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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Nathan sighed and dusted herself off. She looked over at April with a heavy heart. She was loathe to admit that the Pokemon she loved so much was... well... awful, but it was starting to look like it. However, she still had hope. There were still some things that showed that... maybe... she wasn't so awful.

She walked over to Emlas and was silent for a few moments. "Hey... Emlas?" She asked. "What... what are your feelings on April?"


Max smiled and shook. "There's someone out there for everyone."

Arcanus was silent, but he nodded. After a few moments he let go of Max's hand, and continued watching over April. He had made a promise to look over her, to make sure that she was alright. And he did not break promises, no matter what the cost. Even if he still ached pretty bad from those attacks.

"April. She's a jerk. That's all I can say. When we first meet she began insulting me even though I hadn't said a word to her. Even after that she's harmed the feelings of all my other friends. Not once have I seen her be nice to any of us. And now she even attack Arcanus with out reason."

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Nathan nodded. Then she smiled. "Remember when we came and saved you from that Whalord? Y'know... that was April's idea. Not me." Nathan looked up in remembrance. "I was so focused on trying to find an opening to help Latios, I didn't even see you guys. April zoomed down to help you all before I even had the chance to notice you were in trouble in the first place."
Emma's was shocks. Nathan didn't tell April to help. So that mention that she actually cared. "Wait, but why. She never seemed to show any kindness before."

Nathan thought to herself for a moment before sighing. "Well, the way I see it, there are two possibilities. One is that she is hiding her true feelings behind her anger and hate. That maybe she's only PRETENDING to hate everyone. I can't imagine why that would be, honestly, but I guess it's possible. The other more cynical possibility is that she sees you as a sort of... property. That she doesn't want to lose what she sees as belonging to her." Nathan smiled. "Maybe it's just my ignorance, naivete, or bias, but... I think it's the former." Nathan was silent for a bit longer. "Hey... did you hear what was going on between Arcanus and April? What were they talking about that got her so riled up?"
"Nathan, if I may ask a question. What was April like before this. I keep hearing that she was a lot nicer a long time ago. Do you know what started this change."

Nathan shook her head. "I can't say I do. Up until yesterday, I thought she was ALWAYS good. I had no idea this was going on."
"Oh, I guess being human has its limitations with not being able to understand out language. Well what about Amber. She's one of the older members or your team. Could she know?"

Nathan nodded. "She would most likely know. She's been around April since April was a child. Would you like to talk to her?"
Nathan nodded and pulled out a Pokeball, throwing Amber out. Amber gathered her bearings for a moment before looking at Nathan.

"What do you need, mistress?" Nathan sighed.

"Emlas has some questions about April." Amber gasped and turned to Emlas.

"Oh no, did she act up again?"
"She did, she attacked Arcanus over something. Tell me, I've herd that April had been very nice before. And later today she helped saved me from being eaten. Could you tell me what made her change. Why is she like this."

Amber shook her head. "I... don't know exactly what happened. I remember when she was really nice." Amber smiled.


April flew around excitedly as Amber ran around. "Now, April, please calm do- eep!" She caught a lamp that had been knocked over in her telekinesis and softly placed it in its rightful spot. The young April simply laughed.

"You can't tag me! You don't fly!" April taunted and flew around in circles before suddenly stopping in midair. "Hey, no fair!" She yelled as she was slowly pulled towards Amber's outstretched hand. She squirmed to escape, but eventually Amber tapped her on the beak.

"You're it," Amber said. April pouted and cawed, trying to sound ferocious but only appearing adorable, before flying after Amber who ran just slow enough that April would be able to catch up to her.

"I'm going to get you!" She yelled out.

End Flashback

Amber shook her head. "I don't really know when everything changed, just that it was a few years ago. I wish I could help more, but..."
"She seemed very playful. I wonder what happened." 

"What even happened, she doesn't take well for other being nice to her." Latios spoke up almost put of nowhere.

Both Nathan and Amber jumped as Latios arrived.

"Latios," Amber said. She reflected on his statement. "Wait, do you know why Amber acted up?"
"Yeah, I tend to eavesdrop on many people. Sorry, it's just a habit in mine. What happened with Arcanus and April was a little strange. To what I've herd, Arcanus was simply keeping his cool with April and being nice. It came to a point where for some reason she snapped and attacked him." 

Amber frowned. "She doesn't seem to take nicely to people being kind to her..." she was silent for a few moments, thinking to herself. "Do you know what exactly caused April to freak out?"
"It started when Arcanus said she was being nice. She started mumbling to her self for him to stop. But he complemented her further and she flipped."

Amber shook her head. "I don't understand. I only hope Arcanus can get through to her. I would desperately like to understand why she is... the way she is."
"I could find that out easy. Though the way I could do it wouldn't be the best at helping her. Psychic probes are not a good way to make head way when trying to make friends."

Amber smiled. "Indeed, I would not suggest that. It would not end well for anyone involved."
Meanwhile, Arcanus sighed. 'April might awake soon.', he thought to himself. Though, he wasn't sure if that was the case, as she had been on a long flight just before. She could've been extra tired when he managed to land the Hypnosis. He looked behind himself at the group, talking a distance away. Probably about April. Either way, he still waited, no matter how curious he was about what they were saying.

@Latios @Assailant

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