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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Emlas suddenly felt herself being lifted. April was underneath her, and was rising as Amber pushed up on Emlas's underside.

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The Gyarados cross from the confusion. This gave Latios the perfect opportunity to make an attack. He hit the Gyarados dead on with a Giga Impact. It fell backwards and splashed into the waters. Just befor it sank they could see it Turing back to normal it had been defeated. 

Emlas was startled by April's help. Although it could have been Nathan who told her to do so. By the looks of it they might clear the Wailord. Although at the peak of its jump its jaws snapped shut, trapping April's leg in its mouth.

@Assailant @Daisie
Arcanus was relieved that Latios was alright. But he, himself, wasn't feeling great. All of this flying around was beginning to catch up to him, he suddenly felt like the world was spinning around him. So he simply held onto Draka tightly and bit his tongue, until she took him to his next target.

April cawed as she was taken down. Nathan jumped off of April, along with Amber, and recalled her into her pokeball. She then released her under them, as April caught them.

"Emlas! Are you alright?!"

"Yeah, yeah I am. Are you?" She asked. Latios and Draka both regrouped as well. 

"Ok, the ocean is infested with Shadows. That's bad. Let's just fly a little higher, shall we. "

@Assailant @Daisie
Nathan smiled. "Yes, I am!" She fist pumped and Max smiled.

"Good Job, you're getting better at understanding our tongue."

"Alright max, if you wouldn't mind getting back with Latios. This is really starting to get stressful carting you." She said, Latios flew over next to her so Max come get on"

"Good idea.", Was all Arcanus could manage to say, as the world stopped spinning a bit. He hadn't ever flown on another Pokemon before, especially not with such sharp turns. He looked up a little, at the others, a bit paler than usual. Though he tried to hide his weakness to this flight, he couldn't control his skin color.

@Latios @Assailant
They took off again at a faster pace. This time flying far above the water level. There wasn't anymore disturbences from there. Although everyone was still on their guard. The ocean held the largest population of Pokemon in the world. There was no telling what was down there. 

-Time Skip-

The islands soon came into sight. There was a large main island with a human settlement on it. The the west the appeared to be a monument surrounded by 6 pillars in a circle. Three smaller islands could be seen of the west coast of the main island. Each of the smaller islands were unique in there own way. The one on the left had a valcano on it. The middle had a looming mountain. So high that the top was hidden in the clouds. The third one in the right had a bowl shape structure at the top. Not only that but there appeared to be a giant metal object on the cliff side of the island. There was much upturned earth trailing it showing that the object had crashed there sometime ago. 

"We head for the mainland. There we can rest from this long journey and earlier battle." Said Latios

@Assailant @Daisie
They landed near the west coast, far away from the settlement. Latios had no intention of going to the humans anytime soon. The moment Emlas made it she flopped right onto the ground. She was exhausted from the flight. 

@Assailant @Daisie 
Max hopped off of Latios and sullenly reflected on the day. As Nathan jumped off of April and released Amber, Darin, and Orion, she looked around at the sullen group of Pokemon around her. She frowned and thought for a moment before pulling something out of her bag. 

"Alright. Everyone worked really hard today. I think you all deserve celebratory berries!" Nathan went around and gave everyone some berries, leagues better than the Pokemon food. Max looked down at his before walking over to Emlas and sitting down next to her. He was quiet for a moment before holding out his berries to her.

"As thanks for earlier today," he said simply.

Emlas gladly took the berries. "Thanks." She said. After a moment of eating she spoke up again. "Wow, I've never flown that far before. That was exhausting even without that battle."

@Assailant @Daisie
Max had grabbed some Pokemon food from earlier to replace his berries, and he began eating that. "It was quite a distance, yes. I am impressed at how taxing flight could be on someone who makes no apparent bodily movements. Flight truly is interesting... though perhaps that's just my "non-flying Pokemon" side talking."
"Levetation does require energy. It would be the same for a bird to flap their wings. Although depending on how we fly requires different amounts of energy. The more we carry, the more we must push ourselves up. The faster we fly, the more we must push ourselves forward. Does that make sense." 

@Assailant @Daisie
Arcanus put his hand up, refusing the berries. After all, they had a limited amount. He didn't want to waste any. So he simply sat down and watched the group, relaxing a bit after the long flight.

@Latios @Assailant
Max nodded. "Enough, I suppose. I'll never fully understand. I suppose it would be impossible for me to."
"Ha, if you start flying one day that will be the day that I go completely insane. The only artificial way to Levitate that I know of is to know Trace or master the means of how to use Psychic." 

(Trace is that ability that copies your opponents ability, just in case you don't know)

@Assailant @Daisie
Max nods. "Yes, but even with full mastery, Psychic auto-levitation does not last very long. Flying is a... nice feeling, I suppose."
Max smiled and leaned back. "If one good thing comes out of this experience... I'm glad to be journeying around the world again. I've been confined to the village and forest for so long... it reminds me so much of my youth. It's been so long, but the experience is just as wonderful as I remembered... sans the shadows, of course."

Max thought for a moment. "We've traveled many places. We have gone from small towns to the peaks of mountains. We've traveled across oceans, soared across the sky." Like before, when he'd recounted his experience with Latios, his eyes seemed to gloss over as he lost himself in his memories. "We climbed through the tallest towers and looked down on the world below us. We stared danger in the face and simply dared it to try its luck. Felix was always a tad trigger happy. I had to bail him out of quite a few sticky situations. We traveled through winding systems of dark caves. If I'm being honest though... the best thing I saw on my entire journey... was watching the small boy I'd grown up with grow himself. I won many battles and took down devastating foes... but I'd never feel more proud than when it was Felix who did something spectacular. When he had his moment to shine..." Max's smile turned into a sad one and his eyes somewhat wavered. "I miss him so much..."

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