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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Darin jumped up and tagged Emlas. It was a tad more forceful than necessary, but of course it didn't hurt or anything. Just a bit of a shove. "TAG!" Darin yelled and ran away as the Zigzagoon laughed and ran with him. Gardevoir shook her head at them.

"Children... my name is Amber," the Gardevoir said with a slight bow. "I act as their caretaker of sorts... well, with the help of Nathan of course."

"Dang it," she said after getting tagged. "Well if your a care taker then you might like Draka over there. She's been helping to take care of my brother and I since we were hatchlings. Anyways, it's nice to meet you Amber." She turned around and focused her attention back in the two children. "I'M GOING TO GET YOU TWO!" She yelled back. 

Mean while Draka was sitting by the waters. Enjoying the setting sun and watching the many water Pokémon jump from the water. It gave her the peace she loved after all this chaos. 

Amber looked over to where Draka was. She considered it for a moment, before deciding to join her. She wouldn't speak first, as she didn't want to disturb Draka's peace, but if Draka chose to speak to her then she would be willing to start a conversation. With that thought in mind, Amber, looking out into the water, sat near Draka.

Meanwhile, Darin and Zigzagoon ran from Emlas. They both ran past some bushes on the edge of the sand and scatted. They both hid by the dirt and trees, using their natural camouflage to try and hide.
Emlas chased after them into the forest. She soon couldn't find them because of their hiding. "Come one guys, I thought we were playing tag. Not hide and seek. Where are you guys."

Draka to notice of the new arrival at the beach shore. It was the Gardevoir from earlier. "Hello there. How are you doing. Do you like the waters as well?" She asked Amber politely.

Darin jumped onto Emlas's back from seemingly nowhere. The Zigzagoon soon joined. They both realised that Emlas couldn't grab them from there. They both squealed in excitement.

Amber nodded. "Yes. I've always enjoyed the ocean. The water's beautiful."
"What the. Hey, get off you two." She said while reaching for them. "If your one me that means of of you is it." 

"Hmm, yes it is. I don't often get to see the ocean anymore. I love up in the mountains. The view there is nice too." Said Draka

Darin shook his head. "Nuh-uh, not unless you tag us!"

"The forest has always been one of my favorite locations. It is so easy to get lost, metaphorically of course, though also literally, in the beauty of it all. It's so... tranquil. All existing in one large harmony."
"You little rats." Useing a Psychic, she got both off them off. Put as to not hurt them she set them down gently as well. After that she turned around with her claws out. "HA, NOW IM GOING TO GET YOU." She said while makeing a leap for the zigzagoon.

"I know what you mean. Though the wide open expanse is also refreshing." Said Draka. 

No sooner had the stantler been taken care of than Nari's sights were set on the next pokemon. It would seem that the Latios could handle himself in a fight well enough, not to mention she could not afford to divide her attention at the moment, so she turned her back to the stranger. 

Although the houndour was small, it fearlessly charged towards the larger pokemon. More likely it simply did not feel fear anymore and was indifferent to whether it lived or died. From where she stood Nari could make out the flames spawning between each of its shadowed fangs as it extended it's maw towards her yet she did not make a movement to dodge the oncoming attack. Instead she pelted towards it in a Quick Attack, the wind ruffling her silver fur. 

She took it down onto the ground with ease, but not before she caught the burning fangs on her shoulder. The ninetails didn't so much as flinch, for the fire did little harm and the bite was shallow. It only took a moment before the smaller pokemon stopped its flailing all together, purple energy swirling around its form as remnants of a Hex.

"NO!" Darin heroically jumped in front of the Zigzagoon, taking the brunt of the tag. He fell over as the Zigzagoon rushed over to his side.

"Darin? DARIN?!" Darin coughed and looked up at the Zigzagoon.

"It's..." Darin coughed. "It's too late for me Orion... I... I'm not gonna make it." Orion shook his head.

"No! You didn't have to do that! I should've been the one to be tagged. It should've been me!" Darin shook his head and held up his paw. Orion grasped it and Darin smiled.

"T-tag... you're it..." With that, Darin's head fell to the ground with a smile.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!" Orion yelled to the heavens.

Amber smiled. "Each has its benefits, doesn't it?" Amber looked over at Draka. "Oh, I'm sorry, I haven't even introduced myself. I am Amber."
Latinos waited for the Stantler to get as close as possible. When it was right on top of him he let loose a Dragon Claw directly up into its jaw. It flipped backwards and laid there defeated. Latios quickly turned around to face the Houndour but found it also defeated by the Ninetails. "Well, that takes care that, I just hope they rest don't converge on this location."

"Nice to meet you Amber. My names Draka. I must say,, it's been a long time since I've had some one to have a nice conversation with. I am mainly around the Lati siblings most of the time but they are younger than me and don't have the same wisdom from age."

Emlas rolled in laughter at the little play. She fell right out of the sky and was trapped in a fit of giggles. The sight before her was hilarious.


(sorry, didn't see your post before I got done with the other)
"How could you be laughing at a time like this?!" Orion said. He was trying to look distraught, but even he couldn't help a smile from creeping onto his face. "Y-you'll pay for what you've done!" He charged at Emlas.

Amber smiled. "I feel the exact same way. I am around Orion and Darin all the time. While they're sweet, they're not really... mature."
"Yeah, despite their age they are still children. Those two Eons have been getting into trouble their whole life. It's sad to think about what has happened to them over the years. They've become very distant from the outside world. They almost never leave home and have next to no experience with it." Said Draka solemnly. She genuinely worried for the two.

Emlas craned her neck up from the ground to see the charging Zigzagoon. She quickly levitated off the ground causeing Orion to run straight underneath her. "Hehehe, tagging me won't be that easy." She said before zooming back to the beach.

Amber sighed. "I don't know much about what happened, but tragedy is just awful. I have faith things will become better."

Orion growled and jumped in the air, before spinning and trying to hit her with his tail.
"I hope so. Emlas sure is taking a likeing to this adventure. New friends, new sights. Latios in the other hand. Well, it seems as if he would like this to be over as soon as possible." 

Emlas pulled up just a little bit higher, just barely avoiding the tail. "Your gonna have to try harder." She called out in a sing-song voice as she lead the two back to the beach.
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Amber frowned. "I don't blame him. I certainly hope to get this over with as well. Not that I dislike any of you, of course... I just dislike fighting."

Orion looked towards the setting sun as his fur waved in the wind. "I will avenge you... my brother... your fall shall not be in vain," he said in a mock deep whisper-voice. With that, he charged after her.
Emlas just continued to laugh at Orion's little act. It was very funny to her. She kept up with the game by staying just ahead of him.

"Well, fighting is something those two always seem to find. But never towards others. It's always others that try to fight them. I love how close those two have become but lately they've been growing apart."

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Orion huffed. He slowed down... slower... slower... before suddenly bursting at Emlas at his top speed.

"Oh?" Amber asked. "Why do you think that is?"
Emlas was a little caught off guard by this sudden burst of speed. She had slowed down a little from his panting before, but it seemed to be a trick to get her to slow down. Orion crashed right into her, knocking her doe into the sand below with the little fuzz ball on top. "Alright, you win." Emlas finally said.

"Because, they used to always be with one another. Always talk to each other. Care for another, and so on. But now, Latios just seems to be distant form everything. Always doing other things. Secluding himself from others. Brings busy with this journey. It just saddens me."

"My brother has been avenged!" Orion yelled as he got off Emlas. Suddenly, Darin appeared over the hill, narrowed eyes staring into the horizon as the wind blew his fur back. "B-brother?!" Orion gasped.

"I have returned from the depths of the underworld, for my mission is not yet finished." Orion grit his teeth.

"But... but how is this possible? You fell, I saw you."

"Yes. But now I have returned."

Amber thought. "He seems to be getting better. After all, he decided to trust Mistress Nathan after all. Emlas also appears to be enjoying herself. It's good to have more than two people you can call friends. Not meant as an insult to you or Latios, of course."
"I know, but I can't help but worry. They are almost like my own children you see. I've been with them since birth."

Emlas was confused now. Did Orion really think his friend had died. Or was this another act. "Well now what should we do?" She asked

Darin shrugged as he walked down from the hill. "I dunno... do you have any ideas Orion?" Orion shook his head.

Amber smiled. "I'm sure they'll be alright. Mistress Nathan is looking out for them, and I'm looking out for her. Max is looking out for everyone. With everyone watching over each other like this... I'm sure we'll end up alright."
I don't know ABOIT you. But there's an ocean of water calling my name. Along with a few pranks from Draka and Amber over there." She grinned a bit evil.

"Maybe I am just being over protective. While I'm not their parents I just can't help but feel motherly to them. Oh their parents were just the sweetest things. I grew up knowing them. My own family lived with theirs for many years. We were the best of friends." Draka reminisced a little about back then. Back when she herself was a little Dratini.


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