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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"If they are anything like these ones than we have nothing to fear." Nari replied to the Latio's comment while glaring down at the houndour. "But judging by their abilities they were most likely common grunts, weak willed pokemon with no means to resist the Shade. The most they could do would be to scout out prey for the stronger shadows."

Her tails swayed about her as she turned towards the Latios. "I know why they are here... but not of yourself. What is a Latios doing out here?" Nari's red eyes narrowed slightly as she recalled the previous Latios she had encountered. 

"I have my reasons. But more importantly, how do you know what the shade is." Latios's eyes also narrowed down onto this other Pokémon.

Amber smiled sweetly. "I know what you mean. Misstress's other Pokemon are like my children as well. Even the more... Unruly ones." She frowned as she thought about April. "I don't have deep, personal ties to their families like you, but each one of them is special to me."

The two mischievous Pokemon looked at each other and grinned before nodding to Emlas.
Nari's gaze was level and unflinching despite how the fur on her neck raised noticeably. Obviously elaboration was not something she desired.

"Because I saw the monster with my own eyes." She spat.

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"So your one of the lucky ones to have escaped. If you want my advice, stay away from them. Or your fate my change the next time you encounter them." Latios went over and picked up his pile of sticks from earlier. He turned to leave but gave another look at her. "Just try to avoid Mt. Coronet. That's were the majority of the concentration is."


 Emlas giggled a little before bending down very low so she could whisper it into their ears. "Alright so my plan is to go it no the water. Sneak around without them noticing. And when I get close enough, I'll burst out and splash them both."

"Yes, some children at times can make you want to pull your scales out. Or in your case, hair. But that's the beauty of it. They grow up to become their own individuals." 

Orion and Darin both nodded. "We'll help!"

Amber nodded. "Yup! I just hope April will... calm down." She sighed. "It's hard not to worry about all of them on this mission. They're all very... headstrong, and Orion and Darin are still practically children! They certainly act like it. They all insisted on coming though."
"Yes, April hasn't show the best of corporation. She immediately began to pick on Emlas when she wanted to play a game. Is she Always like that." Draka asked.

Emlas nodded and looked toward their next two victims. She approached the water a little ways away and as quietly as she could, dove on in. She swam her way through untill she was right infront of the two.

A soft, almost crazed chuckle escaped from Nari's jaws after the mention that she was lucky. The universe had a cruel sense of humor. 

Her nine tails lashed about her while her ears flattened against her head. "Avoidance? No, quite the contrary. I plan on seeking out that worm... it took something from me and I do not forgive very easily." 

Pained rage was more than clear in her voice, made even more prominent with the burning look in her eye. She was telling the truth, and it didn't seem like she was backing down anytime soon.

"Well what ever he took. Your very likely are not going to get it back. At lest not the way you plan to do it. If you go up against him, then who ever he took from you. Your going to suffer the same fate as them. He's to strong for one Pokémon to defeat him."

Amber frowned and nodded. "Unfortunately, yes. I'm... working on it. She's the eldest member of the group besides me, and she's entered a... rebellious phase."
"I see, well..." Draka didn't get time to finish as a wave of water came by and drenched her. She quickly turned her head to see a particular red eon in the water haveing s fit of giggles. "Emlas!" She roared back. This only caused her to laugh harder. She continued to splash again but this time at Amber.

The once soft red glow of Nari's eyes intensified dramatically after the Latios had finished speaking. Meanwhile the tips of her tails left ghostly blue streak in the air where they had slashed which faded away after a few moments of lingering in the air.

"I will not abandon him to such a fate. I cannot." 

Greif seized her heart as she remembered the day when everything she had left was stolen from her, whisked away and warped into something unknown. How orange-brown fur had turned as dark as the midnight sky and the two eyes she had known for years glazed over into a stranger's gaze. He didn't recognize her... that cold indifference as he attacked her. Her own child.

"Than I will die trying if I must!" she growled suddenly. "Either way I have nothing to lose."

"And if you die trying what will you have accomplished. All that will happen is that who ever you were trying to save will still be gone and you will become another pawn to his armies. To sum it up you will only make things worse. The best you can do for us is to keep your power of of his hands. He's looking for stronger Pokémon to add to his group. And you may be just what he's looking for."

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Nari's rage only increased at the Latios' words, going from a smoldering annoyance to a full on tearing at her self-restraint. She did not want to hear any more of this talk, things she had heard in her head all along. Wispy blue flames began to weave into life around her form as the truth spilled forth from the other pokemon's words, increasing the heat in the clearing. Droplets of water that had been clinging to the leaves and grass since the previous rainfall began to disappear in sizzling puffs of steam as the blue glow bathed the clearing. Meanwhile the ninetails' eyes closed while she clenched her jaw.

Then when she couldn't take it anymore her eyes shot open. "Enough!" she growled loudly.

Suddenly the flames burst outward in a circle around Nari, the ghostly tongues lashing like a flurry of angry vipers to stir the leaves backwards in a hot gust. It wasn't enough to do serious harm if a pokemon was quick or strong, but it left a blackened circle beneath the ninetail's paws and left the vegetation around her charred.

She was breathing heavily when she addressed the Latios next, her voice dangerously low. "You seem to know an awful lot about The Shade, a little too much. I've told you my intentions but you conveniently left out your own. Don't even try to tell me you are alone... I can smell others on you." Crimson eyes held a certain suspicion in them as she glared at Latios.

Latinos was taken back by the sudden out burst. He roses just a little bit higher to avoid the flames that shot his way. The Ninetails seems to reject his words. He looked around at the area. All the plants burnt. The Ninetails was now eyeing him down. If things came to be Latios wouldn't hesitate to attack. "Yes I am with others. My sister, and a few of my friends. As for our common foe. Yeah, I know quite a lot about him. I know that challenging him is futile without stronger help."

Nari's red stare followed the Latios' ascension. It would appear as though her outburst had caused him to go on the defensive. Good. It meant he wouldn't get any huge ideas.

Her tails flowed about her, fanning the remaining embers struggling to stay alive on the broken ground beneath her. "In this world there are only two groups; the hunted and the prey. What do you suppose you are? Do your friends and yourself run from this darkness or do you fight it and hunt down its source?"

"We run in a means to fight. Our group isn't strong enough. But with what we have planned, we might just reach the top of the mountain. But for now we must flee his reach."

Finally the flames on Nari's tails fizzled out and the blue glow faded entirely until all that was left was the fire in her eyes.

"If you seek the mountain than I am coming with you." she stated simply. It wasn't a question.


"We're not heading to the mountain." He said before turning around. 'Great, we got another strange in our team.' He thought to himself. 

Max suddenly landed in between the Ninetales and Latios. "Do not get any closer," he said to Nari. He had mistaken Nari for a foe.

Amber yelped as the water hit her. She frowned, but after a few moments she smiled and laughed.
Latios peeped over Max's shoulder. "You mind telling me where you've been. And just why you decided to jump out of nowhere. If you wanted to do so you should've come sooner." He said in a bit of a mocking voice. 

Draka too began to laugh at the scene. "Oh Emlas, I'm going to get you back!" She yelled and rushed into the water. She made a jump right next to Emlas causeing a huge amount of water to slash in all directions. 

@Assailant @Juju
Max glanced over to Latios. "I was gathering wood. I only just noticed."

Amber simply laughed and watched them play.
Emlas looked over to Amber who seemed content with sitting there. However she wouldn't have it. "Come on, Amber. The waters great. Come join us." She said while waving for her to come in.
Amber sighed and walked into the water. She was a tad tentative at first, but slowly she moved deeper in. "It IS really nice."
Emlas began to swim around Amber in circles. "You see, it wasn't that hard now was it." She stopped in front of her and smiled. Before giving her a little splash. 


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