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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Max froze for a moment. "I.." He blinked for a few moments. Could it be... maybe... "Well... o-of course I do," he said. "You're a very important friend to me." He wasn't the greatest of liars. Part of his resolve when he achieved balance was to refrain from lying, with only small white lies being the occasional exception. However, he was no stranger to telling the hard truth. Some might even say he was tactless in this regard, but he wouldn't go that far. As such, lying was... a foreign experience to him. He hadn't done it in a long time. It was clear he was rusty.
"Oh. But I think it's much more than that." She said while getting very close to Max's face. Her smile increased as it went on. She stared directly into his eyes and blinked a few times.

Max gulped. Those beautiful eyes, the windows to her very being and to the magnificent world of her. The eyes that initiated his trance-like state entirely dependent on her. The spark of life hidden behind those magnificent eyes that fueled her passion and directed his desire. Heat rushed to his cheeks as he stared back. His cheeks were slowly becoming a noticeable shade of red, as if even his body was trying to become one with her. 

"I..." He wanted to turn and run, but at the same time he couldn't help but be spellbound by her. He resolved to stand his ground, and so he simply stared back into her eyes.

"You know what I think." She got even closer untill her mouth was right next to his ear. "I think, that you love me." She whispered to him.

Max's blush became furious. It was now blatant. "I... uh... huh?" His functions were slowly beginning to shut down in a display of complete awkwardness Max had no idea he was capable of.

Just beige she pulled away she planted a quick kiss to his cheek. She returned to her normal position and looked upon Max's crimson blush with a sly look.

Emma's couldn't hold back her laughter any more. She feel right on to the ground clutching her stomach. "You should have seen you face. That was priceless." She managed to say through her laughs.

Max looked down at her and frowned. "I... d-don't mess with m-me like that!" He said in an embarrassed stutter. He didn't usually feel hurt with teasing, but that strangely hurt.

Max blinked a few times. "W-what?" Much like her teasing earlier, and his response, that phrase could have a double meaning. He wasn't sure which she meant at this point.

"Well your very caring. You'll defend anyone for the right cause. Your a great listener. You've soon me many new things, like chocolate. Your a nice guy, I like you."

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"O-oh." So it's THAT kind of like. Max had to wonder if she'd ever really realized his feelings, or if she was simply teasing him. "Well, thank you."

"Your welcome, and I'm glad you like me too. Thanks for being more than a friend."


"No, you probably wouldn't. I suppose many Pokémon find nice humans to be with but I would think hardly would find the terrors I've seen with them. I still bear the scares from my encounter. They may never fade too."

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"With enough time, patience, and confidence, they will fade. I do not blame you for feeling the way you do about the humans. Nobody should. But if you truly do wish to feel differently, you always have the chance."

And then she thanks me for being more than a friend. How will I ever understand her.  His ultimate goal was to understand her world and how she lives it, and it was looking to be quite the challenge. "M-more than welcome."
"Ive probably already have changed. Before this trip I would have never let a humans among us. But now that's just it. And I had mean't physical scars, yes I have mental ones but like my coat they are reminded salt over me that they inflicted. While my feathers cover them up, they still look the same as they did 12 years ago."


She simply nodded and looked back to the setting sun. It was almost covered by the waves. "The sunset here is even more beautiful than it was back at the beach in Sinnoh. The way it illuminates the islands it just amazing."

Arcanus smiled a little bit. "It is good to hear that you are making a change. Trust me when I tell you that you will not regret the way you turn out after you grow used to these humans."

Arcanus sighed. "Understand something, Latios. Not every human is the same. You will run into humans that are horrible, time and time again. That does not mean you should simply give up. And that does not mean that all humans are devils."

"I hope we get to see other beautiful sights along the way. That would be great."


"I can see that some are different now. But I can't be to carful." He said and once again pondered to himself.


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