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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Arcanus didn't seem all on-board with the idea. "I am unsure quite yet. Choosing a trainer means to give up your right to freedom for them. I will have to choose wisely, and without haste."

Nathan smiled and patted April on the head, who cawed somewhat indignantly. A slight smile crept onto her face though. 

((Guess who came back at the perfect moment?))
"I see, well I hope you take my suggestion into account though." She said.

The flights were always long and boring. He could fly faster and get there in half the time if he wasn't carrying cargo, but what can you do. Soon his boredom took over and he decided to strict a conversation. "So, Max, your going to meet a legendary soon. How do you feel?"

@Assailant @Daisie
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"I will." Is all Arcanus promised, tiredly. He decided to close his eyes for a few moments. "You are a wise Pokemon. With a strong heart, I feel.". It was only a few moments later that he dozed off. He had stayed awake to guard last night, and was exhausted.

Max looked over. "Hm?" He asked. He seemed out of it for a moment before thinking. "If I am being frank... it is still a tad bit surreal. Meeting a Lati is peculiar enough, but to know that I will be meeting other great and mystical beings... I do not believe it has quite... processed yet."

"Well, my species isn't that special. Although, we are quite a bit rarer than before even since our species decline." He said. 

Draka looked back ober overhear shoulder. Why had he stopped speaking all the sudden. He had apparently fallen asleep. The night watch must of been rough.

@Daisie @Assailant
Max nodded. "Perhaps not. The rest of the world believed your kind to have been eradicated. The few that remained were presumed to have died off by now. It's like meeting a shade. A ghost."

"I hope we don't die our completely. It would be sad to know that we would be the last ones." He said.

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Max thought for a moment. "Even if you two aren't the last ones, there certainly aren't many left. The only way to stop extinction at this point... is to breed." Max shook his head. "That's the unfortunate reality. If you want to continue your bloodline, there isn't much of a choice..."

"Well that would require me finding another one of our species of the opposite gender. I'm not going to mate with my sister. That would be wrong. Not only that but we are both under age."

Max thought for a moment. "Not to mention, inbreeding would wreak havoc on your offspring and theirs." Max was silent. "You might be more troublesome... however... since Pokemon take after their mother... Emlas would be able to conceive more Lati, even without a Lati mate."

"Well even so, we would still need to find one of our extremely hard to find species. There was about 3000 Lati living in the world 25 years ago. Now only half that number remains."

Max raised an eyebrow. "Can Lati only conceive with other Lati? That would be abnormal, to say the least."
"I'm not exactly sure, I know such a thing is rare though for us. Our species was very... Customary. I learned that much back in my childhood. But it was very little I learned. I only knew my parents for 7 years before they were taken."

"Yeah..." He said solemnly. "I wish I could have known my parents more. There was so much they could have taught me. For heavens sake. I had to learn how to use Luster Purge on my own. And it took me 2 years to get t right. Every other time it kept imploding in my face."

"I was 7 years old when it happened. If you compare that to a human. I would be the same as a 3 year old. I was so young. I in one day. I was to never see them again. Emlas never knew are mother. She died the day Emlas hatched. While Emlas had a longer time that I did with dad I herd that he was very secluded during that time. He was different. And then just one day Emlas came in to find him dead. 6 months later I arrived, it took me forever to find them. Draka almost killed me not recognizing who I was. But when I uttered her name in disbelief, she knew it was me."


It was raining. Thunder clashed all around. I needed to get out of the rain, or lest I would get sick. There was a cave I saw, not to far away. I was very weak, I had hardly eaten. If one looked at me I was nothing more than a skeleton.

I entered the cave without hesitation, I was to tired to care. Laying down I closed my eyes. My slumber was soon interrupted but a whack. I was nearly thrown out of the cave. A large dragonite was standing over me. There was also a very young Latias standing behind her. But my attention was in the Dragonite.

"Get out of here, we don't want any trouble." She yelled. It must have been to dark for her to see my injuries. But I didn't move. I was still fixated on the Dragonite. She was so familiar, but I couldn't remember where. "If you won't get out then I'll make you." She raised a claw in the air. It was covered in a bright green glow showing that it was indeed a dragon claw. My body was to tierd to move, I just couldn't. But I finally remembered who she was. 

"Draka?" I wheezed, by then my weakness over took me and I passed out. I don't know what happened else but I woke up to find myself in a bed of leaves. There were makeshift bandages around me. Even a pile of berries was next to me.

"It was very difficult times back then. Some Lati would kill to find safe havens away from Whirlwind. New of thier demise had not spred yet. And by the dark sky, she would not have known who it was, not to mention that I came back with a new color scheme."

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Max huffed and looked over to Emlas, smiling somewhat as he did. "Your sister is very wonderful. You are lucky to have one as supportive as her. And she, lucky to have a brother as protective as you."
"I just can't believe I accually found her. I mean I was looking everywhere for 6 months but still. Fate was with me." He said. 

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