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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"Hardly my point." Arcanus responded, sighing, and shaking his head. "Either way, t'was a fascinating story.". He crossed his legs over each other. "A Gyarados is a creature that is difficult to defeat. Though, I am positive that it stood no chance against a Legendary.". He was talking, but he really didn't seem interested in the conversation. He was looking down and messing around with the token on the string, strung around his hand.

@Latios @Assailant
"Well, being a Legendary does help. But I'm nowhere near as good as my parents were. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm still young for my species so I'm not exactly the best I can be." He said slyly while rubbing the back of his head. 

"Yeah, and I don't exactly have a lot of battle experience so I'm not that good either. Brother is still a lot better than me. I can hold my own but I'm a little sloppy. And I'm also young as well."

@Assailant @Daisie
"Perhaps this is where you start, then.." Arcanus responded, looking up as the darkness of night began to grow over the landscape. "It is unwise and foolish to go after such powerful targets without proper training.", he spoke logically.

@Latios @Assailant
"Yeah but who would we get the training from. We haven't seen anymore of our kind for a super long time. Our species was classified as endangered as of 13 years ago."

@Daisie @Assailant
Max ate the Pokemon food. "You do not need to be trained by your own kind. Simple practice will qualify, and given the situation we are in, you will have plenty of that. If you absolutely need practice, I would be happy to spar with you."

@Daisie @Latios
"Well that is a nice thought. But what I meant by having another Lati help us is because and older wiser Lati would know exactly what kind of moves we know and how to improve them. While sparing is still a good idea, it dosen't have the same advantages."

"Well I may take you up in that sparing offer but for now let's just relax a bit. I'm still a little sore from that battle in town. That Garchomp hits hard." He said

@Assailant @Daisie
Latios was a bit confused on why he left. They weren't going to bed yet. Was he getting uncomfortable with the conversation. "O-k then?" He said. He tunred his attention to Max and just shrugged.

@Assailant @Daisie
Max shook his head in response. "Well, I shall maintain watch when night falls as well." Nathan looked around.

"So, hey guys... I'll take watch at night."
"Gah, we have 3 people on night duty. It's not even night yet. Well almost. But still. Who do we need on guard." He said.
Max tilted his head to Nathan. "She likely had no idea that anyone was even volunteering. That said, I say she's welcome if she'd like to. As of right now, our guards are Arcanus, myself, and Nathan. I believe that is enough." @Latios @Daisie
"I would personally recommend not chasing after it, at all." Arcanus suggested, looking around the group. "Unless it obtains a valuable, or something we need, scaring it away would be preferable. They are not just monsters, they are Pokemon. And the more we kill, the more lives of innocents we take."

@Latios @Assailant
Max frowned. "Our aim is not to kill. It would seem that rendering them unconscious is sufficient to return them to their initial state."

@Daisie @Latios
"I see.... I am not very knowledgeable in that area, forgive me." He seemed... A little embarrassed. Though he tried to hide it as best as he could. "The Shadows are relatively recent creatures, from my understanding."

@Latios @Assailant
"I have have theories. I think that this whole time Eclipse was gathering as much power as he could before he decided to push. Making sure that he could work fast before anyone noticed the disturbence."

@Assailant @Daisie 
"Wise of him..." Arcanus remarked quietly. "I hope you know, the odds are against all of us.", he spoke to the entire group. He used telepathy so that Nathan could understand. "An army built over 12 years is a strong one. It will be difficult to defeat, even with the power of the Legendaries, if not impossible. While I am willing to lay down my life for such an honorable task, I assume you are aware that it is likely  someone here may die. Whether it be a friend.. A trainer... Or a family member.". He gazed over the group. He wasn't trying to discourage people from helping. Nor was he trying to be pessimistic. He was merely trying to be realistic, and make sure that everyone who was here was willing to do whatever necessary for the greater good. Because the last thing they needed was for someone to walk out on them because of a death, or another devastating event. "I must know that the people of this group, this team... Are not going to abandon me, or anyone else, in battle or conflict. I must know that I can have faith in you all."

With those words being said, he looked over every member of the group, awaiting a response. His eyes crossed everyone, with him thinking of their names as eye contact was met with each; Draka. Amber. April. Orion. And Darin.

@Latios @Assailant
"We already know we could die. One of out group already did. Though I do appreciate your help. The bigger the group the more likely we are to survive. Though our group size will be limited by how many fliers we have. We don't have the time to wait on those who must walk to the destinations."

@Assailant @Daisie
"Wise words, my friend." Arcanus nodded in response. He then looked up at the next couple of people in the group. He wanted to make sure he could trust and have faith in everyone, and that they wouldn't give in halfway. After all, this was a big task, and he only met these people a little while ago. He needed to know if it was right to lay his life down for these strangers. "Draka, and Elmas? Can I have faith in you, as well?"


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