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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

April slowly stirred awake. "Hehe... you... thought I'd be down for the count, hu-?" She looked up to see Arcanus and she frowned. "You're still here..."

"I promised that you wouldn't get hurt." Arcanus responded in his almost hypnotically calm voice. "I had to make sure that promise was kept.".


"Do you wish me to leave?"

April just stared at him for a few moments before scoffing. "Whatever. Stay if you want." She got up and lowered her head. "Why should I care?"
April nodded. "Exactly." April looked down. She was silent for a bit.

"I shouldn't be doing this," she murmured to herself.
Arcanus paused, letting a bit of silence sink in. He thought about several things. What to say, what to do.... Eventually, he spoke up.

"Come and sit. It is a nice day. Please, come and enjoy it.". He patted the spot of grass next to him, inviting April to sit.

She looked very reluctant, but she slowly walked over and sat next to him. She didn't seem to like it very much, and she was inwardly beating herself up. That was obvious.
Arcanus looked up at the sky. "...Thank you, April.". He laid back, completely vulnerable to any attacks April might throw at him. He didn't really seem to care though, and he didn't seem bothered, either. Other Pokemon might call him insane for doing that, but he trusted her, even so.

"I am slightly jealous of those who can fly.", he said, looking up into the sky. "To be quite honest."

"Heh, of course you would," April said. She sounded less convicted as her previous bullying. It almost sounded weak. "It really is a wonderful feeling. Nothing quite like it." That second part sounded genuine.
"To be riding the wind, looking at the floor of the Earth below.... To be free, and have the wind rushing past." Arcanus closed his eyes, feeling the wind blow by, making his tuft of white fur sway gently from side to side. He took in a breath. "Sometimes you need to sit, and take in the world. What you have, how gifted you are, and the friends you have.. Isn't it wondrous? This very ground we sit on.... Formed over generations. Just to serve this purpose."

April stared at him. The way he was enjoying simply existing... the world around him...

She closed her eyes and felt the wind herself. She'd always enjoyed the freedom of flight, but she'd never appreciated the ground. "Huh... I guess I've... never thought of that."
Arcanus smiled. He stretched out, and felt the grass against his back. "This grass, coming from the mere seeds of others. Planting themselves in the ground, and using the rain to grow, the sun being their watcher. They all rise from the ground individually, in one harmonious legion of grass. All working together. For the same reason, and the same cause. They stretch so high, they spread their own seeds. And the process starts all over again."

"This world is truly a marvel. I simply... Cannot express how great it is to simply exist here."

"Huh." April thought about what Arcanus was saying. When it was put as eloquently as that, it was hard not to find the appeal in even the blandest of things. "I think I see what you mean." She began to feel her reservations melt away, and though she tried as hard as she could, she was finding it difficult not to like Arcanus. Stop, stop, STOP! 
Arcanus paused for a few moments at the silence. ".....Oh, forgive me.. I am rambling, aren't I...? You probably don't find any of this interesting, do you?", he chuckled a little bit, lightheartedly.. "Perhaps we should simply... Relax. For a few moments."

April was silent as she flopped onto her back spread-eagle as she simply looked up at the sky. What am I doing... why am I befriending this random guy? What has he done for me...

Answers began popping up, and April kept trying to shoot them down internally. But the longer she laid here, the more she felt she could trust Arcanus.
Arcanus was silent. They watched the sky pass above them, quietly. It was a beautiful day. Just enough wind to combat the heat of the sun. But not enough to chill them. After about 1 or 2 minutes, Arcanus finally spoke.

".....Thank you."

"Huh?" April turned to face Arcanus. She tried to follow it up with an insult, but found she couldn't. She spent a few moments trying, before finally speaking again. "Why? What for?"
April was silent for some time. She clearly had a lot to think about. "I..." she wanted to do ANYTHING. Insult him, leave him, do something. She just couldn't bring herself to. What was it about this one damn Hypno that was so... different?

"You promised to watch over me," she said. "It's the least I could do... even IF I don't need that promise."
Arcanus chuckled a little bit. "I thank you, still.". He sat up, stretching a bit. He looked over his shoulder at April for a few moments. "Should we... Check on the others, perhaps?"

April sighed and stood up, stretching her wings. "Yeah, fine, I've got nothing better to do."
Arcanus nodded, standing up as well. He looked around for a few moments before spotting the rest of the group, and making his way towards them.

(Gotta go! :> See you either later tonight, or tomorrow!)

Latios took notice of Arcanus approaching. He seemed to had just finished talking to the awoken April. "So, how is she doing. Any improvements."

@Assailant @Daisie
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