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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"To much, it's why I hate them so much. Even after I escaped them the torment continued as I learned of the deaths in the family because of them."

"I am afraid that I cannot compare. Those who live in my family think quite differently." Arcanus explained, voice calm. "We always praised the Humans."

Latios was silent for a moment, he could understand that Arcanus especially liked the humans were he did not. He even went as far as to... No, he needed to get this if his chest, he just hope that things would go right. "Arcanus... If you knew someone. Someone who had killed a human without remorse, what would you think of them."

Arcanus thought for a while.... After a few moments, he shook his head. "It depends on the situation. I will try not judge someone for a crime if I do not know the full story..... However. If they did feel pleasure while taking the life of any living creature.... I would consider it... Despicable."

"The truth is, when I escaped, I didn't exactly sneak my way out. Once I had broken free of my imprisonment I killed anything that stood in my way. I wouldn't allow myself to be captured once more. I only had one chance to escape or never see the light of day again. Many humans died that day. I never gave a second thought about it before, but now, ever since I've learned that humans could be nice as well. I don't know if what I did was right. All I wanted was to see my family again, and they were standing in the way." His eyes were starting to water towards the end. The memory was very painful to him.

Arcanus sat down, and offered a spot for Latios to sit in front of him, as well. "I will be completely truthful. While I admit that there could have been better ways of handling the situation... I do not blame you for what you did. The bonds of family are strong. But that is also the dangerous part."

"Either way, keep in mind something. These people who were keeping you prisoner knew that what they were getting into was dangerous. They knew the risks, and accepted that. They took the job, knowing that each day may just be their last."

"And even so, you look like you have lived a life full of regret. And that only means that you have learned much in your time. If the situation comes to something as dramatic as that ever again, you now have the comfort of knowing that you will handle the situation in a better way than before. The fear of making the same mistake once more is what keeps you from committing to anything like that ever again."

Max took the Pokeball back with a smile and placed it in his bag once more. "I cannot imagine that Latios would be very happy to know that you were so close to a Pokeball, so it may be best to not tell him about this."

"Ditto, I was very weary when passing by him earlier with it. I'm not sure what his reaction would be but it's probably not good."


Latios was still unsure. The way they had acted when he had escaped had his doubts that they were ready. The screamed in terror when he was on top of them. But back then his rage and desire to make it home didn't stop him. 

Latios was sure he could trust Arcanus though. He had helped him a lot just now. Maybe he could show him. He got up from his spot next to Arcyamd approached the bag that Draka left in the middle of camp before going out to explore. He rummaged through it untill he found a small bag. It swished side to side as if there was liquid in it. Though there appeared to be something solid as well. Clutching the bag close to him he came back over to Arcanus. "Arcanus, can I trust you to show you something. Something just as important to me as my sister is."

"When I first started to look for my family, the first place I looked was my old home. All the way back in Hoenn. And while I was there I was saddened by the sights. Nests were broken, trees were burnt, our alter shattered. But while I was there, I felt a familiar presence. It felt like it was calling out to me. The sorce of the presence was coming from the river. At the bottom was a gleaming red jewel. The moment I touched it, it brought joyful memories into my mind. Memories from only one person." He opened the bag  and pulled out the object from the liquid. It was a glowing red spherical jewel the size of a ping-pong ball. "This is my mothers Soul Dew."

At this point, Nathan had turned to play with Darin and Orion, who had seemingly gotten bored playing by themselves. Nathan had begun playing with them, and Max smiled over to her before turning back to Emlas.

"As this is never an experience I felt myself... what is it like, after so long of fearing them and hiding from them, to finally meet a human?"

"Well I never truly feared humans. I was alway curious about them. Although I knew what they could do if they ever found me so I was always careful. Now that I've meet one I must say there are very interesting."

Max nodded. "Much like Pokemon, humans come in all sorts of types. Nathan is the type that I am happy to be your first encounter. Most humans are not bad, but even still she is one of the better ones."

Max shook his head. "I can only hope that doesn't happen. However, I must accept that it might. If they are bad in the same sense that April is bad, then we need only ignore them and leave. If they are... aggressively bad, then we deal with them how we would any assailant, albeit with a greater degree of tact. They are more fragile than Pokemon, so we'd need to exercise caution. We wouldn't want to kill them."
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Max shook his head. "He was in a state of emotional distress, so he cannot be held wholly accountable. Furthermore, some of those humans were willing to fight to the death, and putting in the extra effort to render them incapable of fighting could've resulted in a sacrifice of his own life or chance at freedom. However, what he did cannot be entirely forgiven either. From how he described it, he also killed non-resistant humans. He killed every human in the facility... and in all likelihood, many of those people simply wanted to live. Latios is not evil, not by any means... but he is not entirely innocent either."
"Oh, ok then. But what about Latios, while I will not kill them he may. Any human that came close to our cave left the area injured. If one of us is threatened he may very well do the same."

Max was silent. He looked down as he thought about this before looking back up to Emlas. "I won't let him," he said. "Not if it can be prevented. I won't let any unnecessary deaths occur."
Arcanus paused. He leaned forward and looked at it. "...Fascinating.... It is quite remarkable. You are very lucky to have found it....". He inspected it closely - without touching it - and held his breath. He had never seen anything quite like this before.

"To think that some where inside this is the soul of my mother. The sad part is though that it hasn't spoken for a long time. I'm bringing to worry and there's nothing I can do."

"I am afraid.. That is not my area of expertise. While I may seem old, and wise... This is not something I can take care of for you."

"I never said you could.. What worries me is that I've done something to displease her. Or maybe it's just a Soul Dew thing. I wouldn't know. Only a Lati who's come back from the dead would know." He put the jewel back in the bag and closed it. He still clutched the bag close to him afterwards.


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