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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Emlas immediately pushed him over when he stood up. "How is that funny! I was freaking out that I might never get it open!" She Yelled.

Max smiled and placed his paw on her head. "Yes, I suppose I could have. I'm sorry." He rubbed it a bit before lowering his arm. "Anyhow... I presume, then, you've figured out the significance of this particular Pokeball?"

Max laughed. "No, that's not it at all. It's as generic as generic comes."

"Typically," Nathan said, "When a Pokeball has not caught a Pokemon, when opened, it will simply be empty." Max held out the Pokeball as the light from the sun reflected off of it. "So... if you opened that Pokeball... and Max was pulled inside..." Max tilted the ball upwards as the light shined off of an engraving.

Maxwell Shane.

"Than that ball is his."

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Max nodded. "It holds much sentimental value to me. Call it... memorabilia, if you will." Max smiled. "I thought you'd be interested to see one up close, and... well, I just happened to have one."

[COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"Well... It's pretty cool I guess. Though it's quite strange how humans can make such a object. Do you have any idea how they work?"[/COLOR]


Max shook his head. "I'm afraid not. Humans are quite amazing with what they can do. Their machinery can transcend beyond even advanced understanding into the realm of what appears to be impossibility."
"Impossibility..." She muttered to herself. "-Gasp- Then it must be witchcraft!" She exclaimed while pointing a claw in the air. It didn't last long as she broke down in laughter at the thought. "Oh well, there must be some good reason for it."

(Yeah, there were witches in the show/games. There's that graveyard town in Red/Blue and the one person that somehow turned Ash into a pikachu -shrug-)

Max smiled and looked at Emlas. Truly, that jovial spirit was unyielding. Even in the darkest of times, literally and figuratively, she was making jokes and remaining upbeat and whimsical. Such a spirit was truly admirable, and Max couldn't help but feel drawn to it. "Yes," he said with a subtle laugh in his voice. "I presume there must be one."

"Hey Nathan, you got any ideas how these fancy little balls work. Because I just don't see how they came get something so large into something so small."

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"Grr, I will find out your secrets eventually strange spherical device." She said while giving the Pokéball a questioning glare like an interrogator would a suspect. 

Max held out the Pokeball. "Would you like it? At least, just to look at it." Max chuckled. "I would prefer if you didn't press the button though."

Arcanus stood up, stretching his legs. He walked over to Latios. "So, when shall we depart?", he asked, looking to check the time.

"Tomorrow morning we head for those three islands. There we should find our first set of legionaries. I don't wish to go now because our long flight is exhausting and if they decide to attack we wont be ready."

"While there is a town nearby on this island I would rather go there when we leave this place, which would be tomorrow. That way we will have everything we need before we go to our next location and not lose anything with our legendary encounter."

"I see." Arcanus nodded. He looked around the group for a few moments. "If I may ask something - I am fascinated.... What makes you different from the other Lati? I mean, color-wise. Why are you a different color?"

54 minutes ago, Latios said:

"Um, it wont suck me in will it. Now that your out." She said



Max shook his head. "If you press that button, I will simply be sucked back in again is all. Of course, you know how to let me out now, so it certainly wouldn't be a crisis."

"Well, I um, used to be a blue color. That is until the humans came along. After that I've been stuck with this black color. I don't mind it, but it's just a reminder to the pain that happened."

"Alright then." She said, taking the object. With a quick examination she saw nothing really new than when she first love Ike's at it. It was a cool device though. She handed it back when she was done.

@Daisie @Assailant
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"I take it you have been through much involving the humans." Arcanus replied, shaking his head slowly, with pity.


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