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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"I can live with that for now." Nari replied to Latios' comment about not going to the mountain yet. If anything, by staying near the Latios she could learn more about the Shade. 

At the appearance of the new pokemon she sprung into a defensive position as Flames floated around her. She softened slightly when she realized there was no threat. 

"Who are you?"

-gtg for 7 hours. Work-
Emlas's smile softened when she saw Amber's eyes glow. "Uh-Oh, hehe, let's not do anything to hasty." She said slowly backing up. She knew what might be coming. A psychic attack most likely. 

"My friend. Just... Both of you, back off. There's no need for fighting." Latios told them.

@Assailant @Juju
Amber smiled and cupped her hands. Orion looked up just in time. "EMLAS, WATCH OUT!" Emlas would only have time to see a giant, glowing orb of water hovering right above her before the whole thing dumped on top of her. Amber giggled. 
"GAH." Emlas yelled as the water poured down on her. She wiped her eyes and looked back with a grin. "Oh I'll show you." Her own eyes began to glow as the water behind her formed into a large wave. It split in two as it passed her and rejoined as it went by. The wave was headed directly for Amber.

Amber frowned. In a flash, she was gone. Suddenly, a wave of water hit Emlas from behind, where Amber had rematerialized.
"Wha, hey, no fair. I can't teleport. If that's how your gonna play it, then so will I." She rose up of the water and turned invisible. Drops of water could be seen pouring down from the spot in the air where she was. 

Amber raised her hands to shoot more water before she let out an oomph as she was knocked over. 

"Guess who's back, dipshits?!" April yelled as she stood atop Amber. Amber was frantically grabbing at April's talons, trying to pry them off her before she drowned.
This time April wasn't carrying anyone. And Emlas was still angry at her. With the fact that April was about to drown Amber only fueled that anger. While still invisible, Emlas tackle April into the water. "HOW DARE YOU SHOW YOUR FACE BACK AROUND HERE! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WERE JUST DOING." Emlas was still on top of her and was just about strangling April. She was mad. 

April only grinned. "Huh? What do you mean?" Amber gasped as she got back to the surface, inhaling deeply. "Heya Am," April greeted Amber.
It was then Emlas decided to give April a piece of her mind. With her claw, she slapped her as hard as she could could right across her face. "I've had it with you crap. Now I suggest that you either sincerely apologize or your head will be mine." 

April shook her head. "Not gonna happen. Sorry!" It was an... ironic apology, to say the least. Amber frowned.

"Um... April?" April turned to her.

"Eh? What is it?" Amber smiled.

"Please try not to be so rude," she said sweetly. April scoffed.

"Ugh, stop it you green creep." April turned to Emlas and rolled her eyes. "Can you believe it? That pussy bimbo thinks she can tell me what to do." Amber's smile wavered, but remained on. It was very clear, despite the smile, that she was hurt by the insult.
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Emlas's frowned at her. She lowered her head till she was barely an inch away from April's face. "Well maybe it's time to stop being so nice." She whispered. Emlas grabbed April's wing and began to drag her out of the water. Her claws dug into April's skin as she kept her hard grip up. When she got to the trees, Emlas slammed her against one. She put one arm against April's chest, pinning her to the tree. With the other claw she held are readied Dragon claw to her throat. "Apologize, Now." 

April laughed. "Ooh, catfight." April spit in Emlas's face. "I'm not that naive, you know. You don't have the balls to do it."
She wiped the spit of her face. "I don't consider that an apology." She proceeded to strike April across the face with the Dragon Claw. "You still think I don't have the guts to do it. I wonder how many hits (licks) will it take to get to your center. Let's find out."

(The world may never know, untill these next few posts.)

April smiled widely. "Woohoo! Now isn't THIS a thrill. You, hitting me! I certainly didn't see that one coming."

"Please, stop Emlas!" Amber yelled with tears in her eyes. Orion and Darin were hiding behind her.

"Don't listen to the green slut," April taunted. "C'mon, keep it up!"
One part of her wanted to keep beating on April. But the other was worried for the others. She didn't want to see them be afraid of her. And by the way April seemed to be enjoying this, it was obvious that brute force wouldn't get what she wanted. Emlas let go of April. She stood back for a moment before speaking again. "Get out of here." She said. 

"Pfft, as if," April said. Amber smiled at her.

"As long as you're nice, you're welcome here." April flew over and blew her over with a gust of wind.

"Shut up, slut." Amber slowly stood up, but was looking down.

"I'm not a slut, April," she said. However, her voice was more hushed than usual. April scoffed.

"Oh really? You're not really in a place to say that. You know... What with Tyler and all..." Amber's eyes widened. Her eyes teared up and her legs shook. Her hand went over her mouth. This jab clearly hurt more than anything else she'd said. Much more.
Emlas was furious with April. Why on earth was she like this. "I said go AWAY." Emlas used your Psychic to lift April up into te air before launching her into the distant sky. Somewhere in the universe the words 'we're blasting off again' could be heard 

April regained control of her flight, but she simply scoffed and flew away. Amber fell to her knees, tears streaming from her eyes as they were wide with shock and horror.

"I'm sorry," Emlas said to Amber. "I just don't understand why she's like this. How can you put up with her like this." She tone was sympathetic, she was truly saddened by April's attitude to them.

Amber didn't even seem to register Emlas's comment. Her streaming tears turned into a full blown sobbing fit as she placed her hands to her face and cried heavily into them. Orion and Darin both sidled up next to her, and that seemed to vaguely comfort her as she held the two of them but kept crying.
Emlas mourned with her. She sat down next to her and took her into a hug. "Hey, don't cry anymore. She's gone. I won't let her bother you anymore. Alright." 

Amber held tightly onto Emlas as she slowly got the rest of her tears out. "S-she knew not to go there..." Eventually, it was gone. She had cried all her tears out. She smiled weakly and shakily at the others. "T-thank you, I feel better." She clearly didn't, but she was no longer crying.

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