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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"I have been to nice lately. Shutting my mind out for others pleasures. Under normal circumstances I would have picked you up right away but because of the recent group that I've gathered I've been closing my mind so others aren't bothered by the constant 'other' presence in their heads."
"Do not underestimate me, I am as careful as needed." Arcanus replied, with a sigh. He wasn't angry that the Latios seemed to underestimate him, but rather slightly disappointed. "And if death is what awaits me, then it is written in time. All is as it should be."

@Latios Please mention me whenever making a post.
"I never underestimate anyone. If I did I most likely wouldn't be alive today... Why don't you come down here. Telepathy is an annoying thing to use when not necessary."  

"Of course." Arcanus responded, his still calm voice echoing. He hopped down from the rock, a thump everyone could hear as his feet hit the ground. He gazed over the group, inspecting them.

@Latios @Assailant
Everyone looked over towards the new arrival. There was silence for a bit as everyone simply gazed at him.

"What do you want, shithead?" April finally spoke up, prompting a smack on the head from Nathan.

@Daisie @Latios
"Whatever is needed of me." The strange Hypno responded, changing his attention to Latios. "Perhaps I may be of assistance. The Shadows are dangerous creatures. My sorrow grows as more Pokemon fall victim to them."

@Latios @Assailant
Max stepped forward. "We too are locked in combat with the Shadows. We are on a quest to vanquish them permanently. If I may voice my opinion, another member to watch our backs could only be helpful. We should have the supplies to maintain an extra mouth as well."

@Latios @Daisie
"Ah.... I would be willing to offer my services. Of course." Arcanus nodded, closing his eyes for a few short moments. He looked up at Latios. "What must be done?"

@Latios @Assailant
"Well first off, we need to gather those capable of withstanding the beast, and we need to not only find many but also fast. Our targets are the Pokémon of Legends. To be more precise, Legendary Pokémon. Once we find all of them. They will lead an assault on the shade."

@Assailant @Daisie  
"I am unaware as to where these Legendaries reside. I am a mere Hypno - no more, no less." Arcanus spoke, acknowledging his place in the world. He closed his eyes, in thought. "I only help to clear the road. You must find it."

@Latios @Assailant
"Welcome to the club, dickwad," April said as she grinned at the smack that followed from Nathan. Amber shook her head.

"I apologize for her... behavior. It is not indicative of the rest of us, I assure you."

"Shut up, mint slut." Nathan's eyes widened and she dragged April off with gusto. Nathan was yelling at her vehemently. It seems that Nathan understood how serious calling Amber a slut was. Amber winced at the insult, but thanks to recent events she was much calmer.

"The rest of us are... much nicer. Say hi, you two." Orion and Darin, both of whom were resting in Amber's arms, waved and chirped a hello.

@Daisie @Latios
To April's surprise, Arcanus really hadn't reacted at all to her insults. He really couldn't care less. (April used Insult! It's not very effective... :D  )

"Do not worry, I do understand.", He responded politely, looking off to where April was dragged off to. "Immaturity is not uncommon to find, in a general sense. Even in Humans.".

He looked over at the two children. He didn't have much to say but 'Greetings'. He wasn't mean or anything, but he also wasn't one to play with kids.

"It is a pleasure to meet you all. Friendly faces are always a welcoming."

@Assailant @Latios
Latios looked up to the sky. It was beginning to darken finally. A beautiful sunset could be seen over the ocean as the sun lowered itself into the waters. "Well, I think it's getting about that time anyways. Shall we open the food we have in stock for dinner. We haven't really eaten anything for the flight. And we are most likely not going to be eating lunch as well tomorrow as there's really no place to stop once we begin to cross the ocean."

@Assailant @Daisie
"I have already eaten." The Hypno responded. He shifted his focus out to the ocean waves, out to the sunset. He wanted to enjoy it while it still lasted. The cool breeze flowing past, and his tuft of soft white fur floating as the wind blew. It was a sure a beautiful day.

@Assailant @Latios
Max nodded. "I, for one, could certainly stand to eat." The other Pokemon murmured their agreement, with the exception of Orion who yelled,

"Yeah, let's eat!"
They opened their bags of supplies and portioned everyone an amount of food to eat. There was enough for everybody but with the addition of Nathan and her group they had less then they should. "We will need to stock up again once we reach the town that resides close the 3 islands we are heading." Latios said.

@Daisie @Assailant
Nathan grinned and pulled out her bag, dumping out a bunch of Pokemon food, along with some berries. "You didn't think I was just gonna hop in and take your food, did you?" She pulled back the berries. "No offence though, but these are for me. I... can't exactly eat Pokemon food you know."

@Latios @Daisie
"Well you got me there. I wouldn't eat it either. I hate that stuff." He said while mucking on one of the berries. 

"I think it's fine." Said Emlas. "It's not the best thing in the world, like that chocolate stuff, but it's ok."

"Emlas has a point, why do you hate it?" Asked Draka.

"You try eating that slop for 3 square meals a day for an entire decade and still like it. No, I've had enough of it to know I hate it."

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( :D  Uh, Latios, I'm using a black background. You set half the text to black instead of automatic, and I had a bit of trouble, just so you know.)

Arcanus turned around, and sat down with the group, with the image of the sunset burned into his mind. "He brings a valid point. Berries may also seem unappealing if they are your only meals."

@Latios @Assailant
(Sorry, I had to change to color back after typing and I didn't know that would happen)

"Well I actually like berries, but that's not the only thing I eat. For example, Magikarp is pretty good to eat. Although not exactly the safest. One time I managed to bring ashore one and just before I killed it the dump thing evolved. I still killed it but that big guy put up a nasty fight." 

@Assailant @Daisie

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