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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Latios frantically looked around when he noticed that Max had fallen off. He spotted him done bellow in the water. Only there was a problem. The Wailord was now coming down from its jump. And it was going to fall on top of Max. He tried to rush down and get him but several Other water Shadows blocked him. 

@Assailant @Daisie
Max yelped as he hit the water. Thankfully he wasn't very high up. However, his relief didn't last very long as he resurfaced to see the Wailord coming down over him. Nathan couldn't get over in time, she had stayed high up.

"Damn it!" She yelled. "We aren't gonna make it!"

@Daisie @Latios
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It looked as though Max would be crushed, but a certain red Eon managed to swoop in and pull max out of the waters. "Gose darn it, your heavy Max." She said while trying to pull him up once they were clear.

@Assailant @Daisie
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"Your welcome." She. Her voice was strained as she struggled to lift him up. "You mind helping me to get you aboard. Seriously, lay off the carbs."

Latios was having difficulty defeating the Pokemon around him. He was faced up with three Gyarados's and none were giving him an opening to escape the spot he was at. The Wailord had disappeared but there was no doubt that it wouldn't be back. Several Sharpedo's circled the water as well. If anyone else was cuaght it the waters again they would be done for as they would rip anything to shreds.

@Assailant @Daisie
Max laughed. "My diet is almost entirely berries. This is all muscle," he said as he lifted himself up and onto Emlas's back."

Emlas laughed a bit too. Max had climbed up just onto her in time. Some of the Sharpedo's could be seen snapping at the waters below them. "Come on, let's help the others."

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Latios was in a tight predicament. The Gyarados's were keeping him in their circle. They started to spin around and around. The winds whipped up and their dragon rage attack formed. Draka also had her hand full. She was having to weave back and forth to avoid the Hydro Pump attack coming her way from many Starmites.

@Assailant @Daisie
"Draka, get me within line of sight of one of those Gyarados!" Arcanus almost shouted, holding on tightly. He hoped desperately that his plan would help a little bit.

@Latios @Assailant
Max held onto Emlas tightly and glared at the Gyarados. "Let's get in closer. We need to get Latios out of there!"

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Draka was doing her best to get to him but with the many streams of water she was trying to avoid it wasn't easy. Emlas however was able to speed on over. Though the weight on Max was slowing her down. She tried to fired a mist ball at the enemy Pokemon but the winds blew the most away. 

@Assailant @Daisie
Max grit his teeth. They're too strong. There isn't much that I can do in this situation. Not over water... "If we got their attention, do you know if you could fly fast enough to escape?" He asked Emlas.

Max looked down and mentally calculated. "Alright. If you distract them, we might be able to get them off Latios. However, that's your decision to make. If you think you can do it, go right ahead. I'll do my best to help keep them off you."

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"Alright, lets do this." She said. Mustering up her courage, she speed at one of the Gyarados's. She promptly smacked it with a Dragon Claw and cried out. "Hey fish breath! Come and get me!" The Gyarados roared back and charged a Hyper Beam in it mouth preparing to fire at Emlas

The other Gyarados's were distracted by the disruption of their attack. This gave Latios a chance to catch one of guard. He fired a Luster Purge at one dealing s fair amount of damage to it. While it was recovering her swiftly used a Psychic to blast it back again.  

The third Gyarados, seeing as the attack was lost, focused its attentionon Draka. It began to charge at her, hoping to knock her into the Sharpedo infested waters.

@Daisie @Assailant
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Before the third Gyarados could hit Draka, Arcanus attempted to land a Hypnosis on it. As it approached, he stared into its eyes, and the token at the end of his string swung back and forth, like a pendulum. "You look tired... Just let  it all go.. It's easier."

@Latios @Assailant
Max breathed in deeply before jumping off of Emlas. He landed on the Gyarados and grabbed onto it tightly before it could buck him off. He proceeded to Ice Punch it before jumping into the air with Extreme Speed and landing back on Emlas.

The Gyarados slowly came to a stop from the hypnosis. The effects took hold and it the rest of its body splashed into the waters. The result was flying Sharpedo's everywhere. One was about to fall on top of Draka.


Emlas almost fell into the water when Max climbed aboard again. She was certainly struggling to carry him. The Gyarados thrashed around trying to break free of the ice surrounding its backside. Straightening it's back the ice shattered into large chunks. It's venomous eyes locked onto Emlas and Max once more, but they were to far away to attack anymore. However it didn't give up that easily. It gave a large roar again and stopped. Emlas was a bit confused what it was doing. But her confusions didn't last for the Wailord appeared once more from the waters. It proceed to do the same attack as before with trying to swallow them.

Max looked down as the Wailord rose into the air to swallow them. Max leaned over to Emlas. "Can you rise fast enough to evade it?"
Aranus, thinking quickly, jumped up into the air and used Pound, forcefully kicking the Sharpedo off its course, as well as himself. From the impact with the Sharpedo, he was no longer above Draka. He quickly admitted that he didn't quite think that part through, as he began falling again, this time, nothing underneath him.

"I'm trying." She said as she struggled to rise. Though she might not make it in time. The Wailord was rising faster than she was.

Draka quickly made a U-turn (Not the move, just turning around) when she felt Aranus leave her. She stopped right underneath him as to let him fall onto her. "Think next time. If you fall in that water your done for."

@Daisie @Assailant
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Arcanus huffed as he landed back on Draka. "Rgh.. And next time a Sharpedo lands on you, you're done for, as well...". He looked around for another target to attack.

"Right... Lets see if we can give the rest a hand in their battles." She said.

Latios was having difficulties defeating his Gyarados. This one was much stronger than the one he had faced before. Then again, that one had just evolved.

Arcanus looked around, and spotted Latios with his Gyarados. "Get a little bit closer, I can attack that Gyarados...!". As soon as they were in range, he used Confusion, swinging his token back and forth.


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