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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Arcanus was quiet. For a while, actually.


".....You have been kind to me, actually."

"I appreciate that, April. And I want to thank you for that. I apologize if I have intruded too much, I was out of line. I realize that. So I thank you for spending your time, and being patient."

He closed his eyes for a few moments..

April seemed shocked at him. She stared at him for awhile before tsk'ing and closing her eyes. She didn't fly away.
"....You have been kind. Which is more than I can say for some of the humans I have met."


"If you wish me to leave.. I can leave. I understand if you are uncomfortable. And if you think less of me after this."

"You were gracious enough to talk to me.... About your interests, about what you love. You let me discuss a few subjects, and you've told me the truth. Which is the thing that impresses me the most." Arcanus responded to her, nodding, eyes still closed. "You have been kind, yes. Even if you didn't realize it. And that alone makes my day better. So once again, I thank you for that. For changing, even if just for a few minutes.". He opened his eyes, and a warm smile grew on him.

April's eyes widened. This time, however, they weren't in anger or even shock.

They were in fear.

"Stop..." she said with a bit of a shaky voice. "Stop..." She shook her head and hit herself once.
"April." Arcanus said in a somewhat stern voice. He wasn't sure that he understood what was happening... But he still wanted to help. "It's okay."

April shook her head. "STOP SAYING I'M NICE! STOP BEING NICE!" April suddenly struck Arcanus down.

April used Quick Attack! 


April used Gust

April used Gust

April used Gust
Arcanus had no idea these attacks were coming. He was struck to the ground and pummeled relentlessly by April. In a panic, he sent out a loud, telepathic distress call to the entire group. He couldn't even manage to get onto his feet as he was struck, from side to side.

@Assailant @Latios
Max let go of Emlas's claw in shock. "What's going on?!" He said in surprise. He looked over and immediately fired an Aura Sphere, knocking April off of Arcanus. Nathan ran over, yelling.

"What's April doing again?!"
Arcanus stood up, gasping for a breath. He gained his balance and quickly tried to gain eye contact with April. Thinking quickly, he said nothing, and attempted to land a Hypnosis on her, keeping his head, and swinging his pendulum back and forth. "I'll protect you."

@Latios @Assailant

(Okay, I gotta go for real now. :< See you later, try not to do too much without me.)
Latios just stared down April. She had been a problem since day one. Though a smile could be seen on his face. He had been listening to thier conversation and by that he found what made her tick. She hated being called nice. If Latios could keep his temper and put up with her act when she did such things then she would no longer become a nuisance. 

Emlas however was furious at April. She didn't hear what was going on so all she knew was that April had suddenly attack Arcanus. "April! Why would you do such a thing. I don't think Nathan would like this if she knew."

Nathan walked over and pulled on April's ear. "Just what do you think you were doing? I can't believe you-"

April used Gust!

Nathan flew back as April got up and cawed fiercely. She began flapping wildly, indicative of a bird in a panic, until her eyes met Arcanus's. She rapidly calmed down as she was affected by the move.
By now both Latios and Emlas were shocked that April attack Nathan. Even Draka was a little startled. To her the bird was coming closer to being on her dinner plate than ever. Though she had made a promise to Amber not to attack. But if this kept up she may be forced to. 

Emlas as wanted to pounce on April for attack Nathan like that. She was about to charge but Latios held his arm out blocking the way. "Look before you attack. Arcanus has her in a trance. Don't go breaking it."

@Assailant @Daisie
"April. You look...Tired. Don't worry.... Just rest... I will make sure nobody hurts you." Arcanus stared into April's eyes, and brought his pendulum up a little bit, next to his head. "There is nothing to fear.... You will be.... Alright.". He blinked slowly.

@Latios @Assailant
Tears slowly began to come from April eyes. She didn't look away, but her eyes began to droop.

"P-promise?" She asked weakly. She sounded afraid.

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"On my life, and on my soul." Arcanus responded out loud, taking a gentle step forward, and with a trustful look in his eye.

April nodded slowly as her eyes slowly closed. She slumped forward and fell asleep.

Max hummed to himself as he looked at her.
Arcanus approached April slowly. He picked her up, and carried her to a small patch of soft grass. "Apologies, everyone. I did not expect that... I.. I should have been prepared.". He set her down, and sat down next to her, almost like a guardian. He watched over her, keeping his promise.

Max walked up to him calmly and sat down in front of him. Max simply observed him for a minute or so before finally speaking up. "Forgive me for asking, as this may sound rather blunt and obtrusive, but... why did you try so hard to be nice to her?" He asked. He did not sound shocked, or angry, or detesting... he simply sounded curious.

"She is lost... So terribly lost. I feel as if nobody has acted like that to her for a long time. Far too long." Arcanus replied, looking down at her for a few moments. He looked up at Max. "She needs to be able to see the kindness in others before expanding upon her own. She needs this."

Max was silent for a few moments before smiling. "Indeed... I believe this may be the solution to her struggles. Her only two modes of support before this were Nathan and Amber, and both let her be rude as much as she pleased. If I may make a suggestion..." Max sighs. "Try to understand the origins of her behavior. Amber stated that she was not always like this... it may be prudent to understand where that came from."
"I understand." Arcanus responded, nodding a little bit. "But of course, nobody is born with a 'wicked' soul... Before she is able to heal, she must come to terms with herself, and her past. And that will not be an easy task. And I can only help her to a certain degree. She may have to be the one to do this... But for certain, I will be there to 'back her up', so to speak. I will be there, yes."

Max smiled and stood back up. "Very good. Thank you for working on this endeavor. It is nice to meet another so devoted to aiding others in the path of self-betterment and balance. There are many here in need of that kind of assistance." Max outstretched his paw to Arcanus. "I am gracious for your assistance and wish you luck."
Arcanus smiled back at Max. He reached out and took his paw. "It is a pleasure to help others. Especially those in need. Perhaps I may find a human in need. And I will finally have a trainer, like my family.". He bowed respectfully to Max. "Thank you."


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