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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Arcanus nodded trustfully, closing his eyes for a quick moment. He looked over at another member. "Amber, may I put faith in the fact that you will be able to fight through, to the end?"

Max grunted. "I can assure you, if anyone has to die, I intend it to be me. That is to say, I am not planning on letting anyone else die. You needn't worry about my resolve."

Nathan nodded. "Too many bad things have already happened for me to walk away. I don't intend to run." April grinned.

"Are you kidding? This is gonna be the best adventure yet. Don't you worry, I ain't running from this! I'm gonna kick SO much ass." She then received a smack from Nathan. "Grr... I wasn't even swearing AT anyone that time."

"She just knows swear words," Max responded. "She has no understanding of their context. Granted, coming from you, it's all but guaranteed to be rude."

Amber smiled as she looked away from them. "Don't worry, I will not falter."

"YEAH!" Orion and Darin both yelled. "Let's beat the baddies!" Amber gave them a worried but sincere smile.

@Daisie @Latios
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Arcanus attempted to conceal a smile. It didn't work too well, but he still attempted, if in vain. "I can only hope that the faith I have put in all of you is not misplaced. For the sake of the world, I will battle alongside you. I will follow, and I will lead only when necessary. It is a pleasure to know our team, and that you will not give in. And so you have my thanks.". He closed his eyes for a few seconds, to treasure the moment. He felt connected to the rest of the crew. He knew that they wouldn't let him down. Call it his psychic abilities, or a 'sixth sense' of some sort. But he now found comfort around these Pokemon. The air conjured a soft, cool breeze for a few long moments.

@Latios @Assailant
The sun was soon bathed by the ever expanding waters. The last of its light Slowy died out untill all that was left was the small camp fire they were all circled around. "Well, I suggest that we get to bed now. We leave first thing at dawn. By they time we reach the Orange Islands it should be a couple hours after midday so we got a long flight ahead of us tomorrow."

@Assailant @Daisie
"That would be much advised, indeed." Arcanus nodded in agreement, opening his eyes to the crew. "As planned, I assume Nathan, Max, and I will watch for Shadows."

@Latios @Assailant
Max nodded in agreement and told Nathan as much. She agreed. Nathan put all of her Pokemon back into their Pokeballs and stretched for a bit. "Alright, ready to go."

@Daisie @Latios
Arcanus was already standing, there was no need to stretch or anything. "There is a tall rock just that way. It is a good place to view the area.", he informed them as he pointed in the direction he originally came to the group from.

@Assailant @Latios
"Alright, well I'm going to bed. Wake me if you see anything." He said. He went a rested under a lager tree nearby. Emlas too rested herself next to him. Draka simply leaned up against another tree.

@Assailant @Daisie
Max nodded to him. "I believe it's best if we split up. I can easily hop between trees and climb. I can monitor the forest from the treetops." 

@Daisie @Latios
"Seems wise." Arcanus replied. He soon turned to Nathan. "We are splitting up to watch for Shadows. Where will you be going?"

Nathan thought for a moment. "I'm ill prepared for an actual fight. Don't get me wrong, I can hold my own, but I have lower chances than the rest of you. So I'm just going to hang out here. I'll make sure no one attacks by sea or from underground."

The n For was surprisingly uneventful. Which was good for they would need the rest for the trip. Latios awoke with a yawn. After rubbing his eyes he got up. But once again was stopped by a particular red colored arm. You would think Latios would Keene by now that every time Emlas sleeps with him that she would end up wraped around him. Once more his empathy got the best of him to. He laid back down and let her sleep. Sure the sun was just rising but a little extra sleep wouldn't hurt anyone.

@Assailant @Daisie
Arcanus, as expected, was still sitting atop that tall rock a distance away. As still as a golden statue. The little token on the end of the string wrapped around his hand swung gently from side to side as the wind blew past it. It seemed strangely hypnotic... Though, that was really no surprise.

@Latios @Assailant
"Good morning everyone!" They heard. It was spoken in Pokemon tongue, but it was... poorly spoken. The words didn't sound quite right and the emphasis was off. However, it was definitely understandable.

@Latios @Daisie
"Umm, who was that." Latios asked. Know one he knew spoke like that. Unless it was in purpose.

Emlas was woken by the sudden greeting. "Whaa, who's that." She mumbled.

@Assailant @Daisie
Nathan stood above them with a grin on her face. "How are you this morning?" She asked. It was still poorly spoken, but Nathan looked very proud of herself. 

"I taught her some more last night," Max jumped in. "Don't worry, we were still paying attention and guarding. She's a fast learner."
"You don't need to speak in our tung. We can still understand you either way. The important thing is that you can understand what we say." 

"I think it's neat. Congratulations Nathan. You'll get it eventually." She said while clapping her claws

@Assailant @Daisie
Nathan stared blankly at them and Max chuckled. "Not quite that far yet. She's still rather basic in her lessons. She just wanted to show off a bit." Max translated for Nathan, who smiled again.

"Thank you Emlas! Yes, that's the end goal Latios."
"Ah, well shall we get ready. We got about 9 hours of flight ahead of us. Might as well prepare breakfast." He said, while useing telepathy as well for Nathan's sake

@Assailant @Daisie
Nathan nodded as she took out the bulk Pokemon food and handed it out to everyone. She frowned as she got to Latios, thinking about how to deal with it. She smiled as she got an idea. She poured him some Pokemon food, before taking out a berry and squeezing some of the juices out onto the food. "There you go. That should make it taste better, I think." She then popped the partially-dried berry into her mouth. "I still get most of the nutrients either way. Just doesn't taste as good."

@Latios @Daisie
Arcanus broke his still stature, looking over his shoulder at the crowd of familiar Pokemon below. He then soon jumped down, and approached the group quietly.

@Latios @Assailant
Arcanus sat down, and grabbed his food. He began eating. And though he really had no change in facial expression, Max and Latios could definitely tell that he wasn't a huge fan, either. But even so, he didn't want to waste berries, so he kept on eating away.

@Latios @Assailant

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