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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"Well... I love the sight of the ocean zipping under me as the clouds fly by." He chuckled. "To a flier like you, maybe that seems rather trivial. However, as a land animal, the experience of flying is thrilling every time." He thought for a bit longer. "The mountains were rather stunning... before I lived there every day, anyhow. I watched a great migration of hundreds of thousands of bird Pokemon, and that was certainly a sight to behold."

April chuckled before speaking in her best Latios impression. "My life is so dark. My whole race was killed. You don't know my pain. I only kill because I have to... my life is so miserable." She laughed and returned to her normal voice. "Man, you sound like a teen. Why don't you go to your room and blast loud music while you're at it? JEEZ, the angst is unbearable."
"I am a teen for your information. Though not a human one. We are also on the move so there no room for me to go to, not to mention there is no reason. And music is not my thing."

"Yeah I've seen a few bird migrations to, there pretty neat. I even got to fly among them one time. All those feather tickled me nose." 

April guffawed. "Holy shit, that's great! You didn't even refute me! Your coat is even black! Now you just need to go to Hot Topic and listen to "My Chemical Romance" and you're set!"

Max smiled. "I imagine it must be quite the experience."
"... Well, aren't you just a pretty bird. Say, how about we talk about other things. You know, maybe stuff that makes sense. I don't know much about human terms so much of your... Well I'm going to guess your trying to insult me, are simply flying over my head."

"Yeah, it's didn't last long for Latios made sure I wasn't spotted by humans and that I didn't get to far away from our home."

April laughed. "Aw, you think I'm pretty?" She winked seductively and laughed again.

Max sighed. "He may be a tad overbearing, but it's wonderful that Latios cares so much about you. It must have been a wonderful experience while it lasted."
"For most of the bird Pokemon, yes. Though not in they way your thinking. Just for the simple beauty of your species."

"It was very fun. But yeah, Latios will be Latios. He's always making sure I'm ok. It's both annoying and wonderful." 

April fluttered over to Latios and draped her wing across him. She only did it because she had a feeling it would make him uncomfortable. "Oh, Latios-honey, you don't need to hide your feelings!"

Max was silent for a few moments. "You know... this trip seems like a good way for you to prove yourself to him. That you can handle yourself."
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Just then, Arcanus walked out of the trees. He didn't say anything as he looked over the group. He stopped, looking at April and Latios with utter confusion. And he just stared.

"Well, with all the dangerous things that's bound to happen maybe so. But I'm pretty sure that it's Nathan that's going to make him be more lenient."

Latios looked down at her with an unamused look. He wasn't exactly in the joking mood lately. "Seriously?" He said to her.

@Assailant @Daisie
Max nodded. "True." Silence hung as the both observed the water and sun as evening drew ever-closer. "Out of curiosity," he said, "Do you still have that necklace I bought for you on that first day? You seemed rather excited about it."

April looked over at Arcanus, who had just walked out of the treeline. She wavered for a minute, backing off of Latios and looking away. "W-well!" She called over to him. "Don't look like that. No need to be jealous!"

@Daisie @Latios
"Yup." She said lifting up the ornament hanging around her neck. The chain portion was hidden by the multitude of feathers around her but the pendent could be seen hanging over the bule triangle on her chest. "I haven't taken it of at all because I'm afraid I might lose it."

Max smiled. "That's good. You better not lose it. It wasn't cheap." His joking tone made it clear he really wasn't concerned about the money. "Although, if we make it through this... no, WHEN we get through this... I'll get you all sorts of things from the humans."

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"Really, that'd be great. That was so much stuff that I wanted to get but I knew that wouldn't be the best thing to ask because of the limited money we had, and most likely would have to use it again for more supplies." 

Max nodded and thought to himself for a moment or two. "Would you like to see something? I didn't want to show it to you around Latios, as I feared he would panic merely at the sight of one, but I think you might be interested to see one up close."
Max held a finger up, or whatever equated to fingers for him, before digging into his small bag. After a moment, he pulled it out:

A shining red Pokeball.

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Elma's gasped and reared back slightly. She held her claws up to her mouth as well. "That's a Pokéball, how did your get it. I thought only trainers could get stuff like that."

Max smiled. "Would you like to see something interesting? I'm trusting you here." Max held the ball up and pressed the button. The ball popped open and Max closed his eyes. A white light enveloped him as he devolved into data and was assimilated by the ball. The ball clicked closed and fell to the floor.

Max was gone, and the Pokeball, having taken him in, was laying calmly in the grass.

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Emlas was taken back at what just happened and almost screamed. She looked around to see if anyone noticed, it seemed no one had. Picking it up she dashed over to the trees. "Oh no, oh no, oh no. How do I open it." 

Nathan wandered around humming. She popped a berry in her mouth before looking over to where Emlas and Max had been. "Strange... I could've sworn they were there..."

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She took a deep breath to try and calm her self down. But her worry was still there and began to hit her lip. She began to investigate the Pokéball in a desperate attempt to figure it out. "Um, uhh, so wait. If I remember correctly don't they throw them to get the to come out. Oh please work." She tossed it up into the air hoping for the best.

The ball simply plopped back down on the ground with a bit of a thud. The button of the Pokeball stared right back into Emlas as it looked up at her.
Her panic began to rise again when it didn't work. She didn't understand why it didn't work. Was there something special that the trainers did to open them. Maybe Nathan would know. She picked the Pokéball up and looked to see if it was still intact. If it was broken that would be a horrible situation. Thankfully it wasn't. She rushed back to the others, hidding the Pokéball as she passed the others. Even more so when she passed Latios. When she was clear from his sight she dashed of to where Nathan was. "Nathan! Quick I need your help. How do you open these things." She said franticly.

Nathan frowned and took it from her. "Huh? What's going on? Why do you have one of these?" She took it and looked at it. "Well, you just press the button like- WOAH!" She pressed it and a flash of light shot out. Max materialized in a kneeling position as he stood up with a laugh.

"Admittedly, that took a little longer than I would have hoped."

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