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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Amber tensed up at Emlas's touch. It seemed like she'd become lost in her own mind, and for some reason she seemed nervous at the contact.
Emlas frowned when Amber recoiled from her touch. Something was up. "You sure you ok. there's nothing you want to talk about. Your awful tense."

Amber looked down. "I... it's important to be open, right?" She looked both desperate and scared about talking. "I-it's important to know about your friends, right?"

"If it helps, yes. But if you do not wish to talk about it that's fine. But I have a feeling that getting this off your chest will help you." She said

Amber nodded slowly. "Kids... go." The two pokemon by her side left. "W-what April was talking about... it happened a long time ago. A few years ago. Mistress Nathan was going to make a delivery of some berries to a woman across town. It was getting late at night, and I volunteered to do it instead. I was delivering the berries and got lost, and..."

A few years ago

Amber looked around as the moon towered in the sky. It's getting kind of late. I should hurry back home. She began walking a bit faster before she heard a voice. "Hello, you lost?" Amber turned around and saw a Gengar. She smiled.

"Um, no. Just a little late." The Gengar grinned.

"Yeah, I'd say so. I must say, you're rather pretty." Amber smiled.

"Thank you. I must be going now."

"Oh, come on, why don't you stay with me for some time?" Amber turned around and began walking away.

"No thank y-" She froze as a tingly feeling ran through her.

Gengar used Attract!

Amber's eyes widened. Oh Arceus... please... no...

"C'mon back here with me." Amber tried her hardest to resist, but the voice of reason within her was overwhelmed by the effects of the move. Her and the Gengar moved together back into a secluded spot. Please, stop, please... please... please... The Gengar grinned and rubbed his hands together. "Alright... let's get started, huh?"

Present day

Amber choked up as she reached that point of her story. As the story had continued, she'd curled up and held herself in the fecal position, covering her body. "Then... you know..."

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Emlas was horrified at the story. She knew that humans could be bad but she neve suspected a Pokémon to do such a thing. "I'm... I'm sorry. For April to being up such a thing. That's just horrible. She will lay dearly for such a thing." 

Amber sniffed. "H-his torment wasn't over. I later gave birth to his son: a Ralts which I named Tyler. I love him very dearly, and I make sure he knows it, but... he's the offspring of my greatest shame... I... how am I supposed to..." Amber wiped some tears from her eyes. "Th-that's what April meant when she c-called me... a slut... when she called Tyler proof of how I was... maybe I... I'm not, right?" Amber began to cry slightly again. "I'm not, right? Right? Right?" She was repeating that to herself as she held her head and slowly began to cry again.

"No, your not." She said while hugging her again. "It's not your fault that such an event happend. And it's only natural to love your child. Even if the reason for its birth isn't in the best of circumstances."

Amber hugged Emlas tightly and cried onto her. Darin and Orion both curled up around her in their way of hugging. Soon after, April flies down. "Jeez, such a pussy, huh?" April tried to grin, though her face had a twisted and pained expression on her.
Draka had enough of this. It was one thing to torment thier friends but to do such a thing to her best friends children. This was not what she promised to them when they died. Dragon type Pokémon are some of the strongest in the land. With one at their full potential, thier power almost reach the same level of te legendaries. Draka had been trained for years, all in hopes of protecting the Lati children from another humans endeavor. 

Draka marched her way up to the Pidgeotto. In her mind it was time to finish this. If April could read mind she should be genially worried. When a dragon considered you as their prey. It was never good on the chances of survival. When she reached April she immediately swung an Ice Punch at her. The attack had enormous amounts of power behind it. Draka was not holding back like Emlas did. 

April cawed as the super-effective move hit her. She skid on the ground with a weak chuckle. "Please, hate me more," she said weakly.
"Oh I intend to. Your going to feel this for the rest of the week." Draka said while cracking her claws (knuckles). She then rushed at April again, this time with a Thunder Punch.

Nari extinguished the flames around her with a swift lash of her tails. "I have no quarrel with you, lucario, but I suggest not standing in my way unless you mean it." 

She gave a huff before sitting down on her haunches. "I assume you are part of this little group of runaways, so where are the others?"

"They are back at the beach. I was busy collecting fire wood before I stumbled upon you. Besides, we should head back. We've been gone long enough."

"NO!" Draka would suddenly find her punch hitting a wall of psychic.

Amber used Teleport!

Amber used Protect!

"Please, stop. She is still my child, if not by birth. No matter how much she hates me, I still love her. I WILL protect her!" April got back upright and glared at Amber.
"Huh," Draka was confused for a moment. This Pidgeotto wasn't her child. Let alone that, why was she defending a Pokémon that had caused her so much grief it seemed. "I don't understand. Just why do you defend her. She has clearly caused you sadness. And I won't forgive her so easily. She has hurt my best friends prize possessions. They died protecting them. And I will defend them as well from the likes of her." As she said this, some tears could be seen coming from the great dragons eyes.

Nari blinked at the mention of collecting firewood; it was sometimes hard to remember that nonfire pokemon needed to make it by other means.

She dipped her head all the same. "Lead the way Latios." 

(Good night)

April growled. "Yes, I'm interested too." Amber shook her head.

"All of Misstress Nathan's children are equally my burden. Even the most troublesome ones. April wasn't always like this, and I don't know why she changed. I know there's still a good girl somewhere in there... Even if there isn't... she is my child still... and..."

"Stop doing this!" April yelled at her.
Draka was confused to what April ment by that last statement. It seemed as though this conversation about her well being made her uncomfortable. Draka wanted answers now. If she really was a mic pretty bird back then, then what changed. But with a defensive Gardevoir in the way it seemed that those answers would not be revealed. "Fine, but if she makes one more slip up, I'll gut her like a Magikarp." And with that she turned away.

Latios returned with everyone to come upon a peculiar scene. Draka was fighting. That was something that wasn't often seen by the elder dragon. But as for who her opponent was made it even more intriguing. It was April. She must had done something very bad to have pissed off Draka.  Latios looked to see Amber. Tears had stained her cheeks. Though he didn't know the cause of them. She was also what appeared to be defending April. Now he was genuinely confused. "Would someone mind explaining to me what in the name of Arceus is going on here. I leave for at lest 30 minutes and it looks like a blood feud happend here."

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Amber sighed and thanked Draka as she walked away. After getting back up from a quick Gust from April, she turned to Latios. "N-nothing. Don't worry about it. Everything's all better now... I think."
"I have a great feeling the 'nothing' didn't happen. I hardly ever see Draka her defensive over something. Where Nathan, she's the only one I don't see at the moment. She was also the whole reason I went for fire wood. I know how humans tend to get cold overnight without a sorce of heat."

Nathan came back with some wood in her hands. "Alright, it took me awhile, but I finally-" She then saw the scene before her. "Uh... what's...?"


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