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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"My mother Ahsila was a gentle soul. Much like Draka. She loved us with all her heart. My Father Jengar I hardly knew. He was always away from the nest."

Max chuckled. "By the sounds of it, you and Emlas completely switched personalities as you grew up."

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"Hehe, it may seem so." He said. After a moment he spoke up again. "So, I've told you a bit about my life yet yours is still a mystery. What kind of adventures have you had."

Max thought for a moment. "I haven't really had many adventures. Not since Felix passed, anyway. After I made it to the cave, I struggled for a year or two to adapt. But soon, I managed to establish a berry grove nearby. I trained and became stronger to pass vengeance upon Felix's killers, but ultimately I couldn't. I retreated back to my cave and lived in peace among the Pokemon there. I did occasionally get into fights whenever things got out of hand, but otherwise..."

Max smiled. "Yeah, I loved my time with Felix. We traveled all around Sinnoh, the two of us. Well, his team as well. I helped take down a few gyms myself.  He would capture some Pokemon, and I'd show them the ropes."

"Oh, they are places to test your might by battling Pokemon against powerful trainers called 'gym leaders.' The end goal is to battle the Elite Four, which is very similar to gyms but much more difficult. We made friends all across the nation, and we always sought to better ourselves." Max's eyes had glassed over as he smiled contently at his memories.

"Tough people to battle. Ha, I bet they wouldn't be able to beat me. Out of all the trainers I've come across, not one has succeeded. If they had I wouldn't be here."

Max laughed. "Yeah, well, I doubt you've fought very many powerful trainers. At least, not in comparison to the Elite Four. Besides, they're not about fighting wild Pokemon anyway. They care more about fighting trainers. Ah, Felix was an amazing trainer and a wonderful brother. He fought against the mafia, you know. He did a number on them too. Until..."

"... I'm sorry, I do not how lose feels. I've had enough of it to understand greatly. But the past cannot be changed. Only Celebi and Dialga can do that. Even so it could lead to disastrous consequences."

Max nodded sadly. "I know. I-" Max's eyes widened. "Wait... that's right. We ARE meeting Pokemon that can change time. Then..."

"No, I already said that it might not be possible. Even the smallest events can change the future massively." His voice was very stern. He knew very well that such a thing would not happen for Max. After all, he himself had tried.

Max shook his head and grit his teeth. "How could saving one person make a difference? Besides, even if there's the slightest chance, isn't it worth trying?"

"It's to risky. They won't let you. They don't trust in gambles. Theres always a chance of negative effects. They only do such a thing if it's absolutely necessary." 

"Look, I'm sorry. I just don't want you to get your hopes up. As I've said before, I know what it feels like. I too asked them and they turned me down."

Max was silent still. Somewhere deep down, he knew that this wasn't the kind of thinking he should encourage. In the end, however, he loved Felix too much to just acknowledge defeat at such an opportunity. He felt like he'd trade the world for Felix.

Now, that was a deal that could be made. Max just had to decide whether that was a good or bad thing.

(Time to move on, this may be a bad time for the next post but there nothing much to doing on this trip)

They say in silence for a long time.  The mood had gone very sour very fast. But that didn't stop from fate wanting to make things worse. The waters around them seemed to darken as if it were cloudy. But the sun was clear as day. "Um, I'm not sure bait what everyone else thinks, but what is that." He said pointing at the black blob in the water.

@Assailant @Daisie
Max looked down at the water and frowned. He had no idea, so he said nothing, but he was staring intently at it. Nathan stopped April.

"Woah, geez, what's going on?!"

@Latios @Daisie
"I got a bad feeling about this." Emlas said looking at it as well. 

"Me too..." He was cut off as the waters burst and a giant Shadow Wailord. It jaws were wide open with intent to swallow them all. Latios has to rein back to avoid the oncoming attack. This led thum slanted leaving no platform for Max to sit on anymore. 

Max attempted to grab Latios swiftly, but he missed. Max tumbled off of Latios with a surprised yelp. With that, Max began falling to the water.

"Max!" Nathan yelled and motioned for April to go after him.

@Latios @Daisie
Arcanus almost tumbled off, himself, in surprise. He kept a good grip though. He reached out with his mind, and tried to sense Max's location in the water. Maybe, just maybe, he could pull Max out.

@Latios @Assailant

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