her to impart such feelings onto others. As such, Max felt he could see through the lens of her mind in some small and insignificant fraction of her conscious. It was, perhaps, one of the most beautiful sights he'd seen. He could peer through the veil and into the minds and souls of anyone he encountered, but only now did he feel so lucky as to be able to look back out from there. Emlas was granting him this stunning gift, and he couldn't feel more grateful or attached than he did. 

So, it was with both total and utter wholeness of mind and devotion of soul, as well as a deep unwillingness, that he felt himself attach his long hidden feelings of desire to her. His aura and hers had connected and intertwined. He wanted desperately to be around her, to bask in her glowing presence, and to have her be the greater part of her attention. He was terrified of this development and some inward part of him, perhaps instinctual or guttural or spiritual, desperately tried to flee from this connection. The overwhelming majority of his being, in spite of this, pressed onward. He wanted to understand her, to be with her, to be part of whatever this being of Emlas was. He hoped that perhaps, simply being in her presence could allow him to feel and understand that wonderful sensation of her...

and to gain one glimpse of his own into that shimmering golden world that she lived in.

"Hopefully it is..." Arcanus responded, looking over around at the group. He then looked up at the sky. "I sense that you hold a strong bond with your family. That is very precious, you know. Some beings out there do not share that same luxury."

"Family is what kept me alive when I was with the humans. Without the hope of seeing them again I would have given up. I'm glad for Emlas. Though sometimes i wish the rest were still alive."


Emlas felt a strange feeling come over her. It was strong yet gentle. The feeling was very careing and had a sence of longing. It was rather nice, but what was it. She looked over to Max who seems to be enjoying something. "Max?" She called out to him, could it be him that it was. It seemed very familiar 

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"There is nothing wrong with missing your family. I understand... I do wish I could see mine once more, too." Arcanus sighed, as he kept looking up into the sky.

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Max's eyes widened a bit as he realized she was calling his name. He mentally shook himself out of some sort of trance he'd fallen into. That... wasn't like him. He tried to maintain stoicism, but he couldn't help the smallest hint of a blush escaping. "Yes?" He said to her. He had rationalized his longing, but then why was he so... trepid?

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Max frowned. I don't suppose... they can passively detect emotions too? "W-what do you mean?" He asked. He had to admit, he was slightly nervous he would get caught. But... WHY am I nervous?

"Well I think I felt some kind of other presence. Kinda like when my brother and I connect but different, and I know it wasn't him. And if it wasn't him... Then was it you?"

"Wise. Very wise." Arcanus admitted, nodding. "We meant the world to our parents, they taught us everything we knew. Our family was highly centered around the Humans, truthfully. It has always been a lifelong goal to find a suitable trainer.... We have always been aware of our place in the world, and we were always very cautious."

"The rest of my family have found trainers. It seems I am the... 'Odd one out', I suppose. Slightly discouraging... But I can live with that."

Max averted his eyes, his blush deepening somewhat. Even then, it was hardly visible. I don't understand, why am I like this? "I... um..." he said, his stoic and serious personality seeming to break somewhat. "I suppose so. If you felt such a thing, t-that is."

Emlas looked at him with a questionable face. "Max, what wroung. Was it you or not."

"My family has always avoided the humans. Back then those were dark times to be a Lati. Many could be killed, and lots did. Even then humans had to be avoided. Being a legendary means that everyone wants you."


Max chuckled. "I... I guess so?" He certainly hadn't intended for that to happen... he had no idea how she sensed it. "I suppose."

Max chuckled nervously and gulped a bit. "I, uh..." this awkward side of him was one never seen, and indeed he'd never known it to exist himself. He paused and rubbed the back of his head. "I... think you're... um... a wonderful being and I enjoy being around you," he said somewhat hastily. It couldn't be that... I suppose... that would explain some things but only bring up more questions.
Max nodded. "Y-yes... thank you. I mean, you're welcome," he stuttered out. I've gone so long without true companionship... is this...?


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