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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Latios took hold of her fire wood as well as his own. "For once, I don't know what happened. I wasn't here when it occurred. Though if I had my guess. I'd say that something broke out over April. And it must have been big."

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Nathan frowned. "April, what did you do?" April rolled her eyes.

"Fuck off, bitch." Nathan grit her teeth.

"Alright, I KNOW you didn't just call me a bitch and tell me to fuck off!" April chuckled and turned to fly away before pausing.

"Wait, hold on. Did she just... understand me?!"
Max grinned while Nathan chewed out April. "So, I might not have been gathering firewood in the woods. I was giving Nathan basic lessons in our language. Due to the... nature of April, I figured the first lesson would be swear words, so that she knew when April was getting... out of hand."

Latios grinned at this. "Ohhhh, well, I can only assume that was hard to do. As each Pokémon has their own voice. How much more are you going to teach her."

Max shook his head. "I plan to teach her as much as I can. However, due to the... nature of this expedition, I do not know how much I will be able to accomplish."
Arcanus was staring out into the distance, his watchful eyes scanning the forests in front of him. He had climbed atop a tall tree, to get a better view. He knew more creatures of the darkness could show up at any moment, so he stood aware, also drinking in the environment while it still stood. And while he still stood, as well.

He turned his head as he heard voices, a lot of them. The weren't too far away, either. He soon spotted the group of Pokemon, talking to one another. He kept scanning the area around them, to make sure that they were safe from attacks by the Shadows. and he looked over at the Pokemon themselves as well, studying their behavior carefully.

((Alrighty then.))

Max looked up towards the tree with Arcanus in it, having sensed the aura of a new Pokemon in it. "Yes, I think it would help with her... behavior."

@Daisie @Latios
After a few moments of searching, in a somewhat distant tree, Max could see a gleam of golden fur buried in vibrant green leaves. And if he squinted, he could see a pair of small red eyes staring back at him. The expression on the Pokemon's face wasn't fierce, or mean. Rather, calm, and watchful. And perhaps a tad curious.

The gleaming golden Hypno stood, still as a stone in the tree, watching the group of Pokemon below. He didn't even flinch as one of them spotted him through the leaves. He simply stared back, directly into their eyes.

@Latios @Assailant
Max stared back, unmoving. "Who are you?" Arcanus heard in his head. "You don't appear to be a shadow..."
Arcanus stared back at the curious Pokemon. There was silence for a few moments....

"....I am Arcanus.", the somewhat deep voice rang through Max's head.

@Latios @Assailant
"Arcanus the Hypno, huh? Would you mind coming down and joining us then? We are of no threat to you."
Again, another long pause as the Hypno considered his response carefully.

After those moments of silence, Max found that he didn't say anything back. The strange Hypno simply turned around, and disappeared back into the leaves. Max couldn't be sure if Arcanus was going to come down, or simply walk away.

(Please mention me whenever you make a post. :>)

@Assailant @Latios
Max completely turned away from Latios, focusing on the strange Hypno that had appeared. 

Max's aura sensing expanded. He could sense Nathan arguing with April, Amber talking with Draka as she hugged Orion and Darin, Latios behind him... he followed the aura of Arcanus to track his movement.

@Daisie @Latios
Arcanus had climbed down the tree. He gazed at his surroundings carefully as he planted his feet on the grass. He then turned towards the group, and made his way over, staying aware of everything around him. He couldn't risk having another encounter with any Shadows. Before long, he saw the group through the trees and bushes on the ground. He was sure to stay out of their eyesight for now though.

@Assailant @Latios
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It seemed Max was distracted by something. He had turned to look at something in the forest. Though his eyes were closed, as if he was concentrating. "Hey, is there something up." Latios asked.

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Max was silent for a moment before opening his eyes. "There is a Hypno off in the forest. They do not appear to be hostile, as they are simply observing us... however, I recommend that you remain observant."
The Hypno was sure to be hidden behind a large rock, and some bushes. Partly because he was unsure of the groups' intentions, and partly because he was still curious as to their interactions with one another.... And after a few moments, he sat on top of the rock, in partial sight of the group. It was time to make some sort of introduction.

@Assailant @Latios
YES, COLOTEXT IS BACK FOR MOBILE. Wait a minute, this means I'm going to have to spend more time coloring all the words. Dang it.)

Latios looked in the direction max was talking about. It wasn't hard to spot the yellow fur of the Hypno. "I see him. Don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't get the best of me if he tries to do anything stupid."

@Assailant @Daisie
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The Hypno didn't move. He wasn't usually one for making the first move. He simply stared at the Latios, with his piercing amber-red eyes for a few moments. And after a few moments had past, Latios heard a voice. Presumably from Arcanus.


@Latios @Assailant
"...Curiosity." The mystic Hypno responded, in a strangely calming voice. "And... To protect.". Strange, Arcanus thought to himself. He hadn't seen quite a variety of rare Pokemon in the same place before. Surely, they could take care of themselves if a few Shadows came along.... But if something big happened, Arcanus knew that they'd need all the help they could get. He was protective over other Pokemon, and he felt as if it was his responsibility to watch over them somehow.

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"Well, curiously killed the meowth. You might want to be more careful. And I think we're good on protection. Unless you brought the danger with you." Said Latios

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