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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Max nodded. "You're immensely important to him. You're... well, it wouldn't be a stretch to say you're everything to him. Draka is the only one with an even comparable reaction, but it still pales in comparison. If you were to die or go away... well, I can't predict exactly what would become of Latios. Maybe he'd become immensely violent. Perhaps he'd simply shut down entirely. He may fluctuate rapidly. One way or another, it would be cataclysmic to him..." Max chuckled. "Sorry if I put pressure on you. That wasn't the point. I mean to say that he loves you very deeply."

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"Well he is always doing thing to protect me. So i can see what you mean. Though sometimes he's a little overprotective. One time i got close to the human village because i wanted to see what it was like and he pulled me right back home and gave me a good scolding. He didn't harm me but I still think it was a little overboard."

Max nodded. "The stronger a connection, the harder it is to sever. You're immensely important to everything for him, so he wants to make absolutely sure nothing happens to you. Combined with his traumatic experience with humans, and..." Max let it hang there, his message clear. "I hope, during this journey, his aura is calmed. I hope that he will learn how to create connections with others so that he must not be so wholly dependent upon you. For instance... say that I were to perish right now. Latios would likely feel very little. Of course he would be distraught over the needless loss of life, but that would be all. There would be no mourning, no deep emotional pain. He would pay his respects and move on. If you died, however... that would be the end for him." He sighed. "He is significantly over-attached to you, and while I can respect his devotion to you, he should try to balance himself. I believe, if he found inner peace, than maybe he would be able to balance himself. I could artificially, temporarily balance his aura, though I fear he would know it was me and be... unimpressed with me."

Max held up his paws. "As I told you before, I can interact on a level with aura that many Pokemon cannot. My many years alone in the cave have granted me a spiritual enlightenment surpassing even many Lucarios. I can directly manipulate the aura field of another Pokemon. In other words, I could manually tranquilize him. However, his psychic connection would likely let him know that I'm doing it, which is why I'm tentative to do it. Furthermore, the effects are only temporary. Once they wear off, he might be rather... unhappy with me."
"It will be a long and challenging journey for him. He will face much adversity along the way. I believe that this is his final test. This is his last journey. If he does not embark on the road to inner peace now, I fear he never will. I have faith in him."

Emlas was silent, she thought about what Max had said. Would inner peace be a big important thing for him. Latios seemed to be just fine now. Though he had his downsides. How would inner peace affect him. Would he become someone completely different. She didn't want to have a different brother. Sure he was a little over bearinf but she loved him just the way he was.

Max looked at her for a bit. He frowned. "I sense something troubles you. Would you care to share your mental burdens?"
"I was thinking. Would Inner peace change him. Like personality wise. As troublesome he came be sometimes I do love him just the way he is."

Max smiled gently. "He would change, but only for the better. I can only make predictions on what would happen, though this is what I predict: for you, he'd become less overbearing and clingy. Do not misunderstand, his love for you will not diminish, he just won't NEED you around at every point in time. He'd feel more content and happy in general. He would feel satisfied with his existence, and feel like he has a place. It's a sort of tranquility and contentness. He will still be Latios: he will just be more self-sufficient and content. At least, that is my prediction."

Arcanus decided to stand, and try to talk to somebody. He might learn something new, after all. He looked around the group.... And decided to walk up to April (And Nathan, if she's around.). "Greetings."

April rolled her eyes. "What do you want, shitface?" Nathan was gathering some wood a bit away, so she didn't hear that.
April grinned. "Well, you're alot more level-headed than everyone else, huh? Well, I'm not sure what the fuck you're gonna learn from me!"
"There is always something to learn from anything, or anyone. From a wise man to a fool." Arcanus replied, nodding a little bit.

Max nodded. "He will be Latios, but a better Latios. I achieved balance long ago, and I have felt content since. Before I was vengeful, angry, despairing, scared... but ever since, I have felt like I understand the world better. I am happier." Max smiled. "Of course, balance can be disrupted. Even still."

"Eh? That's philosophical coming from a freeloader." April scratched her head with her talon. "So, why me, eh?"
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"I feel as if you would be interesting to talk to.", He responded as he leaned on a nearby rock. "You must have some fascinating stories. And I would feel pleased to hear one or two."

"If he does find balance, I'm not sure how long he my keep it. Just seeing humans gets him riled up. Not to mention that mentions of our families past is an uncomfortable subject for him."

April growled and looked away. "I...- no. I'm not interesting. Not unless you're some sort of masochist or something.

Max shook his head. "See, that's his problem. To achieve inner balance, he must come to grips with that. He must forgive the humans, or at the very least put his anger behind him. Now you see why this is such a difficult task."
"But how could he forgive humans. From what I've herd they are the reason half our family is dead. Not only that but the endangerment of our race and they caused him 12 years of pain and suffering, physically and mentally."

"I do not gain happiness from your suffering. I simply wish to learn more about you." Arcanus responded, a calm and steady voice.

Max shook his head. "Now you see why this is such a difficult path for him. Inner peace for you is relatively simple, for instance. For him... he has a long and arduous path before him."

April scoffed. "Like what, huh? What could you possibly want to know?"
Arcanus took a few moments to consider his answer carefully. "....Anything. Anything you wish to tell me, truly. About yourself, or your interests, what makes you happy, perhaps."


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