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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Max grunted. "Thankfully, the high velocity will dry us off swiftly. Unfortunately, it will make the whole experience much colder until then."

"Hm.... Of course. Rest is important." Arcanus thought for a few moments, sighing. "I am... Also rather tired of seeing ocean."

"Well, there's not much we can do about that. For now we got to keep flying, we about half way there."  

"Well ya. Speaking of cold, I a little worried about when we have to see Articuno. With me being a dragon type I'm... Well, not very fond of the frigid air."

@Assailant @Daisie
"Hm.. What have the others done since the beginning of our trip?" Arcanus asked, curiously looking over his shoulder to see the others.

"Oh, nothing much. Just simply talking. There's not much else to do when your flying."

"No, not at all. It's just Articuno lives in a very cold environment. Somethings most all dragon types hate. Those Emlas seems to love winter. No idea why."

@Assailant @Daisie
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Max smiled. "The winter can be very beautiful, if... harsh. When you are not struggling to find warmth or food, it is rather magnificent."

"Well one reason most dragons usually hibernate is because they are very weak to the cold. This also makes it so we can catch things like hypothermia faster than most. Though the cold has no bother to Emlas at all. And sadly we don't hibernate. I don't know why. It's just not possible for us. During the winter I mostly stay indoors. I hate the cold. Just can't stand it."

"Well, I've been with the Lati siblings ever since they were born. I was very good friends with thier parents. When they died I took care of them. Max over there we sorta took with us when the forest was being attacked. Nathan is a friend of Max's and she wanted to join us really bad. I am a bit surprised however that Latios accepted this."

@Assailant @Daisie 
"Ah, I see...... Personally, I am as shocked as you are. Latios does not seem to take kindly to humans." Arcanus commented, sitting up a little bit, straightening his back. "I fear that, because of that, we will not get along.... We think very differently of the humans."

Max nodded. "The cold can be nice or unpleasant. The first winter after Felix's demise, I remember, was particularly challenging. I went from a world of plenty, where everything I ever needed was provided, to a world where I had to fend for myself. I had little time to adapt before the winter came, and with it came all the struggles of surviving multiplied ten-fold. The search for food was made harder as plants died and animals hid, the search for shelter was more painful due to the ceaseless cold, and the search for revenge was forced on hold. At least, then, one good thing came out of it."

"Well, my first time on my own in the wild wasn't nearly as hard, but it was still difficult due to my weakened state. Once I had escaped from whirlwind and found out that the rest of y family might still be alive I immediately began to search. Though I was a bir stupid. I was very frail and scrawny from my time there and my focus on finding my family over took everything. I hardly ate, sleep was almost impossible to get, and I had no shelter from having to travel. I was on the brink of death when I found them."

"Them?" Max asked. "You're referring to Emlas and Draka, right? I can't imagine the relief that must have caused. The closest thing I have was the relief at finding a cave to take shelter in. Not to diminish how that felt either, but it only felt like the beginning of a much larger solution."

"Yes I mean Emlas and Draka. And it certainly was a relief. After not seeing them for 12 years there was a lot to rejoice for. But there was also some grief. The news of both my parents death struck me hard. On top of that, Emlas was very distant from me. She didn't even know who I was. The most she had herd about me was that ha head two other brothers who were both dead."

"She hardly knew me, and she was also very young still. She was very shy. Getting to connect with her was hard. I hardly knew her as well." 

"While I may not have know him for very long I do miss Edron. He was always there for me back then. He use to play with me every day. Help me when I was hurt. Comfort me when I was sad. I miss him greatly. I sure Emlas would have loved him."

"No no, Edron was my older brother." He said. There was a hint of sorrow in his voice.
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