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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Arcanus grinned, and hugged her even more. No words came from his mouth, he was simply happy. He relished the moment, as well.

April craned her head into Arcanus's neck. "I hate you so much," she murmured. Arcanus could feel tears on him: the one thing she never seemed to run out of.

"I know." Arcanus simply replied, smiling. Out of all the places he could be right now, he knew that this is where he was needed most.

April hugged him even tighter, though her wings would make it feel like a pillow. "This doesn't mean we're friends," She murmered as well. She didn't want to admit, but it was fairly obvious: she was very much enjoying her first true hug in many years.
"Really?" Arcanus chuckled, putting his hand on her head. "It looks much like a happy friendship to me. I will be sure not to mistake it for one.". He had a bit of a joking, sarcastic tone.

April opened her eyes before quickly breaking away from the hug with a blush. "G-good! Because we're NOT friends." She grinned a cocky grin, but her blush remained. "B-but... you said you'd protect me, so I SUPPOSE I should keep you around. B-but only for my own benefit, you hear?!"

Arcanus couldn't help but grin. "Alright, alright. Most definitely not friends. I am but a mere bodyguard.", he responded, stifling a chuckle.

April nodded. "Good. Now, we might as well get back to the others. I've got more pestering to do." She turned around before turning back. "Oh... and do NOT tell anyone what just happened..." with that, she turned and flew back in the direction of camp."

"My lips are sealed." Arcanus said. He finally let out a chuckle as he departed down the cliffside. He shook his head. "What a day...", he mumbled to himself as he began walking through the woods.

Latios was slowly placeing around the area. He was muttering to himself about how they shouldn't be gone for this long. His impatience could be seen to any how looked. 

Emlas as was enjoying to sights of the cliff side. The water beating against the rocked below. The many fish Pokemon swimming among the shore. Out in the distance was the three islands that they would adventure to tomorrow. She was very excited for the next new sight they would see.

@Assailant @Daisie
April suddenly landed directly in front of Latios. "Miss me?"

Max walked over and sat by Emlas. "Penny for your thoughts?"

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"Not particularly, just worried. I still don't know yet if our enemy lurks here so being gone for a long time brings suspicion." He said

"Oh I was just enjoying the view. From up above these cliffs the sight below is beautiful. And the way the lowering sun highlights those islands is the distance is also amazing. My whole life I've seen nothing but mountain tops. So getting to see some new things is quite the thrill."

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April scoffed. "Hmph. Maybe YOUR weak a** needs to be worried about those things, but I don't intend to go down."

Max chuckled. "You are just a little ray of sunshine, aren't you?"
"I don't say you did. But that doesn't mean their dangerous." He said

"Hmph, well I'm just a little excited, that's all. Don't you like the pretty sights."

April rolled her eyes. "Amateur."

Max smiled and nodded. "Yes, it is rather beautiful. You keep thinking it'll get old, but it never does."
"Well, the mountains have kinda gotten old. I've seen them every thing day of my life. Something I really want to see are the Gracidea gardens. I hear they are very beautiful. Unfortunately they only bloom once a year."

"Well, when they get the jump on you and your not expecting it they very well may get you by surprise. Always be wary. You never know when your next fight will be." 

Max smiled at her. "Who knows? Our journey may very well take us there when that day should come. It would not be impossible."

April waved her wing. "Jeez, teach, havin' a fun time lecturing me?"
"Hmph, maybe, but no as much fun as watch you learn, student." He chuckled.

"I hope we might, it would be such a cool thing to see. Have you seen any?" She asked.

April tsked. "Yeah, I'll learn you how to fight those things."

"Hm?" Max asked. "Seen any nice sights in general, or seen the flowers bloom?"

"Well, both I guess." She said.

"Fighting is easy for me. I've had to do it for a long portion of my life. But sometimes it's not such a great thing. Yes, while its kept me and those I've loved alive. I'm not exactly proud of the lives I had ended."
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Max thought for a moment. "Hmm... I've seen many beautiful sights, though I cannot say I've ever seen the flowers bloom."

April laughed. "Oh man, I could cut myself on your edge." She cupped her wings around her mouth like a human would cup their hands to make their voice louder. "We get it, you're angsty!"

"Aww, well what kind of cool sites have you seen." She asked.

Latios cocked his head in confusion. "Excuse me?" He said not really understanding what she ment.


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