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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"Well it's mainly what ever she wants to do. Some times it's tag, sometimes it's hide and seek. There's other things but I follow her in the matter of fun."

"Oh?" Max asked. He considered that for a moment. "Well, what do YOU do when you have alone time? Surely not every waking moment is spent with her."

"Well no, sometimes I just explore the forest. Make sure it's safe and that no humans are trespassing. Sometimes I just hang out with my old friends. It's nice to know they made it here too."

Max nodded, but was silent afterwards. He was searching for a conversation topic. Sure he still had things to do, but he wanted to make sure that Latios wasn't bored. Despite that, he was quickly running out of things to say. He only could hope Latios had some more ideas.

"Argabor is quite a nice fellow. He's a little headstrong but still. Cinder is also very kind. Although I herd she was taken by the shadows." He said

"Hehe, maybe your right. I really should stop being such a downer. Hey I got an idea. How about we tell jokes. You got any good ones."

(Let the puns begin)

((It's a lot harder to make Pokemon puns IN the world of Pokemon. Many puns are now impossible to make.))

Max thought to himself for a bit, trying to come up with something.

"Alright, so a Skitty, Lucario, and Snorlax walk into a bar. They all have a few drinks before they see a cute Pokemon across the room. They discuss how pretty she is, and they dare each other to go ask her out. Eventually, the Skitty jumps down from his stool and walks over to her. The Lucario and Snorlax seem in disbelief that he's actually doing it.

'Don't worry,' said the Skitty with a grin. 'Attract is my best move.'

Everything seems to be going smoothly before someone approaches the Skitty. Turns out, the girl had a boyfriend, and he's angry. He tries to get into a fight with the Skitty, but the Lucario jumps in and intervenes, taking combat for himself. The other two express their concern for him, but he just grins.

'Don't worry,' he says. 'Close Combat is my best move.'

The fight escalates and everyone ends up wounded. They all head home, but there's only one bed to sleep in. They debate with exhaustion about who should sleep before Snorlax jumps in the bed. The Lucario and Skitty both angrily yell at him, but Snorlax simply yawns.

'Don't worry,' he says to them. 'Rest is my best move.'"

@Latios ((That one took some time to think of.))
"Huh?" Max asked. Right, of course he wouldn't know what a bar is. "Yeah, they serve alcohol there. Although I'm not sure you would know what alcohol is, huh? It's something that can be put in beverages. It tastes kind of... bitter, and it can impair mental and physical functions in high quantities. However, it also makes the drinker feel really good. They call that state, 'drunkenness.' I've had some of their alcoholic beverage 'beer' before. I personally don't really like it, but to each their own."

"It sounds like a good way to get your self killed. Not being able to defend your self properly. Anyways, let's see if I can make a joke. Hmm, oh, I got one. Knock-Knock..."

Max chuckled. "Now don't fall asleep while flying, that would be bad for both of us."
"Aw come on. The waters not that bad." Latios said as he flew down low to the ocean. He reached out with one of his claws into the water. The result was a huge splash sailing over top of him and onto Max.

Max gasped as the water splashed on him. Nathan laughed as she looked down, and Max chuckled. "Well, I hope you had your fun. I'm cold now."

Arcanus soon awoke. He straightened his posture, holding on a bit tighter. He had almost forgotten that he was flying over the ocean.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad. You'll dry off soon. Even I'm a little wet now." He said.

Draka felt her passenger move around a little. She looked back to see him awake. "Did you enjoy your nap." She asked.

@Assailant @Daisie

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